Education is primarily a process of learning that involves interaction between the instructor and the student. When this method is successful, real learning takes place. Success in school was once more closely monitored by ear than it is now. The majority of developing countries, including Nigeria, are keen to change their educational systems to meet evolving social and technological demands. Both teacher motivation and dropout rates have had a negative effect on Nigeria’s educational system. Significantly, motivation ranks alongside professional knowledge and skills, core competencies, educational resources, and methods in determining educational success and performance, and it is crucial to the continued development of educational systems around the world. Sergiovanni (2014) asserts that teachers are motivated when they can impart a common body of knowledge. Encouragement is the the process of influencing someone to act in a certain way by offering them incentives. It’s important because it exhorts us to stop requesting approval and instead concentrate on achieving our most important goals. These are the steps we must take to accomplish our goals, and we must be motivated to continue (Cook , 2017). Many people have doubts about their ability to accomplish present or future goals because humans are not naturally driven. Motivating these people to undertake the urgent actions necessary to accomplish their goals is therefore essential (Cook , 2017). Simply put, without motivation, there would be no reason to work hard in both business and life or to pursue desired goals. It is vital in life because every individual is different and has a different reason for existing. In order to successfully complete our mission, we must be motivated to work toward our goals because doing so enables us to fulfill our desires (Cook , 2017). As a result, motivation clarifies our objectives, establishes our life priorities, inspires perseverance, reduces anxiety, and boosts our self-confidence. Simply put, it is a desirable trait that might inspire others and help them to achieve goals they had not previously imagined (Cook , 2017). In organizational psychology, job performance is frequently described as a function of skill and motivation. Performance can be defined as almost any action taken to complete a task or reach a goal. Many businesses now understand the value of motivation and how it affects the productivity and retention of employees. Strong employee enthusiasm, exceptional talent, a positive organizational climate and infrastructure, and exceptional leadership that can maintain relationships and productivity are just a few of the ways that employee performance affects a business. Employee motivation is a prerequisite for organizational effectiveness. The continued development of educational systems around the world in educational organizations depends on employee motivation and job satisfaction. For any educational system to be successful over the long term, job satisfaction and motivation are crucial. Along with professional knowledge and skills, center competencies, educational resources, and methodologies, they are regarded as reliable predictors of academic success and performance. Knowledge, abilities, and center competencies of the professional realm appear when one feels effective in their behavior. In other words, when tackling a project, professional knowledge, skills, and competences may be displayed. arduous tasks designed to raise academic performance and achievement. Since these are the main motivations for working, teachers’ needs for fulfillment and their desire to work are crucial to their lives. While almost all economics instructors make an effort to fulfill other requirements, motivation is thought to be the activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior. An internal drive that prompts someone to take action in order to achieve a goal is referred to as motivation (Hairnes 2017). Future understanding is therefore motivated by achievement motivation, which is best described as a propensity to seek accomplishment. Statement of the problem: 1.2 Our society has long been concerned about the effectiveness of our teachers, especially as our educational system has deteriorated. Mostly because of teachers lack motivation and desire. As a result, it significantly affects secondary school students studying economics academically. It is believed that the demands and agitation of the teachers are outside the capabilities of the government or the ministry of education. As a result, disputes over teacher pay raises and better working conditions are perpetually present between the Nigerian government and the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT). The federal and state governments argued during the National Council on Education (NCE) meeting in Kano in 2002 that the country’s current economic conditions cannot support the demand for teachers. Iheanacho (2021) argues that it goes without saying that the nation wouldn’t have any economists if there were no economics teachers. If the situation calls for it, it is a must. country is to make economic progress and keep pace with the rest of the world. The problem is that economics professors do not belong to a union, unlike those of other disciplines like mathematics and English. Their only source of income is from the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT). The government, which is worried about teachers’ performance on the job, accuses them of neglect, indifference, and a lack of zeal and fervor for their work. It is acknowledged that denying economics teachers’ requests for pay raises, incentives, and better working conditions will hinder the country’s economic development in the long run. 1.3.1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Investigating the impact of motivation on Nigerian economics teachers’ performance is the main goal of this study. Particularly, it


i. To ascertain the level of performance-based motivation among economics teachers.

ii. To investigate the causes or factors contributing to the lack of motivation among economics teachers.

iii. To ascertain how poorly motivated economics teachers affect their performance.

iv. To find ways to increase the motivation of economics teachers in order to improve their performance.

Research hypotheses, section 1.4

The following hypotheses serve as a guide for the research:

HO1: There is little motivation among economics teachers.

HO2: There is no discernible impact of economics teachers’ lack of motivation on their performance.


The results of this study will support the expansion of the educational system in Nigeria and around the world. This study could be useful.

describing or elaborating on the critical role that motivation plays in meeting the needs of economics teachers in Nigeria. The findings of this study will also aid policy makers and educators in highlighting the necessity of motivating economics teachers in order to improve their performance.


This study looked at the impact of motivation on economics teachers’ performance in Akwaibom State’s Ikot-Ekpene Local Government Area. It covered topics like the impact of motivation on economics teachers’ performance, the advantages of having highly motivated economics teachers, the significance of needs satisfaction and employment motivation, and the government’s perspective on motivation and economics teachers’ job performance.

Limitations of the research

As with any human endeavor, the researchers ran into obstacles. minor obstacles encountered while conducting the study. The researcher was forced to choose a small sample size that only included economics teachers in secondary schools in the Ikot-Ekpene Local Government Area in Akwaibom State because there was little existing literature on the topic due to the fact that it was a new discourse. As a result, the researcher incurred higher costs and spent more time and money searching for the necessary materials, literature, or information. Therefore, conclusions from this study cannot be applied to private organizations in other states of Nigeria. Additionally, the researcher’s concurrent involvement in this study and other academic work will prevent them from giving the research their full attention. However, despite the difficulty experienced during the

In order to provide the best results and ensure the success of the research, all factors were minimized.


ECONOMICS: The study of a society’s trade, finance, and industry.

EDUCATION: This is the process of instructing, preparing, and dispersing knowledge and skills in a learning environment.

MOTIVATION: This is referred to as the organization’s level of readiness to pursue specific goals, and it implies identifying the type and location of the forces that sustain that level of readiness.

NEEDS: Things that a person needs in order to live comfortably or accomplish their goals.

A group of people who work together to form a company in order to accomplish a specific goal is an organization.


regarded as almost any behavior that is intended to achieve a task or a goal.

Relationship refers to the actions or interactions between two individuals, a group of individuals, or an object.

SATISFACTION: The positive emotion you experience after achieving your goal.


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