This design work was carried out in Ovia North West Local Government Area of edo state to examine the problems of duck husbandry within the area. 5o questionnaires were distributed among growers in the original government but there response where only anatomized using simple frequence and probabilities. From the analysis it was revealed that 30 the growers attributed the problem of duck husbandry to complaint condition which 80 linked some other problems. The result further revealed that 80 of the repliers attribute the non acceptance of duck meat of superstitions belief another 8 of the repliers further stated that there’s no ready request for ducks and ducks raised are reared for family consumption, it was discovered that duck have high resistance to common flesh conditions and their eggs are bigger in size than that of funk and if the request is created for ducks eggs and meat duck husbandry will come a gold mine.
Table of content
Chapter One
Background of study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
exploration question
Compass of the study
Significance of the study
Chapter Two
Literature Review
Development of the flesh assiduity
Duck husbandry
Types of duck
Benefit of duck husbandry
Combining duck keeping with rice civilization
Vombining duck with fish culture
Chapter Three
Accoutrements and system
Population of study
Sample and sample procedure
Balidity and trustability of instrument
Administration of instrument
System of data analysis
Chapter Four
Discussion of results
Test of thesis
Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendations
Chapter One
Ducks are tough creatures and good scavengers. They’re easier and cheaper to keep than cravens. This makes duck keeping for the product of eggs and meat an seductive enterprise about 700 million ducks are kept around the world, the maturity of these further than 500million are set up in Asia. Despite this uneven distribution, it’s clearly also possible to raise ducks in corridor of the worlds, including Africa and Latin America. Ducks can be reared for eggs and meat, for own use or for trade. Other products from ducks which can also be vended include down feathers and reprovisioned livers. There are numerous parallels between funk and duck parenting. The most egregious parallels are set up in the type of the products for which these forms of flesh we kept duck, like funk are good directors of eggs and meat.
Background Of The Study
Ducks still have several advantages over other flesh species, in particular their complaint forbearance. They’re hardly, excellent recon and easy to hard, particularly in washes where they naturally tend to flock together. Ducks are fairly easy to raise and generally need lower care than cravens.
This study seeks to determine the problems and prospects of duck parenting in Ovia North East Local Government Area.
Statement Of The Problem
The study will deal with queries as enumerated below
Is duck parenting popular in this position?
Is duck meat popular among people?
c. Why is duck meat not respectable to some people
d. What chance of the people don’t want duck meat?
Break can duck meat parenting be bettered in this position?
What’s the donation of duck meat to the flesh assiduity in Nigeria?
Purpose Of The Study
This exploration was proposed on the background of the following solicitations;
To ascertain the position of adequacy
To determine the proficiency of duck meat parenting/ husbandry
To unveil the reasons for position of adequacy of duck meat
To propose ways to enhance duck meat product
To encourage further product of duck meat.
Exploration Question
This study will concentrate on the following queries relating to problems and prospects of duck husbandry in Ovia North West original Government area of Edo state
a. What are the problems of duck husbandry in Ovia North West Local Government Area?
b. How important as these problems hampered the position of duck productivity?
c. What are the sweats made by the non government agencies in diving these problems
What’s the donation of duck husbandry to the flesh assiduity?
e. What are the prospects in duck husbandry?
f. How can duck husbandry be bettered?
This exploration study was accepted with the following hypotheticals regarding the problems and prospects of duck husbandry in Ovia North West Local Government area of Edo State.
HO the dirty nature of ducks has no effect on their adequacy
H1 the dirty nature of duck has effect on their adequacy
HO high cost of feed, component has no effect on duck product
H1 high cost of feed component has effect on duck product
H0 the popular expansive system of duck parenting has no effect on productivity
H1 the popular expansive system duck parenting has effect on productivity
Compass Of The Study
This exploration was grounded on questionnaire approach involving growers and pastoral residers in Ovia North West Local Government Area of Edo state. They were made to answer questions presented in these questionnaires. Their opinion were studied and anatomized scientifically with a view to giving acceptable sapience into the problems and prospect of duck husbandry in Ovia North West Local Government Area.
Significance Of The Study
This study will give acceptable sapience and help in the following ways
It’ll give a background knowledge of duck husbandry
It’ll identity some problems affecting duck husbandry in Ovia North West Local Government Area
It’ll propose result to these problems
d. It seems to recommend to the people, the benefits, the benefits of duck husbandry.
It’ll reveal the prospects in duck husbandry, thereby encouraging prospective growers.