Information Communication Technology And Changes In Mass Media Production And Distribution




In accordance with the technological determinism and diffusion of innovation theories, the paper examines the effects of emerging technology and platforms, including the internet, teleprompter, GSM, social media, streaming, and others, on media production and distribution, particularly in TV Continental (TVC). A basic random sample methodology was utilized to choose 150 respondents from the TVC, and the survey research method was employed to collect data from them. The data was then analyzed using the frequency and percentage method. Findings revealed that some of the areas in which ICTs have been felt in TVC and journalism generally include news collecting and distribution, photo editing, video editing, commercial jingles, cartoons, and animations. The results also shown how contemporary communication technologies have improved the effectiveness and dynamism of journalism practice. It is advised that journalists and other staff members be trained and retrained to keep up with the newest platforms and technologies rather than viewing information and communication technology as a threat to journalism.

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