Integrated Web-based Management Application For Small Business Enterprise (SME)


Integrated Web-based Management Application For Small Business Enterprise (SME)




Cover runner


Title runner


blessing runner








Table of content






Background of the exploration


Statement of exploration problem


objects of the study


Significance of the study


compass of the study


Limitation of the study


description of terms






Review of conception


Review of affiliated work


Empirical studies


Theoretical frame


Summary of the review






system of data analysis


Feasibility study


system of data collection


Problem of the being system


defense for the new system




Program structure


train conservation module


Main menu specification


System modeling


Information inflow illustration


System inflow converse


exertion illustration


Program inflow map


Database specification and design






Program language defense


Systems demand


perpetration details


Procedure testing plan














Source law





The appearance of the Internet has led to a revolution in numerous spheres of mortal exertion, still, presumably the biggest impact it has had in developing the global business terrain. Information, their vacuity and speed of exchange are the base of successful ultramodern business enterprise, and the Internet in this environment is the perfect tool for finding and distributing information. Complex, Web operations have come essential for survival and development of ultramodern enterprises in a global, transnational requests. Web operations are by nature distributed operations, which means that they’re programs that run on further than one computer and communicate via a network. Specifically, the web operation is penetrated via a web cybersurfer and thus update and maintain web operations without installing special software on potentially thousands of customer computers is a crucial reason for their fashionability. This exploration work describes integrated operation Web operations how it can be used and manage a SME. The experimenter used the web programming language PHP, JAVA and MYSQL as its database and Java script for form confirmation to achieve the design work which will be enforced at the end of this exploration wok.



Chapter One




Web grounded operation operation system is a program that allows druggies of manage and control the conditioning of their business over the internet, this system allows them to makes deals and get paid for the goods they’ve on store, this system also give them the force control of the business too.


A operation system is the frame of programs, processes and procedures used to insure that an association can fulfill all tasks needed to achieve its objects


operation of enterprise operation systems isn’t easy.I.T brigades have to snappily embrace newer ways that will enable similar systems to be managed effectively. Central to these ways is to capture, make, and make available libraries of applicable knowledge about the systems they’ve to manage. The frame of knowledge areas presented in this document is a starting point for IT brigades to organize these libraries.


Current generation operation systems are complex ecosystems — the colorful operations within the ecosystem have numerous interdependencies among them and are generally integrated at a platform position; they aren’t a collection of independent operations using operation position integration schemes. There’s a strong interdependency between business systems, IT systems, software systems, platforms, and IT structure. As a result, a holistic operation of the entire ecosystem is needed to achieve constantly high quality of service they can not be managed as independent silos.


The complexity of these systems implies that IT brigades assigned with their operation need to have specialized interdisciplinary knowledge and ways beyond what has been traditionally used to manage individual rudiments of structure business data.


Background Of The Exploration


In moment’s product world, an effective manufacturing company( whether small, medium or large) depends upon the accurate and precise planning of manufacturing coffers similar as accoutrements , machines, tools, processes, labour, and capacity( Andijani and Selim, 1996). In the history, different companies have espoused different MPC systems according to their organizational conditioning and coffers( Chan and Burns, 2002). Recent exploration has shown that Small and Medium Enterprises( SMEs) are far behind the Large Enterprises( LEs) in certain planning and manufacturing terrain especially in developing countries due to limited coffers and frugality( Uddin and Saeed, 2010). In moment’s manufacturing terrain, a company can infrequently survive without enforcing any one of the MPC systems( Wacker and Hanson, 1997).


According to Humphreys et al( 2001), “ Improving and adding the competitiveness is now essential for small and large businesses suchlike ”. MPC approaches can be placed into two orders, videlicet the quantitative approach and the systems approach. The quantitative approach contains Statistical Inventory Control( SIC), Aggregate Production Planning( APP) and Reorder Point( ROP), whilst on the other hand the systems approach includes Period Batch Control( PBC), MRP, MRP II, Enterprise Resource Planning( ERP), Just- In- Time( JIT) product, Optimized Production Technology( OPT), Hierarchical product Planning( HPP), Constant Work- In- Process( CONWIP) and the mongrel MPC system( Chan and Burns, 2002).


In the late 1960’s, an effective MPC system approach known as MRP began and played vital part to form an effective force strategy in an terrain of known demand( He et al, 2005). This MRP system was originally enforced in the air line and mobile diligence( Moustakis, 2000). After a decade, the product world realized that the MRP system needed some essential changes in terms of looking at fresh manufacturing coffers other than accoutrements planning( Porter et al, 1999). thus, in the late 1980’s, major changes were made which led to the elaboration of new system approach known as MRP II( Wong and Kleiner, 2001).


Statement Of Research Problem


The present system uses a homemade system of operation to run their business sale and conditioning, due to that, they’ve not been suitable to keep a standard record of business operations. In the present, record operation is veritably delicate to track, deals made preliminarily are snappily forgotten just in no time, disbenefit record have crimes in them as a result of bad record keeping and entry. The operation can not tell the stock they have, when it runs out on stock or else. With this reason the experimenter sort to embark on this study so as to find a result to this problem.


Objects Of The Study


The ideal of his experimenter study is to break the problem listed in the exploration problem or the exploration statement. thus, the experimenter have proposed a new system a web grounded operation operation for the enterprise, a system that will help them in the operation of their business sale and conditioning. The new system will essay to break the following.


1. Manage the business operation


2. Keep deals record and disbenefit


3. Keeps force records and stock.


4. Saves records in a methodical secure manner fluently accessible


5. A system that will allow the enterprise deals over the internet.


Significance Of The Study


This study is primarily aimed at adding effectiveness in operations, reducing conservation and running cost, covering the force of goods and its distribution and increase profit in the Nigerian SME by introducing a web grounded operation operation control system.


Also the knowledge that would be attained from this exploration will help the operation to grow, also this exploration work will also be of help to the forthcoming experimenter in this field of study both with the academic scholars on their study.


Compass Of The Study




The compass of this study covers the elifree global Tech PLC as a whole, and its business operation which include deals, distribution and the general public service to the guests. further of the business record operation, the business disbenefit record operation, the business force and stocks records, the business cash deals and online deals


Limitation Of The Study


This design was constrained by the following factors


a) Financial Constraints


Bearing in mind the profitable state of the nation, it was set up delicate in making both ends meet, because of the extravagant nature of effects currently in travelling for the collection of data demanded for the design.


b) Time Constraints


Looking at the interval between the resumption and holiday of the final semester for the design to be completed, the time given sounded to be short for the collection of required information for better work to be done.


c)Non-Availability of Material


During this design, it was noticed that the needed accoutrements demanded for the design aren’t proved. Those that were proved demanded storehouse installations where they can be reached.


Description Of Terms


Software is a collection of data that tells the system how to perform a particular task or operation. Or a successional step by step process of carrying out a task instruction.


System is a set of computer factors( that is, the assembling of tackle, software and peripherals to serve together)


Database a database is a totally arranged collection of computer data so that it can automatically recaptured of manipulated. It’s also called a data bank.


operation An operation program( or operation for short) is a computer program designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or conditioning for the benefit of the stoner.


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