Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.t.a.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services




In order to conduct this research, primary and secondary data were employed, and a sample size of 360 respondents from the local government area was used. The study looks at the impact of N.T.A. Enugu on enhancing rural health care services in the Ugwuaji community. Descriptive statistics were used and the findings showed that N.T.A play notable roles in improving rural health care services by informing the government on the poor state of health services on Ugwuaji community as noted by 27.8% of respondents sensitizing, the rural populace (Ugwuaji community to appreciate and participate on government health programmes as noted by 47.22% of respondents mobilizing the masses for positive actions towards health improvement e.g environmental sanitation nutrition e.t.c as noted by 100% of respondents. This research therefore builds its foundation on the affirmation of the diffusion of innovation theory which shows the ability of the media to sensitize the audience on the existence of some diseases and mobilizing them towards accepting some decisions or strategies that will help to improve the general health of the rural dwellers. This research thereby recommends that government should \regularly sponsor health programmes in N.T.A. The government should provide infrastructural facilities such as good roads, electricity, and telecommunications and also government should improve literacy level of rural dwellers in order for them to participate on health programmes.


1.1 Study’s Background

People do not appreciate their good health until they have experienced one sort of illness or another; health is the most fundamental component of life; deny man that, he remains powerless in life.

But since the scientific revolution, health-related issues have dominated our daily conversations, notwithstanding the adage that “health is wealth.”

Records show that illnesses of many different kinds have endangered the lives of numerous Nigerian citizens before, during, and after the rule of colonial masters. Even today, people in Nigeria and other developing nations sign our suffering from illnesses, especially communicable diseases like syphilis, AIDS, and other similar conditions.

The use of metal and wooden gong gun shots and smokes does not impact much information to people, and some knew they are selective in nature and health messages are retarded. On the other hand, communication system during the era was at its functional stage. The people of the third world countries rely on local communication for their exchange of ideas.

One could say that since the advent of modern communication system, health issues have embraced a new and prosperous era in the society. Communication came and persisted in its function to enthrone philosophers and scientists quest to standardize the health welfare of people. Communication has modernized people of the Third World and made their embrace changes in their health environment.

Since then, the health policy has been a dynamic ongoing activity, and less academia would raise mullion questions about the immunization programs because of this. Communication serves to educate, inform, and enculturate the public on the unique Medicare.

Government, non-governmental organizations, and individuals must use the media to stop the widespread illness.

A vast, diverse population of the rural areas must be made aware of any action that interests them, and Nigerian Television Authority, the broadcasting medium closest to the Ugwuoji community, plays a crucial role in this. Communication is essential to all human endeavors.

It is impossible to overstate the significance of communication in our daily lives; it is so fundamental to human existence and all human endeavors that it will be difficult for any individual, group, institution, or nation to ignore it in their economic, political, health, and social lives. Communication is the most important component in the creation or advancement of an organized, cohesive, healthy, or progressive nation or society.

There won’t be an efficient solution to rural health issues, especially when it comes to combating malaria, which is the most common disease in rural areas, if N.T.A. Enugu does not play any part in enhancing rural health care services.

The improvement of rural health care services is one of the cardinal objectives of the Nigerian government since the nation’s independence, and based on the facts above, one can say that in any communication through television should occupy a key position in the interest of this research. This is because when suggesting a plan or a design for a health care system of the rural area in Nigeria, government planners are ever conscious of a feeling that they are working in “in vacuo.”

The existence of administrative and operational institutions, which will provide adequate and timely logistic assistance, cannot be ignored, either.

It is almost impossible to design a system of health care service which is applicable to every rural area in Nigeria in view of the different socio-economic conditions. Each state or local government thus have to assess the available alternatives, consider its own problems and then decide on priorities and organization. This assessment may result in changing or modifying an existing system or even involving new concepts. It is, however, important to state that Nigeria is developing rapidly and modernizing at the same time, and it should be realized fully that health care can help or hinder such process. Health care services in Nigeria are very inadequate and disease is treat to the efficiency of the population. This threat is nowhere more glaring than on rural areas, where very little has been done to ascertain the rural needs of the people and to plan to meet them with available resources. Expenditure on health in Nigeria has therefore, so far failed to cover the essential actions necessary to provide for the basic health needs of the greater proportion of the people.

The goal of any system is typically to provide basic health care to the rural areas of Nigeria, where more than 70% of the population lives, so that care is always available to all the people and as close to their homes as possible. This is done within the resources available to the state and local governments of Nigeria and in their socio-economic context, with a view to promoting the principles on which the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is founded. According to Nzewi (2001), these guidelines are as follows:

Health is more than just the absence of sickness or infirmities; it is a state of total physical, mental, and social well-being.

Every human being, regardless of ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, economic situation, or social standing, has the fundamental right to the enjoyment of the highest degree of health that is reasonably practicable. The well-being of everyone is essential to achieving peace and security and depends on both individuals and states working together to the best extent possible. The accomplishments of any state about the protection and promotion of health are valuable to all unequal progress in various countries regarding the protection and promotion of health, particularly with regard to communicable diseases. This’s absence poses a common risk.

The ability to live in harmony in a changing environment is crucial to a child’s healthy growth and is of fundamental importance. The expansion of the advantages of medical, psychological, and associated knowledge to all people to the fullest possible standard of health, as well as educated opinion and active public cooperation, are of utmost importance in improving the health of the populace.

Governments have a duty to protect the public’s health, which can only be done by implementing effective social and medical policies. The government came to understand the significance of N.T.A. on the promotion of health care services due to the aim to enhance health care services as well as to enlighten the populace about attitudes that ensure healthy living in Nigeria.

In this sense, health initiatives across the nation had made extensive use of the media. The media was successfully used to carry out some of the most well-known of these initiatives (N.T.A.). The Roll Back Malaria Program and the Immunization Program are two of the most well-known initiatives. Additionally, Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) was utilized during these campaigns to highlight serious health risks.

and to make recommendations for ways to improve the health of rural residents.

In other words, Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) was used to show rural residents’ health issues and possible solutions in terms and formats that are simple to comprehend. Additionally, the prevalence of childhood ailments in Nigeria during the 1960s and 1970s, particularly in the early and late 1960s, tormented the country’s ignorance of health-related concerns.

Gonorrhea was a common sexually transmitted disease that plagued young people as well as married men and women. Over 20,000 people died during this time, many of them children between the ages of one and 10. This is due to the fact that individuals in rural regions tend to eat more roots and plants without taking many safety precautions. These posed a threat to the country’s wellbeing, which prompted the country to launch a crusade to free its citizens from their plight.

Additionally, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a condition that is only recently becoming recognized globally. In the beginning, it is brought on by an infection with the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), which targets certain immune system cells and results in functional flaws.

Due to its prevalence among homosexuals at the time, AIDS cases were initially documented in the United States in 1981 under the name “Gay Related Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV)”. Recent technological advancements have enabled Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), which is compared to a channel of mass communication, to disseminate pertinent information to rural areas about the risk of this endless illness. Illnesses like measles, tetanus, and whooping cough have recently reduced their victimization of members of society.

As a result, the advantages of the immunization program cannot be overstated. Children, teenagers, and even adults of legal age are now free from contagious diseases. Because it is the most effective and closest to the residents of the Ugwuaji village, the Nigerian Television Authority was selected as a case study for examining the role that broadcast media plays in enhancing rural health.


1.2 Definition of the Issue

The issue is to determine how much television stations have affected or contributed to bettering the rural health care services in the Ugwuaji community. It is crucial to ensure that information is shared throughout the entire community in order to achieve the goals of this study. Consequently, the issues with this research are:

1. The study’s main challenge is to assess Nigerian Television Authority’s contribution to the packaging of rural health care programs that would enable them to work more effectively and accurately to improve rural health care services.

2. to ascertain the issue with the community’s values in terms of culture and religion. If it can influence them to reject television-based rural health programs.

3. To determine the effort put forth by television in various health programs and to determine whether it can affect or enhance rural health care services and Ugwuaji people’s efforts.


1.3 The Study’s Goals

The following are the goals of this study:

1. to investigate how the Nigerian Television Authority has helped the Ugwuoji community’s access to rural health care.

2. To determine what obstacles stand in the way of Nigerian Television Authority performing these duties

3. to make recommendations for ways to strengthen Nigerian Television Authority’s campaign to improve access to healthcare in rural areas.


1.4 Research Prompts

The following research questions will serve as the study’s compass.

1. How does television news (NTA) encourage interest in programs for rural health care among the inhabitants of the Ugwuaji community?

2. How does the Ugwuaji community support N.T.A. health initiatives for illness prevention?

3. How much does N.T.A. promote the improvement of the Ugwuaji community’s health?

4. What are the obstacles standing in the way of Nigerian Television Authority performing these responsibilities?


1.5 Importance of the Research

If put into practice, the study’s conclusions and suggested improvements will enhance media coverage of initiatives to improve rural health care services. The Nigerian Television Authority would accomplish this by luring health improvement programs to the countryside by disseminating important health information to both the populace and the government.

This study will be beneficial to Nigerians in general. This is because more than 80% of them reside in rural areas, where improving health care services will have a favorable influence on their quality of life. a strong nation

As a wealthy nation, the application of the study’s conclusions will help to create a strong, independent country that other nations will aspire to.

The Ugwuaji community will learn some methods for preventing several diseases that are common in rural areas but are also widespread through this study, such as malaria.


1.6 The study’s boundaries and scope

The study touches on the role of the media in enhancing rural health care services. It also expanded the border to take into account the traits of rural areas. Only the employees of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Enugu are included in the study. The task is also anticipated to assess the health coverage provided by Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) to the Ugwuaji community, however we cannot guarantee success would be 100% (100%) due to any issues that may arise.

The study was, however, somewhat hampered by the lack of human resources and the extraordinary response rate to our joint questionnaire, which risked our capacity to explain several crucial aspects of the subject.


1.7 Terms Explained: Operational Definition


This could be viewed as the undeveloped portion of the interior countryside. Rural also refers to a non-urbanized or village community that may be found inside a city, close to a city, or far from a city.

Country Health

It is the examination of health and the provision of medical services in rural areas. Critical examination and analysis are performed on the health of the rural residents.


1.8 Study’s presumption

It is considered that despite being at risk for one disease or another, the majority of rural residents do not genuinely heed instructions and warnings regarding their health. Given the destructive tendencies it passes on our near future with its promise and desire, the implications of health hazards to individual life and the society at large require a new approach to raise living standards.

The public does not respond strongly to mass messaging about health, thus we also think that the mass media is not adaptable in health campaigns unless it is a terrible statement.


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There is chapter two of this research project, Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services. Buy the entire piece to download. Information dissemination as a strategy for improving rural health care, sources, television and rural improvement, an overview, the concept of broadcasting, the effect of media on rural development, media in relation to rural development, and the media as a potential tool for encouragement are all included in Chapter Two of “Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services.”

Section Three

Order the complete work to obtain Chapter 3 of this research paper, “Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services.” The following topics are covered in Chapter 3 of “Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services”: research design, study population, sample size and sampling methodology, instrument for data collection, validity of the instrument, method for data collection, and method for data analysis.

Chapiter IV

You can order the complete project to download Chapter Four of Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services, which contains the following information: Data Analysis And Result.

Chapiter 5

You can order the complete work to download Chapter Five of Influence Of Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A.) Enugu In Improving Rural Health Care Services, which includes the following information: Discussion Of Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations, References, and Appendix.

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