chapter One



1.1 Research background

Since independence, the Nigerian government has made a desperate and concerted effort to supply a large quantity of housing (not qualitatively) through huge financial and political measures, but alarmingly, existing housing has collapsed. The rate at which it is doing requires urgent attention.The location of the collapse of buildings crisscrossing Nigeria is highly alarming as it is hard to imagine what impact it will have on the construction industry and the Nigerian economy as a whole. You can imagine what these buildings would have looked like had they been constructed properly. Nigeria, particularly Lagos State, is reported to be the ‘world’s junkyard’ of collapsed buildings worth billions of Naira (Famoroti, 2005). A building collapse of this magnitude in a county with so much potential in the construction industry is simply unimaginable. Fadamiro defined a building in his 2002 as “an enclosure of space intended for a specific use to control local climate, distribute services and discharge waste”. A building can be defined as a structural unit that can support itself by transferring weight to the ground. Furthermore, a building is defined as “a structure for human activity that needs to be safe for its inhabitants” (Odulami, 2002). But with its collapse, the same building brought both fun and danger to people during and after its construction. Total collapse occurs when part or all of the body of the structure fails and suddenly collapses. As a result of this corruption, the structure could not serve its designed purpose. Building collapse is an extreme case of building collapse. This means total or partial collapse of the superstructure (Arilesere, 2002). Building failure occurs when there is a defect in one or more building elements caused by the inability of the materials that make up the components of such building elements to effectively perform their original functions, and ultimately It can lead to the collapse of the building. Buildings are intended to provide comfort and protection to people, but the same buildings have been dangerous traps for the same people. It is expected to meet certain basic requirements, such as satisfactory completion (Olusola, Atta & Ayangade, 2002). Buildings are generally expected to be elegant and functional, but many projects meet neither of these basic requirements. Repeated building collapses, some of which have claimed innocent lives, are the result of this. Numerous studies have been conducted and various workshops held in major cities of the country by various agencies, government agencies and agencies to investigate the causes behind the occurrence of building collapses in Nigeria. However, they were unable to pinpoint the cause of each of the identified building collapses. The factors directly lead to the collapse of the country’s buildings. According to Olusola (2002), there are many factors leading to building collapse in Nigeria, due to structural design and quality control. Quality control includes material variability, test variability, decision factors, contractor variability, less skilled workers, and unprofessional behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate housing collapse cases in Nigeria and identify the causes, impacts and solutions.

1.2 Problem Description


Building collapse is a defect or imperfection, defect or imperfection in a building element or component. It can also be a performance latency issue. Therefore, the degree of building collapse can be mostly related to the degree or degree of deviation of a building from its “as-built” state, which represents acceptable standards for neighborhood, local, state, or country . (Ichiho, 1998). Building collapse, however, can be easily defined as the total or partial/progressive failure of one or more components of a building, resulting in a building’s primary focus on comfort, well-being, safety and stability. function. The ongoing building collapse in Nigeria is of great concern to all concerned, including construction industry professionals, the government, private developers, clients and occupiers, and local residents. Researchers’ concerns about the rising incidence of building collapses nationwide form the basis of this study to find the main causes, impacts and possible remedies for building collapses in Nigeria.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of this research is to:

1. Investigate the causes of building collapses in Nigeria.

2. Identify the effects of building collapses in Nigeria.

3. Identify corrective actions or approaches to building collapses in Nigeria

1.4 Research question

1. What caused the building collapses in Nigeria?

2. What are the effects of building collapses in Nigeria?

3. What are the remedies or approaches to building collapses in Nigeria?

1.6 Importance of research

The significance of this research is as follows.

1. The results of this study will enlighten the public and then-government about the causes, effects, and solutions to building collapse incidents in Nigeria. 2. The results of this research also serve as a resource base for other scholars and researchers interested in doing further research in this area later on, and, when applied, provide some degree of new explanation for the subject. increase.

1.7 Scope/Limitations of Investigation

This Nigerian housing collapse study carefully explores the causes and effects with the aim of finding a permanent solution to Nigeria’s constant building collapse problem.

Research limitations

Financial Constraints – Lack of funding tends to prevent researchers from obtaining relevant materials, literature, or information and efficiently conducting data collection (internet, questionnaires, and interviews).

Time Constraints – Researchers will be engaged in this study and other academic studies simultaneously. As a result, less time is spent on research work. References

Arilesere, D. (2000). Role of professionals to prevent building collapse. Results of the workshop on building collapse:
Causes, Prevention and Remediation (p. 60-68). Nigeria Institute of Civil Engineering, Lagos State.

Fadamiro, J. (2002). Evaluating building codes and standards in Nigeria and their impact on building collapse. Ogunsemi (ed.) in DR, building collapse:
Causes, prevention, amelioration (pp. 28-39). Nigeria Institute of Civil Engineering, Ondo State.

Famoroti, F. (March 30, 2006). Before the next building collapses. punch (p. 9)

Ikpo, I.J. (1998). Application of the Weibull Distribution Method in Predicting Component Time Between Failures (MTBF), Nigerian Journal of Construction Technology and Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, no. 1, p. 79-87

Odulami, AA (2002). Specification of building materials and on-site enforcement. InD.R. Ogunsemi (ed.), Building Collapse:
Causes, prevention, amelioration (pp. 22-27). Civil Engineering Institute of Nigeria, Ondo State




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