The goal of this study was to look into the psychological correlates of hazardous drug use among undergraduates (Depression, Anxiety, and Stress). The respondents were picked at random from five faculties and ten departments of the university of Uyo in Akwa Ibom state using a systematic sampling procedure, with their ages ranging from 17 to 30 years and a mean age of X= 22.87 and a standard deviation SD= 3.48. The cross-sectional survey design was used in this investigation. The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-42) designed by Lovibond and Lovibond, (1995) and the Drug Use Disorder Identification Test (DUDIT) developed by Bergman were utilized in this investigation. Three directional hypotheses were devised and put to the test. At the.01 level of significance, Pearson r was utilized to test the hypothesis. According to the findings, there is a considerable positive association between anxiety and the usage of dangerous drugs among undergraduates. The studies also found that among undergraduates, there is a significant positive association between depression and the usage of dangerous drugs. The study also discovered a substantial link between stress and the usage of dangerous drugs by students. The study’s findings gave insight into students’ risky drug usage, as well as ramifications and recommendations.




Drug use by young people, particularly undergraduates, has become a big concern around the world because to the risks and dangers it poses to their health and emotional well-being. In Nigeria, drug usage is most commonly linked with youths, specifically undergraduates. Substance abuse has contributed to a rise in the number of young people experiencing psychological difficulties.

A drug is the only substance capable of causing a change in biological function via chemical actions. A drug, according to the World Health Organization (2006), is any chemical that, when consumed or absorbed into the body of a live organism, changes the normal functioning of that organism’s body. Any substance with a physical or psychological effect can be considered a drug. Drug abuse, according to the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, is defined as the self-administration of drugs in an excessive and persistent manner without regard for medically or culturally accepted patterns. Drug abuse, according to the World Book Encyclopedia (2004), is the non-medical use of drugs that interferes with living a healthy and productive life. Manbe (2008) defined drug abuse as the non-medical use of substances in an excessive, maladaptive, or addicted manner. Abdulahi (2009) defined drug abuse as the usage of drugs to the point where it interferes with an individual’s health and social functions. In essence, drug abuse can be described as the arbitrary overuse or misuse of a single drug, with or without a prior medical diagnosis from a qualified health care provider. According to Mersy (2003), Some substances, according to Moronkola (2003), modify the mind; they influence the user’s feelings, perceptions, and behavior when they are consumed because they act on the brain. Mood, feelings, ideas, perception, memory, cognition, and behavior are all affected by drugs in one way or another. Early drug usage is one of the strongest predictors of future drug misuse and dependency, according to studies. Youths have been identified as a high-risk population for drug addiction and substance abuse, according to studies (Obot, 1989; National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, 1996). Alcohol and tobacco are among the most commonly abused or dangerously used drugs among Nigerian undergraduates, according to studies (Okanafua 1992; Okatahi, 2003). Abuse of a variety. Early commencement of drug use is one of the best predictors of future drug usage and dependency, according to global studies on drug use and addiction. The rising usage of drugs by undergraduates at Nigerian institutions is due to a variety of circumstances. Drug usage may be induced by mental stress in an attempt to ease a variety of social issues. Youths commonly use or abuse those drugs in a haphazard manner, resulting in significant emotional, psychological, and general health implications. According to Osayomi (1999), drug usage has always been an essential aspect of occultism since ancient times, and young people in tertiary institutions are deeply immersed in this activity. The primary reason for this is drug usage and misuse.  The usage of various mood-altering chemicals is common among Nigerian teenagers, according to reports (Lambo, 1960). Drug misuse is still a big public health issue around the world (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2005). For their different everyday activities, many Nigerian youngsters erroneously rely on one or more drugs (such as cigarettes, Indian hemp, cocaine, morphine, Heroine, Alcohol, Ephedrine, Madras, caffeine, glue, Berbiturates, and Amphetamines). (2006) (Oshikoya & Alli).

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