1.1 Background of the Study

Further south, a new wave of attacks has erupted, with unknown gunmen and hoodlums breaking into security networks and burning down police stations, prompting a counter-attack by the from. Nigeria has been plagued by ethnic, religious, and political strife since its independence from the British in 1960. It experienced a civil war from 1967 to 1970, the Maitasine crisis in the 1980s, sporadic ethno-pastoral conflicts, particularly in the Middle Belt, and militancy in the oil-producing Niger Delta region in the south. In the last decade, there has been a spate of violent attacks in the northern part of the country linked to the notorious group known as ‘Boko Haram,’ with thousands of lives lost.

Property suffered extensive damage, further delaying the region’s already slow development. Furthermore, conflict between nomadic herders, cattle rustlers, and farmers in the Middle Belt has recently spread to other parts of the country, with an increase in the number of deaths, as well as the destruction of entire villages, animals, and farmlands.

The military has made it impossible for the common man to enjoy peace of mind in the region. There is also ongoing pro-Biafra agitation in the country’s southeast for the establishment of a Sovereign State of Biafra, inciting secessionist tendencies. All of this raises concerns about the implications for the nation, region, and global security environment in the near future.

Although Nigeria continues to increase its efforts in addressing both the security and humanitarian crises in the short to medium term, the underlying religious, socio-ethnic, and political factors that have created an enabling environment for the lingering security to take hold must also be addressed intensively in the medium to long term in order to reduce the uncertainty that has bedeviled the Nigeria State’s sovereignty. As a result, this study will investigate Nigeria’s Future Security Challenges and Implications for Internal, Regional, and Global Security.


There is no doubt that the country is experiencing a surge in insecurity. There are several security challenges that cut across the nooks and crannies.

Terrorist attacks in the North, unknown gunmen raiding police stations in the Southeast, herdsmen and bandit attacks in the Middlebelt, and secessionist threats among various ethnic groups are the most common.

It is difficult to predict the future in the dynamic and changing international security environment, especially with new and emerging challenges. However, by examining some of the drivers and trends shaping global security, extrapolations can be made. Thus, the interdependence of regional and security trends, terrorism, state fragility, and geopolitical uncertainty have all been identified as driving forces shaping Nigeria’s internal, regional, and global security environment.

Furthermore, the top five global risks in terms of likelihood, according to the World Economic Forum’s 2016 Global Risk Report, are: large-scale involuntary migration,

Extreme weather events, failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change, interstate conflict with regional consequences, and major natural disasters will continue to emerge.

Given Nigeria’s strategic position as a key actor in both the LCBC region and, to a lesser extent, the Sahel, challenges of insecurity and national instability pose potential risks and repercussions for neighboring countries and the region as a whole. As Africa’s most populous country, the potential consequences of an economic crisis, as well as the spillover effects of the Boko Haram crisis in the northeast, the escalation of violence linked to farmer-herder clashes, and the relapse of insecurity in the Niger Delta region, pose real challenges for the government and its citizens. neighbors, as well as the global security environment in the future. This reality emphasizes the importance of having a balanced menu of instruments of not only national power, but also of collaboration with regional and international stakeholders in order to curb the threat of insecurity, which is becoming out of control. Because we are dealing with non-state threats, this necessitates innovation, but it also emphasizes the importance of having the political will to ensure peace and stability for the country’s development. Future direction must thus be carved out from both past and current security trends, as the implications are detrimental to both foreign relations, loss of investor interest, disruption of economic activities, and so on. As a result, it is illegal.

Against this backdrop, this study will look at Nigeria’s Future Security Challenges and Implications for Internal, Regional, and Global Security.


This study’s primary goal is to investigate Nigeria’s Future Security Challenges and Implications for Internal, Regional, and Global Security. It specifically aims to:

(1) Research Nigeria’s security challenges.

(2) Investigate the implications of insecurity in Nigeria and its impact on Nigeria’s inter-governmental relationships with its neighbors.

(3) Learn about the government’s efforts to reduce insecurity in Nigeria.

(4) Look into the role of international organizations in combating insecurity in member countries.


The research is guided by the following research question

(1) What are the security challenges in Nigeria?

(2) What

What are the implications of Nigeria’s insecurity challenges, and how do they affect Nigeria’s inter-governmental relationships with her neighbors?

(3) What steps has the government taken to reduce insecurity in Nigeria?

(4) What role do international organizations play in combating inseurity in member states?


Policymakers, international organizations, and the Nigerian government will benefit from the findings. The study will enlighten the government and policymakers on the importance of seizing the security horn and devising strategies to reduce it to a bare minimum, taking into account the implications for inter-governmental relations between her and other countries. The study will entice international organizations to visit the site.

Nigeria’s aid and suggest ways to salvage the situation, as it appears that they do not have many strategies to address the security issue. The study will add to the body of literature and serve as a resource for other researchers in this field.


Nigeria’s Future Security Challenges and Implications for Internal, Regional, and Global Security is the subject of the study. Nigeria is the only country covered.


The procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic are referred to as research methodology.

Data Collection: This study relies on secondary data. The majority of the materials for this study will come from written works in libraries and archives, such as textbooks and articles.

Journals and publications pertinent to the research.

Data analysis: The data analysis method used in this study is primarily qualitative and descriptive in nature.


During the course of this research, the following factors may pose a limitation.

Financialconstraint-Inadequate funding tends to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint-The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


Regional Organizations: Regional organizations (ROs) are similar to international organizations (IOs) in that they include international membership and encompass a wide range of issues.

Geopolitical entities that operate beyond the borders of a single nation state. They were formed to promote cooperation, political and economic integration, or dialogue among states or entities that share a geographical or geopolitical boundary.

Insecurity is a state of not feeling secure; it represents a lack of defense, fear, and confidence.

National security, also known as national defense, is the security and defense of a nation state, including its citizens, economy, and institutions, and is considered a governmental duty.


The research is divided into five (5) distinct chapters.

The first chapter covers the introduction, problem statement, purpose of study, research questions, significance, scope, and limitations of the study.

Chapter 2 examines the concept of insecurity and investigates the

Nigeria faces security challenges.

The third chapter will look at the implications of Nigeria’s insecurity and how it affects the country’s inter-governmental relations with its neighbor.

The fourth chapter discusses the steps taken by the government to combat insecurity in Nigeria, as well as the role of international organizations in combating insecurity in member states.

The summary, conclusion, and recommendations from the study’s findings are presented in Chapter 5.



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