1.1 Background of the study

The connection between classroom behavior and academic success appears to be self-evident. Well-managed and regulated classroom behavior results in successful academic outcomes. On the other hand, disruptive and uncontrolled behavior contributes to poor academic performance (Frimpong,2018). The goal of this study is to support the seemingly self-evident link between bad behavior and success. The researchers focus on the relationship between poor classroom behavior and students’ speaking performance in order to apply this concept to second language acquisition (Gregg,2016). According to the conventional view of this relationship, students who exhibit less negative behavior outperform those who exhibit more negative behavior. What teachers are required to teach has changed, and the grade level standards reflect this. Kindergarten is sometimes compared to the new first grade by teachers and even parents (Harvey,2017). As a result of the higher expectations, there has been much debate about whether we are pushing our students too hard and whether certain behaviors are occurring as a result of those higher expectations. The researcher is interested in how a child’s behavior affects their learning, which appears to be a feedback loop of behaviors caused by the student’s workload. Because a child’s behavior can vary greatly, the researcher wanted to see how the screener and evaluation scores looked. This year, the researcher encountered a new type of behavior in a kindergarten classroom. She questioned whether a student’s behavior had any bearing on

how they performed on tests. If a child’s exam results in a specific academic subject are poor, it’s possible that their behavior during core teaching time is impeding their learning (Mcgeown,2014). A teacher can control student behavior in the classroom in a variety of ways. Students may react differently to different implementations, necessitating changes. Each year, the behaviors in a teacher’s classroom differ from the previous year, implying that their routines and methods for teaching specific tactics may change (Whitmer,2014). The ultimate goal of any teacher and school is to help a student intellectually, socially, and emotionally. Positive behavior implementation is typically in place for students in a school or district, and this system provides the support that teachers rely on (Strang,2016).

1.2 Declaration of

the issue

Negative classroom behavior makes it difficult for the instructor to successfully educate. The misbehavior consumes the teacher’s time and attention. To handle the conduct, the instructor must interrupt the lecture or discussion, which takes time away from teaching the rest of the class (Whitmer,2014). If the disruptive behavior is dangerous, it may call the teacher’s authority into question and create tension in the classroom, pushing learning to the back burner. The disruptive behavior of one student encourages other students to follow suit, jeopardizing the teacher’s authority and ability to govern the group. When one or more students act disruptively, it has an impact on the learning process of the other students. Interruptions may make it difficult to concentrate. Students are forced to wait while

The disruptive student’s attempts to gain attention are handled, or the disruptive student’s attempts to gain attention distract them. This may result in lower grades and behavioral issues with both other students and the student who is interrupting class. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as family issues, the socioeconomic situation of the parents, peer pressure, and so on. As a result, research into the impact of negative classroom behavior on students’ learning outcomes is required (Strang,2016).

1.3 The study’s purpose

The study’s primary goal is as follows:

1. To assess the causes of negative classroom behavior in terms of student learning outcomes.

2. To investigate the impact of negative classroom behavior on students’ learning outcomes.

3. To learn more about

Negative classroom behavior has an impact on teachers’ concentration while teaching.

4. To learn strategies for reducing negative classroom behavior in students.

1.4 Research Issues

For this study, the following questions have been prepared:

1) What factors contribute to negative classroom behavior in students’ learning outcomes?

2) How does negative classroom behavior affect students’ learning outcomes?

3) How does negative classroom behavior affect teachers’ concentration while teaching?

4) What are some strategies for reducing negative classroom behavior in students?

1.5 Importance of the research

This research focuses on the impact of negative classroom behavior on student learning outcomes. As a result, the study will be important to the Ministry of Education because it will require teachers to participate.

in classroom negative behavior management training on a regular basis.

This research will also be useful to the academic community because it will add to the existing body of knowledge.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

This study will look at the causes of negative classroom behavior and how it affects students’ learning outcomes. This study will also look at how negative classroom behavior affects students’ learning outcomes. The study will also investigate the impact of negative classroom behavior on teachers’ concentration while teaching. Finally, the study will discover strategies for reducing negative classroom behavior in students. As a result, the study will be limited to a few secondary schools in Rivers state.

1.7 Study Restrictions

A number of factors limited the scope of this study.

are the following:

just like any other research, from a lack of needed accurate materials on the topic under study to an inability to obtain data

The researcher faced financial constraints in obtaining relevant materials as well as printing and collating questionnaires.

Time constraint: Another constraint is time, which makes it difficult for the researcher to shuttle between writing the research and engaging in other academic work.

1.8 Terms Definition

Negative classroom behavior includes being late, sleeping in class, and bringing in and using phones or other electronic devices.

Learning outcomes are statements of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that individual students should have and be able to demonstrate upon completion of a learning experience or sequence of learning experiences. encounters with learning



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