Paddy Production As Source Of Household Income




The study was conducted at Bahi District to assess donation of paddy product toward periodic ménage income among smallholder paddy patron. The study had three specific objects, to determine position of paddy product at Bahi quarter, to determine ménage income earned from paddy and other sources and to assay factors affecting paddy product among smallholder directors. Data were collected through interview, observation, focus group discussion and talkie review. Both descriptive and deducible statistics were espoused during data analysis. Chancing from the study showed that average land used in paddy product by smallholder paddy directors is2.75 acres with an average product of934.75 Kg of rice per acre in 2014 season. The average periodic income earned from paddy product was Tsh and contributed 34 to periodic ménage income among smallholder paddy directors. Extension services, credit availability and use of agrarian inputs were major factors observed to affect paddy product. still, smallholder paddy directors in Bahi haven’t yet employed agrarian inputs effectively. Extension services handed were inadequate and paddy product in Bahi depends on downfall from swash Bubu catchment areas to grease vacuity of water for irrigation. thus smallholder paddy directors should be empowered to borrow ultramodern product ways include use of agrarian inputs. Government should hire further extension officers to extend extension services for effective transfer of product technologies. River Bubu catchment areas and banks should be defended by the government and environmental conservation mates to insure vacuity of enough water for irrigations in Bahi.


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