In this age of science and technology, science is the backbone of a nation’s success. Science education is critical to the advancement of a country. Science is a compulsory subject in Nigeria until the primary level (Grade I to Grade VIII). According to Iqbal (2000) (as cited in Barwell, 2007), our various education strategies (1972; 1979; and 1998-2010) emphasized science instruction “to ignite students’ curiosity in scientific inquiry and comprehension of scientific ideas and processes” (p. 13). Nigeria’s science education has reached an all-time low, which must be rectified (Memon, 2007). Our current teaching methods have not improved students’ problem-solving skills, curiosity, or critical and logical thinking. Transitioning from traditional methods to more creative information and methods is required for effective learning. Approaches infused with information and communication technologies (ICTs). In today’s fast-paced, diverse, and technologically advanced environment, both instructors and students face challenges. MULTIMEDIA has become an essential component of the teaching and learning process. The term “multimedia,” which combines the words “multi” – which means “multiple expression techniques” – and “media,” which implies technical terms such as “computer,” “dialogue,” and “digital,” has evolved over time. Multimedia is a platform that combines analogue data in various forms, such as text, graphics, and audio-visual resources, into a single digital data stream and relays it through multiple (multiple) vehicles (media). It is a system that allows people to easily connect to high-speed information transmission networks (Iqbal, 2000). All media can now be combined into one, and all necessary multimedia equipment can be purchased. As information becomes digital, it will be managed by a single computer system. Multimedia is an exciting combination of computer hardware and software that allows you to create outstanding presentations on a low-cost desktop computer by using video, animation, music, graphics, and testing tools. Fenrich and colleagues, 1997. Multimedia is defined by the inclusion of text, images, music, animation, and video, some or all of which are structured into some logical program (Phillips, 1997). Text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video are all intricately woven into today’s multimedia. Multimedia is defined as the integration of multiple media components (audio, video, images, text, animation, and so on) into a single synergetic and symbiotic whole that provides more benefits to the end user than any single media element can provide separately. The nature and characteristics of the Multimedia Approach include the use of a variety of media, equipment, and strategies in the teaching and learning process. The multimedia method is the result of educational technology studies and experiments used to improve the teaching-learning process. The goal of employing a multimedia approach is to provide meaningful learning experiences. Choose your mediums with care so that none of them interfere with or diminish the impact of the others, i.e. each medium must work in tandem. Use media in a systematic and judicious manner. Then they can be put to the best use possible while remaining cost-effective. Multimedia-assisted teaching (MAT) is a training method that is commonly used in conjunction with traditional teaching methods (Gray, 2011). It’s a multimedia presentation. A presentation of words, sounds, and visuals designed to assist people in learning more effectively (Mayer, 2005). Multimedia features are extremely important in scientific education (Altherr, 2004). Multimedia can be used to vividly depict various events and processes, replicate complex information, and convey varying degrees of abstraction. This contributes to the development of meaningful and authentic learning. When students lack enthusiasm and prior knowledge, MAT is extremely beneficial (Singh, 2003). “Multimedia is defined by the inclusion of text, graphics, music, animation, and video, some or all of which are structured into a cohesive program” (Phillips, 1997). According to Mujibi (2004), technology is changing teaching and learning, whether it is middle-school students investigating a scientific concept via a fourth-grade simulation. Living far apart but working together on a study of local weather patterns using electronic mail technology is that not every student will benefit from technology unless excellent leadership is provided. Without a well-thought-out strategy and a commitment to supporting cutting-edge technology in schools, children, parents, and the community’s interests will be jeopardized, and schools will fall further behind the society in which they operate (Wagner, 2001). Technology is critical in preparing students to live, learn, and work in a digital world. New technology-based teaching and learning methods have the potential to significantly improve educational outcomes. Because many people have been wondering how to scale up the scattered, successful “Islands of motivation,” instructional technology has enabled widespread improvements in schools, aided by significant shifts in traditional educational procedures. Putting “systematic reform” into action

(Long-term, large-scale concurrent motivation in curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, professional development, administration, incentives, and learning partnerships among schools, businesses, homes, and communities) necessitates small-scale educational improvement policies (Eckert, 2003). Systematic changes are not possible without utilizing the full capacity of high performance computing and communications to assist in school reshaping, and technology-based innovations present unique challenges and opportunities in this scaling up process. The high cost of technology, its rapid advancement, and the specialized knowledge and skills required of its users, on the other hand, all pose significant barriers to its efficient use.


Things are changing around the world, and there are new and modern ways of doing things, so if the goal of educational policy is to produce workers who can deal with the challenges of the future, To be a part of the global village in the ever-changing modern world, the “chalk and talk method” must give way to the use of innovation and technology-driven methods that ICT provides (Singh, 2003). One of the most striking features of today’s educational systems and institutions is the anomalous and never-ending erosion of educational quality at all levels. The West African Examination and the National Examination Council results have consistently highlighted this stark fact, which requires immediate correction (Mahi, 2000). Thus, the goal of this study is to provide a template for reviving the educational system, as well as to determine the impact of multimedia tolls on secondary school teaching and learning through the use of ICT, and to investigate the impact of multimedia tolls on secondary school teaching and learning.

problems associated with the use of multimedia in the teaching and learning process.


This study’s primary goal is to determine the impact of multimedia technologies on secondary school teaching and learning. Our investigation will be guided by the following specific goal:

i. Determine how much exposure students and teachers have had to various multimedia technologies.

ii. Assess the effect of multimedia technologies on student performance.

iii. To assess the impact of multimedia on a teacher’s instructional performance.

iv. To become familiar with the various and widely used multimedia technologies in classrooms.


i. To what extent have students and teachers been exposed to various multimedia technologies?

ii. What is it?

are the effects of multimedia technologies on student achievement.

iii. How does multimedia affect a teacher’s performance while instructing?

iv. What are the most common and widely used multimedia technologies in classrooms?


Technology is advancing at an alarming rate. It has changed the way we work, study, socialize, and spend our leisure time. Computers and information technology have transformed almost every aspect of life. It is both logical and expected that technology will help lead the way in improving teaching and learning in our schools. Technology enables new methods of teaching and learning, as well as new ways for educators to communicate with parents, communities, and students (National Research Council, 1995). This research, on the

Students, lecturers/teachers, parents, government at various levels, and the general public, on the other hand, will be exposed to the effects of using multimedia tools in teaching and learning, as well as the national development on the suggestion that, if implemented properly, will reduce teacher workload while also facilitating teaching and learning activities.


This research focuses on a few secondary schools in Jigawa’s Buji local government district.


The most significant challenge encountered throughout this study is time; the researcher has limited time to complete the research as well as insufficient funds to support the project and visit more than one school.


A strong impact is referred to as an impact.

The ability to have an effect or influence.

Multimedia is a platform that combines analogue data in various formats, such as text, graphics, and audio-visual resources, into a single digital data stream and relays it through multiple (multi) vehicles (media).

Educating/instructing or actions that involve imparting knowledge or expertise to students or animals are examples of teaching.


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