Customer satisfaction is a business philosophy that emphasizes providing customers with value, anticipating and managing their expectations, and proving that you can meet their needs. Customer satisfaction and service quality are essential for any business to succeed (Gronoos, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1988). Enterprises exist because they have customers to serve, as noted by Valdani (2009). Delivering high-quality service that leaves customers satisfied is the key to achieving sustainable advantage (Shemwell et al, 1998). The struggle for a competitive advantage and customer retention revolves around service quality and customer satisfaction. The result of a customer’s perception of the value received in a transaction or relationship—where value is equal to perceived service quality—is customer satisfaction.

compared to the value anticipated from dealings with or connections with rival vendors (Blanchard & Galloway, 1994; Heskett et al., 1990; Zeithaml et al., 1990). Recognizing and anticipating customers’ needs and being able to meet them are crucial for achieving customer satisfaction. Faster understanding and satisfaction of customers’ needs by businesses results in higher profits than slower understanding and satisfaction by businesses (Barsky & Nash, 2003). Since retaining existing customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones, managers who want to succeed must focus on doing this by putting in place efficient customer satisfaction and loyalty policies. The hotel sector is one where this is particularly true.

one of the biggest challenges facing managers today It is important to deliver and maintain customer satisfaction in the hotel industry. In the tourism sector, the needs of customers for high-quality goods and services have become more and more obvious to professionals (Lam & Zhang, 1999; Yen & Su, 2004). Customer satisfaction serves as the foundation for defining the company’s goals, and guest relationships are a strategic asset of the company (Gruen et al., 2000). Positive interactions in this situation can increase customer commitment and return rates. Due to the strong correlation between overall guest satisfaction levels and likelihood of returning to the same hotel, long-term and mutually beneficial relationships between customers and the hotel are becoming increasingly crucial (Choi & Chu, 2001). Hotels are increasing their investment levels to boost perceived value and service quality.

in order to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, which will lead to better relationships with each of their customers (Jones et al., 2007). Relationship quality has a strikingly positive impact on how hotel guests behave because it increases the rate of repeat business and fosters positive word-of-mouth (WOM) (Kim et al., 2001).

Statement of the problem: 1.2

Despite the generally unfriendly business environment in Nigeria, Divine Fountain Hotels Limited has maintained growth and a reputation for offering its clients top-notch hospitality services. The lack of a research study that has assessed how the level of service delivery at this hotel has affected guests’ satisfaction since it opened is rather alarming. The requirement to do this is what

All parties involved in the hospitality and tourism industries would benefit from this study’s focus and its findings.

This inspired the goal of this study, which is to investigate marketing strategies and customer satisfaction in the hospitality sector.


1. To ascertain how marketing strategies in the hospitality sector affect customer satisfaction.

2. To identify the difficulties Idems Ultimate Hotel is having in putting marketing strategies on customer satisfaction into practice.

3. To find out if Idems Ultimate Hotel uses any e-marketing techniques that focus on client satisfaction.

4. To develop practical suggestions based on research findings.


The study was guided by the following research questions.

What are the advantages of marketing techniques for

customer contentment in the hospitality sector?

2. Is it difficult for Idems Ultimate Hotel to implement marketing plans aimed at boosting customer satisfaction?

3. Does Idems Ultimate Hotel use any e-marketing techniques aimed at increasing customer satisfaction?


The importance of this study can be seen in the fact that its findings can be used to develop a national policy framework that will serve as a roadmap for the adoption of e-business and e-marketing. The study will deepen our comprehension of the following topics as they relate to Nigeria.

It demonstrates the value of marketing techniques and customer satisfaction in Nigerian hospitality.

It highlights the advantages associated with using marketing tactics.

It addresses the issues that prevent businesses from utilizing marketing strategies.

It gives you the

the starting point for upcoming studies on e-business adoption and consumer satisfaction in the Nigerian economy.


The study uses Idems Ultimate Hotel in Uyo to examine marketing strategies and customer satisfaction in the hospitality sector. The study will concentrate on the idea of e-marketing, e-marketing in the hotel industry, benefits of e-marketing, and services to customers.

Limitations of the study: 1.7

Financial limitations: A researcher’s ability to find relevant materials, literature, or information and to collect data is typically hindered by a lack of funding (internet, questionnaire and interview).

b) Time restraint: The researcher will conduct this study in addition to other academic work at the same time. As a result, the amount of time spent on the research will be reduced.



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