chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Research background

An internal marketing strategy is a concept aimed at promoting internal products that are personified to employees. Therefore, the concept is similar to the theory of goal management, which aims to integrate employee goals and objectives with the company’s overall goals in order to achieve congruence in achieving company goals and objectives. share the ideology of Therefore, it has been argued that without meeting human capital goals, companies cannot reach their biggest goals even if they appear to have been met. Employees, on the other hand, develop their own strategies for success, ultimately culminating in nepotism; fraud; and disobedience to the system’s basic norms.

Elsewhere, an overview of the conceptual evolution of internal marketing is provided, justifying the implicit and explicit support internal marketing has received in the literature over the years. We have categorized the development into three stages:
Employee Satisfaction Stage; Customer Orientation Phase. Strategy implementation or so-called change management phase. An early definition of customer-centric internal marketing was based on the concept of comprehensive quality control centered around a company’s service delivery process (Perry, 2008). In other words, organizations were more concerned with producing quality goods for their target market. Instead of focusing on staff managing this process. The underlying theory is that effective service delivery requires motivated and customer-aware employees (Gronroos, 2002).

Berry and Parasuraman (2001) define internal marketing as viewing employees as internal customers. View work as an internal product that meets the needs and desires of internal customers while addressing organizational goals. This employee satisfaction phase recognizes the complex nature of service marketing and its potential impact on IM to maximize the delivery of quality service when sellers and buyers interact. Rafiq and Ahmed (2000) define internal marketing as a deliberate effort to use marketing-like approaches to overcome organizational resistance to change. Aligning, motivating and coordinating across departments as well as engaging employees in the effective implementation of corporate and functional strategies to achieve customer satisfaction through a process that creates a motivated and customer-focused workforce Definitions of the terms vary, but there is general agreement that if a company wants to achieve its marketing goals to external customers, it must first focus on marketing to internal customers (employees).

In other words, by meeting employee needs, the company achieves specific employee outcomes, which in turn lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Self-determination theory proposes two types of her motives: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation refers to behaviors that are performed because of an externally given reward that arises from the system. Extrinsically motivated individuals carry out the actions of others for material or social gain (Bateman and Crant, 2005).

Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from the activity itself or from within. Intrinsically motivated people, on the other hand, act for themselves and for their own rewards, rather than expecting extrinsic benefits. There is work, recognition, growth and achievement (Shadare and Hammed, 2009). Organizational commitment reflects the psychological bond that identifies individuals and organizations (Joo, 2008). Institutional Commitment with citations from Malhotra and Mukherjee (2003) and Greenberg and Baron (2007)

Organizational commitments reflect the company’s attitude towards its employees (Malhotra and Mukherjee, 2003). Mowday, Steers, and Porter (2002) identified her three characteristics of organizational involvement.
(a) a strong belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values; (b) a willingness to make significant efforts on behalf of the Organization; and; (c) a strong desire to maintain membership in the Organization; Employee performance is a measure of employee input to outputs aimed at achieving the organization’s overall goals and objectives.

Ivancevich and Matteson (2006) propose that job performance is a function of three variables:
knowledge and skills; motivation and workload and tools and climate. Therefore, employees who have the right knowledge and skills, who are motivated, who have the right workload for their abilities, who have the right tools and a good organizational culture, perform well at work. This view is supported by Cummings and Schwab (2003), who propose that employee performance is a function of the influence of environmental variables through their influence on performance determinants such as motivation and competence.

Therefore, an employee’s job performance can be said to be the product of two basic factors:
Employee Competence and Organizational Factors Greene et al (2004). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the relationship between internal marketing orientation and emotional organizational engagement on employee performance in the Nigerian aviation sector.

1.2 Problem Description

Internal marketing efforts are powerful tools used to attract top talent from public sector staff. However, it is sometimes pathetic in the sense that there is a lack of understanding of ownership and the application of internal marketing practices, likely due to a lack of qualified personnel within the organization. It may also be due to the lack of means to encourage practice within the institution. Finally, although several studies have been conducted on the impact of internal marketing strategies, there is not a single study on internal marketing practices and employee productivity in public institutions in Nigeria.

1.3 Purpose and objectives of the research

The main objective of this study is to examine internal marketing practices and employee productivity in Nigeria. Other specific objectives of this study are:

1. Determine the factors that influence your company’s marketing practices and their impact on employee productivity.

2. Determine the impact of internal marketing practices on employee productivity.

3. Determine the extent to which internal marketing practices affect employee productivity.

4. Identifying Factors Affecting Employee Productivity in Public Facilities in Nigeria. 5. Offer a possible solution to the problem.

1.4 Research question

1 What are the factors that influence internal marketing practices and their impact on employee productivity?

2 How do internal marketing practices affect employee productivity?

3 To what extent do internal marketing practices affect employee productivity? 4 What are the factors affecting employee productivity in public sector institutions in Nigeria?

5 What are the possible solutions to the problem?

1.5 Description of research hypothesis

Internal marketing practices do not have a significant impact on employee productivity.

H1’s internal marketing practices have a significant impact on employee productivity.

1.6 Importance of research

Research on internal marketing practices and employee productivity is of great benefit to the public sector as a whole in Nigeria. To create space for internal marketing practices to educate organizational managers to develop the competencies of the organization’s or agency’s employees. In addition, more funds can be invested in other areas for successful marketing efforts within the organization. Bypassing practice funds tends to reduce institutional productivity. Finally, this study adds to the existing body of literature and knowledge in this area of ​​research and provides a basis for further research.

1.7 Scope of investigation

Research on internal marketing practices and employee productivity is limited to public institutions.

1.8 Research Limitations

Financial Constraints – Lack of funding tends to prevent researchers from obtaining relevant materials, literature, or information and efficiently conducting data collection (internet, questionnaires, and interviews). Time Constraints – Researchers will be engaged in this study and other academic studies simultaneously. As a result, less time is spent on research work.

1.9 Definition of terms

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Marketing practices are the processes that involve product or service characterization, pricing, distribution, and advertising.

Employee A person employed for wages or salaries, especially at a non-managerial level.

Productivity Describes different measures of production efficiency. Expressed as the ratio of output to input used in the production process.

Public facilities Names used for schools, colleges, courts, libraries, hospitals, and other places open to the public.


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