
This study investigated the effect of relationship marketing on customer retention at MTN Nigeria Plc in Calabar. This study provides empirical evidence of the impact of relationship marketing on customer retention in order to assist MTN Nigeria Plc and other operators in their efforts to improve their customer retention capabilities through effective relationship marketing strategies. carried out to provide This study had the specific objective of examining the effectiveness of trust, communication and customer care on customer retention at MTN Nigeria Plc in Calabar. The study design chosen for this study was a cross-sectional survey study design. The survey instrument used in this study was a structured questionnaire, whose content was validated and whose reliability was verified by test and retest. Analytical techniques including simple tables, percentages, and simple regression from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0) were used to analyze and process the collected data. The results of the study showed that:
Trust, communication and customer care have a huge positive impact on Calabar’s customer loyalty for his MTN Nigeria Plc. Considering the results of this study, the following recommendations were made:
MTN Nigeria Plc must strive to build and maintain trust with its customers in order to instill confidence in its services. MTN Nigeria Plc must establish and maintain functional and easily accessible lines of communication to communicate effectively with customers and solicit feedback to improve service delivery. The company should also hire, train and retain courteous customer service representatives and appropriately motivate them to provide quality customer service to their customers.


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