The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women in 1993, which defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that causes or is likely to cause physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion, or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.” 2 “Physical, sexual, and psychological violence occurring in the family, including battering, sexual abuse of female children in the home, dowry-related violence, marital rape, female genital mutilation, and other traditional practices harmful to women, non-spousal violence, and violence related to domestic violence,” it says.

Physical, sexual, and psychological violence in the broad public, including rape, are examples of exploitation.


The effects of domestic violence on children, which arise from seeing domestic violence in a family where one parent abuses the other, have a significant impact on the well-being and developmental maturation of children who witness the violence. In 2009, it was projected that 7 to 14 million children in the Philippines were exposed to domestic abuse, with around 3.3 million children being exposed to domestic violence in their households per year. Children who witness domestic violence in the home are 15 times more likely to become victims of child abuse, believe they are to fault, and live in constant terror. During an interaction, providers can be alerted to the need for further investigation and intervention by keeping a close eye on the situation. There is little doubt that conflict has different effects on men and women. Women and children have a history of getting the short end of the stick whenever there is a dispute. Women and children are frequently the most vulnerable and are the ones who are most likely to be harmed. We have seen horrific abuses against women and children throughout history. 1.1 million children were slaughtered in the Holocaust. During the Rwandan Genocide, many women and children were raped or slaughtered. Survivors of these crimes are frequently forced to live with the vivid and terrible visions of rape, war, and death for the rest of their lives. Sexually transmitted diseases, stigmatization, and even undesired pregnancies affect women as well. They have a difficult task ahead of them.


Violent conflict is one of the world’s most pressing development concerns today. Despite the fact that the number of civil wars has declined in recent years (Harbom and Wallensteen 2009), the legacy of violence remains in many nations around the world, particularly in Africa, Caucasia, the Balkans, and the Middle East. Civil wars have enormous economic, political, and societal ramifications. Populations are displaced, capital and infrastructure are destroyed, schooling is disrupted, the social fabric is damaged, civil liberties are jeopardized, and health and famine problems are created. Every year, almost 750,000 people die as a result of armed conflict (Geneva Declaration Secretariat 2008), while civil wars displaced more than 20 million people at the end of 2007. (UNHCR 2008). Any of these consequences will have a significant impact. While there is a growing consensus that development interventions and the promotion of democracy around the world cannot be separated from the constraints imposed by violent conflict, there is a scarcity of rigorous evidence on the effects of violent conflict on the lives of those who are exposed to it. The microeconomic impact of war on civilians can be significant and long-lasting. People living in war zones may not only suffer injuries, death, and property destruction, but they may also be forced from their homes and lose their means of subsistence. Given the age-specific features of many human capital investments, children are disproportionately harmed by the destruction of physical capital and the degradation of economic conditions.


1 To learn more about the impact of conflict and violence on women and children.

2 To find out how conflict and violence affect women and children psychologically.


1 How does war and violence affect women and children?


2 How do conflict and violence affect women and children psychologically?


The report provides a framework for developing and implementing strategies to reduce conflict and violence against women and children.


1 Host Conflict and violence against women and children are at an all-time low.

Hi Conflict and violence against women and children are at an all-time high.


2 Guests Conflict and violence have little psychological impact on women and children.


Hi Conflict and violence have a significant psychological impact on mothers and children.


The study focuses on assessing the psychological impact of conflict and violence on women and children.


Peace that lasts. Sustainable peace must be a top priority for global society, where state and non-state actors are not merely looking for short-term benefits that may jeopardize a stable state of peace. Triangle of conflict

The conflict triangle of Johan Galtung is based on the idea that the only way to define peace is to identify violence, its polar opposite. It is consistent with the normative goal of preventing, managing, minimizing, and eliminating violence.

Direct (overt) violence, for example, an attack or a massacre.

Violence in the structure.

Malnutrition, for example, is a preventable cause of death. Structural violence is not to be confused with an act of God because it is caused by an unjust structure.

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