The development of political parties in Nigeria dates back to the late 1940s, when nationalists were in the pre-independence and post-independence stages of the battle for political freedom. Political parties in Nigeria were not ideologically based throughout the pre-independence and early post-independence periods. Rather, they were geographically focused and centered on specific leaders who served as mentors to them. However, in the last 10 years, parties have been registered based on the needs of the time. Political parties in Nigeria have evolved over time and continue to play an important role in achieving democratic goals. Indeed, many political parties have evolved during the last fifty years. Nigeria had a two-party system from 1991 to 1993, with the government forming the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the National Republican Convention (NRC). Following the annulment of a presidential election in 1993, the military administration declared the parties illegal. Nigeria, on the other hand, reverted to democratic rule in 1999. In Nigeria, the restoration of democracy in 1999 resulted in a fresh approach to party politics. The procedure for registering political parties was liberalized, allowing for more participation in political activities by the general public. In Nigeria today, there are over fifty registered political parties, albeit only a few of them have ever won an election. The few political groups that have dominated the political field to the extent where fears of the country devolving into a one-party state have been stated. At the federal and state levels, opposition groups are beginning to join the ruling party. Nigeria, like many other African countries, has had its fair share of political issues, but it has also made significant progress over the years. In the coming years, there have already been requests across the country for certain changes and improvements in the way political parties are organized and managed. Many have claimed that Nigeria needs to diversify its economy. Nigeria’s multi-parties must demonstrate a new degree of commitment to the people’s yearnings and ambitions for more basic and sustainable development as the country’s democratic framework and institutions are strengthened. Nigeria’s general election in 2011 was marred by a number of setbacks, and it drew international attention to our political system. It also prompts people to inquire about our democratic system [Voice of Nigeria, Thursday, April 18th, 2013].


Political parties, being the principal tool of political evolution in any extant multi-party system, are still allowed to compete for control of government machinery and to unite the people, despite their distinct ideological bents, different political orientations, and victory potentials. Political parties are considered as agents of harmony, peace, and integration in every modern society; nevertheless, despite this perception, the multi-party system still has several issues that vary from the above. As a result, we’re going to ask the following questions now. 1. Is there a link between Nigeria’s multi-party system and its political development?
2. What are the political ramifications of Nigeria’s multi-party system?


The broad objectives or goals of this study project are to understand the meaning and contributions of the multi-party system in the political development of Nigeria. The following are the specific objectives:
1. To determine the relationship between Nigeria’s multi-party system and political progress.
2. To gain insight into the political implications of Nigeria’s multi-party system.
3. To determine whether Nigeria’s multi-party system fosters democratic consolidation.


The following are some of the ways in which this research will be significant: To begin with, it would assist decision-making bodies and institutions in determining the foundations for political party creation in Nigeria in order to promote national integration and political progress. Second, it will make a significant contribution to academic knowledge about the role of political parties in political development. Furthermore, it will raise awareness of the role that political party members are expected to play in achieving good governance and political growth, as well as instill a feeling of responsibility in them.


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