The study used Plateau State College Of Education to assess the impact of leadership capabilities on organizational management in Nigeria. The evaluation was conducted using a questionnaire and structured interview questions with the following goals in mind: determining the impact of leadership skills on organizational performance; assessing the effect of the relationship between leadership skills and organizational performance in promoting the organization’s objectives maximization; and determining whether there are leadership obstacles that impede organizational performance in the Plateau State College Of Education. The study used a survey research design in its research. The questionnaire was designed on a five-point scale to correspond to the study’s goals. The instrument’s reliability was tested utilizing the test-retest method. A total of 82 people were chosen for the study from a total population of 103, using stratified random sampling. The field survey data was presented and analyzed using quantitative methods such as frequency distribution tables and simple percentages ( percent ). The chi-square statistical test was used to assess the hypothesis. The primary data demonstrated that there is a positive and substantial link between leadership qualities and organizational performance in Plateau when assessed at 0.05 co-efficient interval and degree of freedom. The study also indicated that the Plateau State College Of Education faces leadership challenges that impede organizational effectiveness as a result of the organization’s management structure. The research also found that there are potential approaches to improve organizational leadership for effective performance at the Plateau State College Of Education. Above all, the research demonstrated that there is no empirical evidence to support a link between leadership abilities and organizational effectiveness. In light of the foregoing, it has been suggested, among other things, that all of the things that people require in order to perform at a high level be placed in place for them.




The process through which a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates, and directs their efforts in order to achieve group or organizational goals is referred to as leadership. Development, on the other hand, focuses on increasing organizational members’ knowledge and abilities so that they are ready to take on new tasks and challenges (Gareth, 2003). Organizational management can be defined as the idea and practice of bringing about long-term changes in employees’ attitudes, beliefs, and values through the development and implementation of long-term training programs. The administration of an organization is action-oriented. It begins with a thorough examination of the existing situation and future requirements across the entire business, using behavioural science approaches such as behavior modeling, sensitivity analysis, and transactional analysis. It is impossible to overstate the importance of leaders in maintaining excellent organizational management. Appropriate motivation, an appropriate work environment, enough compensation, and effective communication between managers and subordinates all help to achieve this goal. Work planning and organization are also critical to organizational success. Some academics say that the most common issues influencing organizational performance in Nigerian businesses and other institutions include low employee attitudes, inefficiency, and inadequate leadership in most areas, while others disagree. This school of thought holds that organizations in Nigeria are led by leadership styles that are foreign to normal Nigerian culture. In response to the wake-up call, The amount (degree) to which all members of an organization use their abilities and influence in the efficient use of resources is determined by how well the organization’s leaders understand and accomplish their duties. According to Maddock and Fullton (1998) in Iyang (2006), leadership styles and other organizational processes must be such that, in all interactions and relationships with the organization, each member will view the expenses as supportive and one that can build and maintain his sense of personal worth and importance, based on his background, values, and expectations. Despite the foregoing, it is important to remember that individuals have needs to meet, which is why they offered their labor to become organizational members, and the extent to which they are committed to the organization is determined by their belief that their membership will enable them to achieve their predetermined goals. Individuals’ support for an organization will be predicated on the awareness that by doing so, his personal aspirations and goals will be realized, and his interest in the organization will decrease as a result. Based on this, if the organization wants to fulfill its goals, it needs to pay close attention to leadership effectiveness. As a result, management experts agree that success is determined by a combination of factors. Effective leadership, according to Inyang, is defined as a unique way of integrating employees with the organization in order to achieve its vision or objectives, and that a large part of a leader’s effectiveness is largely dependent on the styles adopted by managers, which he considers to be central in the management of organizations. In a similar spirit, Edem observes that an organization’s failure or success affects its subordinates, consumers, and agencies both inside and beyond the organization. Although there is no one-size-fits-all way for a leader to achieve high performance in an organization, what is required is the modification and combination of the elements that make a leader effective if the aims and objectives of the organization are to be reached.


People management is an integral aspect of the management process in organizations. As a result, managers must acknowledge that people are the most important components of companies and that they must be regarded as identical with the organization. But the question is, to what extent do managers know that people are identical with organizations and that they need to be appropriately motivated in order to give their all in order to achieve high performance? Again, the leadership behavior/stills in most firms, which think that workers may be treated whatever they want as a result of the country’s unemployment condition, which makes job switching difficult, has resulted in the hardships that workers endure in Nigeria.

This leadership style/behavior has an impact on organizational culture reform and/or creation, which has an impact on organizational performance and commitment. So, how effective can a leader be in eliciting the best response from subordinates and ensuring the highest or best performance in this situation? (Usoro, 2000). Furthermore, some researchers believe that the most common problems affecting organizational performance in Nigerian businesses and other institutions are poor employee attitudes, inefficiency, and ineffective leadership in most places, while others believe that organizations in Nigeria are managed through leadership styles and behaviors that are foreign to typical Nigerian culture.

In light of the aforementioned conflicting factors, it was vital to investigate the impact of leadership stills on organizational performance.


The overall goal of this research is to look into the impact of leadership qualities on organizational management. The following are the precise goals:

1. To determine the impact of leadership qualities on the execution/implementation of the school’s programs.

2. To determine the extent to which the school’s management structure effects the organization’s performance.

3. Make recommendations for Plateau State College of Education to foster successful leadership.


1. What impact does leadership have on the execution/implementation of the school’s programs?

2. To what extent does the school’s management structure influence the organization’s performance?


3. How can effective leadership be fostered at Plateau State College of Education?


For the investigation, the following hypotheses were developed:

Ho In Plateau State College of Education, there is no link between leadership and organizational management.

H1 In Plateau State College of Education, there is a link between leadership and organizational success.

2. Homage In the Plateau state college of education, there is no leadership impediment to organizational success.

H1 In the Plateau state college of education, there is a leadership barrier impeding organizational success.


Any research study’s value is measured by how well its findings are put to use in real-world situations. This study is expected to be extremely valuable since the empirical findings will illustrate how good leadership abilities affect organizational management.

The study, among other things, aims to discover the flaws or deficiencies of several leadership variables. The researcher believes that the outcomes of this study will affect the view of leadership skills and styles among the leadership of the institution and other organizations. Effective leadership behaviors, according to academics and practitioners, can help organizations increase performance when they confront problems (Avery 2008).

Some studies believe that one of the driving elements for enhancing a company’s performance is leadership. As a result, good leadership is seen as a powerful source of management development and long-term competitive advantage for improving organizational performance. This is because leadership assists organizations in achieving their goals more efficiently by tying work success to valuable rewards and ensuring that people have the resources they need to do their tasks.

Another theoretical relevance of this research is that when organizations seek efficient strategies to enable them to outperform others, a long-standing approach has been to focus on leadership effects. This is because team leaders are thought to be important in establishing collective norms, assisting teams in coping with their environments, and organizing activities.


The scope of the investigation comprises solely the plateau state college of education. As a result, the study’s focus is on the impact of leadership qualities on organizational management.

The scope of the study, on the other hand, covered such topics as the concept of leadership, the relationship between effective leadership and organizational management, and leadership and motivation in order to facilitate a thorough understanding of the subject matter within the thought framework of the study’s objectives.

Motivation and job performance, leadership effectiveness and job performance, and leadership styles are among the others. It also covers organizational performance, including how to assess it, leadership and communication, as well as the characteristics and qualities of successful leadership and managing subordinates in organizations.


If the entire country had been covered in this research effort, the work would have been more thorough. However, due to the costs of associated logistics and time constraints, it was difficult to study all 36 states. Because of these limitations, this study focused solely on Plateau State College of Education.

A major limitation to research work in this part of the country is the researcher’s inability to obtain the necessary information that could have made the work richer were not obtained due to the officials’ unwillingness to give out rich information, so the researcher resorted to getting the little he could from the staff.

Nonetheless, despite all of these limits and additional constraints that may not be addressed here, the study work’s dependability for the purpose of reference and its use by all stakeholders is unaffected.


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