Influence Of School Environment On Student Academic Performance And Self-esteem: A Case Study Of Secondary School Students In Ikenne Local Government Area




Amongst the predictors of scholars ’ academic performance and tone- regard is the degree of comfortability and conduciveness of academy terrain. The study examined the impact of academy terrain on scholars ’ academic performance and tone- regard of secondary academy scholars in Ikenne Local Government Area of Ogun State. The check design in collaboration with the intentional slice fashion and simple arbitrary slice fashion was used to elect 180 secondary academy scholars from four named secondary seminaries in the study area. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire, which was administered to the repliers. The data attained was subordinated to descriptive statistics fashion and the analysis of friction. The results revealed that physical academy terrain( p<0.05); academy position( p<0.05) and academy installations( p<0.05) significantly told the academic performance of the named scholars. Also, academy terrain( p<0.05), in its wholeness significantly impacted on the tone- regard of the scholars. Grounded on these findings, the study recommends that ultramodern and functional educational installations similar as libraries, laboratories, ICT centers, health centers, sport centers, toiletries and other educational accoutrements should be handed and made accessible to the scholars and preceptors should be friendly and gracious towards their scholars so that they- the scholars, can consult them whenever they’ve any disturbing issue( s).

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