Rural resources have a lot of potential that needs to be brought into full production to increase stats. These values ​​can only be achieved if other resources such as time, money, infrastructure and know-how are used. A high demand for a product is expected to encourage the application of that resource to maximum production, thus increasing the value of the rural environment, confirming that value is a function of profit.

Unfortunately, government policies and programs over the past year have not reflected the need for balanced rural and urban development. Therefore, most development policies and programs are urban oriented. As a result, rural residents face poverty, unemployment, poor infrastructure, and economic and social deficits. By the way, rural residents are persistent in emigration.

Hence this study on rural development. As a strategy to reduce rural-to-urban migration in Nigeria, a case study of the Ishie Municipal Government Region of Ebony state showed that rural development programs/projects, the degree of rural-to-urban migration, and the extent of rural-to-urban migration I’m trying to identify the influencing factors. Movement in the study area is responsible.

Insights based on the data analyzed identified an integrated rural development strategy and recommended it as a viable and viable means of minimizing rural-to-urban migration in Nigeria in general and Isiel in particular. .



1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement of the Problem

1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Study

1.3 Background and Need for the Study

1.4 Research Question

1.5 Research Hypothesis

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.6.1 Delimitation Scope

1.6.2 Limitation

1.7 Significance of the Study

1.8 Theoretical Foundation of the Study

1.8.1 Economics Growth Model and Rural Development Dual Economic Model.

1.8.2 Diffusion Model of Rural Development

1.8.3 Basic Resource Theory.


2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Meaning of Development

2.2 Rural Area and Rural Development

2.3 Classification of Rural Development Programme

2.3.1 Local (Community Programmes)

2.3.2 Government Programmes

2.4 Strategy

2.4.1 Rural Development Strategies

2.4.2 The Basic Weeds Approach

2.4.3 The Infrastructural Approach

2.4.4 The Minimum package or Sub-Sectorial Approach

2.4.5 The New Technology Approach

2.4.6 The Functional or Sectorial Programme Approach

2.4.7 The Industrialization Approach

2.4.8 The Community Approach

2.4.9 The Integrated Approach

2.5 General Concept of Integrated Rural Development in Nigeria

2.6 Urban Growth and Migration


3.0 Research Designs and Methodology

3.1 Re-Statement of the Problem

3.2 Design and Methodology of the Study

3.3 Sampling Technique and Procedure Employed

3.4 Description of the Study Area

3.5 Method of Data Collection

3.5.1 Primary data Collection

3.5.2 Secondary Data Collection

3.6 Description of Data Collection

3.7 Description of Statistics for Analysing Data


4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Personal Characteristics of the Respondents

4.2 Identification of Rural Development Programmes in the study Area.

4.3 Reasons or factors Responsible for Rural Urban Migration

4.4 Extent of Rural – Urban Migration in the Study Area

4.5 Testing of Hypothesis


5.0 Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1 Findings

5.2 Recommendation

5.2.1 Strategy’s Institutional Framework

5.2.2 Programmes Under the Strategy

5.2.3 Policies, Principles and Philosophy in the Strategy

5.2.4 Funding the Strategy

5.2.5 Suggestion for further study

5.3 Conclusion



Nigeria, a country in West African sub-region is blessed with abundant natural and material resources. With an estimated current population of over nine hundred and twenty four thousand (924, 000) square kilometers, Nigeria is easily the most populous in African and one of the largest in terms of geographical area. About seventy percent of the population depend on agricultural activities for their livelihood and live in rural communities.

Currently, over forty million out of the total population of over one hundred million people live in urban area. Therefore, within a country’s geographical unit, rural areas are where the majority of the population resides.

Some government officials fear the belief that urban areas represent the state’s development potential and that rural areas have been neglected in terms of development opportunities.

After the dying attitudes that existed in rural areas, rural residents benefited from better paying jobs, quality supplies of basic amenities, and high levels of commercial, leisure, and industrial activity. It is drawn to urban areas to.Born from the rapids. Urban population growth and physical expansion are very serious problems of physical planning. B. Poor physical alignment like Ajegunle, Gwagwa, his Abakpa, Abuja, Abakalike, Enugu in Lagos. Also included in the list are local transport problems and inadequate provision of housing, water and other basic social services.

Therefore, various governments, policy makers, rural populations, planning teams, and the general public must always be involved to leverage capture and construction for the benefit of rural populations.

1.1 Problem Description

In general, Nigeria has been unevenly developed and experienced a clear inequality of opportunities between rural and urban areas. Despite the fact that the majority of Nigerians live in rural areas, there are still few or no educational and employment opportunities in rural areas. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of Nigeria’s rural areas are:

1.6 Scope of investigation

1.6.1 Scope

This study focuses on rural development as a strategy to reduce rural-to-urban migration in Nigeria, with particular reference to the Isiel Local Government Region of Ebony State.

Ezillo-based Ishielu local government had a total population of 128,720 as of the 1991 census (see Table I). The municipalities that make up the autonomous region are Agba, Amaz, Azmyaba, Ejiro, Ezag, Iyonu, Nkarag, Nkaraha, and others are Nkezi, Obeag, Ohafia, Okpot, and Ummnuari.

1.7 Importance of research

This study attempts to highlight the various developmental imbalances that exist in rural and urban areas that have led to rural-to-urban migration. The rapid acceleration of urban areas urgently needs to be addressed through the dissemination of articulated rural development programs or strategies. The question, therefore, is how to introduce appropriate planning and development in rural areas to meet overwhelming migration demand without compromising migrants’ motivations and objectives.

Rural residents, governments and the general public, who are seen as the greatest beneficiaries, will also benefit in some way if they follow my suggestions and recommendations.

1.8 Research rationale

1.8.1 Dual Economic Model of Economic Growth Model and Rural Development

The dual economy model divides the economies of developing countries into two. Modern sector and subsistence sector. These are also called urban and rural areas (Olayide et al. 1981). According to this model, the modern (urban) sector is both capital and technology intensive, while the subsistence (rural) sector is less capital intensive. The model assumes that the urban sector is market-driven, whereas the rural sector produces for family consumption and relies on labor and unpurchased inputs such as . This model accuses the rural sector of lacking savings and capital accumulation.

The problem with this model is that adopting it as a development strategy leads to an outflow of resources from rural areas to urban areas. There will be rural neglect that creates income disparities. We also see urban migration and consequent unemployment, as well as increased demand for urban social services such as water and electricity. Moreover, no economy is characterized by a rural sector lacking savings and capital formation, but rather by low savings. It imposes a restrictive role on agriculture as a means of providing cheap food and raw materials for industrialization. This is rural outflow as a result of a lack of savings and capital formation in rural areas.

Urban congestion, unemployment and welfare are the result of rural-to-urban migration caused by neglect of rural development. Governments need to recognize the need to develop rural areas along with urban areas to balance economic growth and development.

This model attempts to explain the large differences in productivity that exist between farmers in the same economic and geographical region. This model attributes differences in production to differences in farmers’ acceptance of new cultivar seeds, mechanical and chemical inputs (Olayide et al. 1981).

This model is very important for rural development in developing countries like Nigeria. Represents the philosophy of agricultural consulting business, testing site, etc.


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