The study chose a random sampling technique based on the population density of her three sites within the study area.

The data obtained were analyzed using the percentage statistical method. It is clear from data analysis and discussion that usage practices include open dumping and open burning, indicating poor management.

To ensure proper management, the researchers suggest that governments should monitor the authorities involved in waste management and monitor the grass roof campaign to ensure strict adherence to waste management. recommended the development of new and appropriate solid waste management strategies, including on-site segregation for the potential for guidelines. With the recommendations above, the health impacts of waste and poor management are a thing of the past.

table of contents

title page




table of contents

chapter One

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Problem Description

1.3 Purpose of the survey

1.4 Research Question I

1.5 Hypotheses

1.6 Validity of research

1.7 Scope of investigation

1.8 Limitations of the study

Chapter 2

2.1 Literature review

2.1.1 Solid waste concept

2.1.2 Sources and types of solid waste

2.1.3 Waste minimization and disposal

2.4 Solid waste disposal practices

2.5 Resource Recovery

2.6 Disposal method

Chapter 3:
research method

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Study design

3.3 Population sampling

3.4 Denied Site Selection

3.5 Data sources

3.6 Data collection tools

3.7 Equipment Validity and Reliability

3.8 Methods of data analysis

Chapter 4

4.1 Analysis of waste management management and control issues

4.2 Solution to above problem

Chapter 5

5.1 Discussion and results

5.2 Impact on environmental management

5.3 Recommendations

5.4 Conclusion


chapter One


Research background

Waste generation began with human history and gained attention when humans began living in communities. During his century when the Industrial Revolution took place, industrialized countries experienced rapid population growth and relatively low levels of waste generation. Today, in developing countries like Nigeria, solid waste accumulates in every city, causing serious health and environmental hazards.

The practice of dumping waste on roads, trails, roads and unauthorized locations leads to the proliferation of rodents, flies, disease outbreaks and even ecological impacts such as: B. Water and air pollution. This is due to nature’s limited ability to dilute, disperse, absorb, or dispose of unwanted residues in air, water, and land. With this in mind, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) was established in 1988 to manage and protect the environment. The decree also provides for the establishment of a State Environmental Agency (SEPA) in every federal state.

However, the prevailing economic situation in the country combined with negative public attitudes made it difficult to properly dispose of waste and protect the environment. Solid waste typically consists of biodegradable (that is, non-bacterial) materials that are dumped into landfills or other unauthorized locations. They pile up and block roads, drains, roads and grids, thereby constituting an environmental hazard. This practice makes the environment even worse by exposing people to air pollution risks.

1.2 Problem Description

Technological changes lead to changes in the consumption habits of citizens and thus in the composition of waste.

As a result, a large amount of non-biodegradable waste (substances that cannot be decomposed by bacteria) is generated, and non-biodegradable waste is difficult to absorb and dilute naturally, so it is piled up on the highway. Especially during the rainy season, the foul odors and dark liquid emissions emanating from such mountains pose a danger to the environment and degrade the aesthetic value of our environment.

It also encourages the breeding of mosquitoes and infectious diseases. Therefore, the discrepancy between the waste generation rate and the evacuation rate is due to problems such as lack of funding and practical experience, bureaucracy, and bureaucracy.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of this research is

(i) Determine Solid Waste Composition for Campus III

(ii) a study of the various management strategies adopted by the Agency and his ENSEPA in solid waste management; Enugu Environmental Protection Agency.

(iii) Identification of issues for solid waste management at IMT Enugu Institute of Management Technology Campus III.

(iv) Propose appropriate and effective measures to ensure efficient waste management at Enugu Campus III, IMT Institute of Management Technology. 1.4 Research question

In an attempt to identify waste management approaches and issues at Campus III IMT in order to find appropriate management strategies:

1.6 Importance of research

The results of this research are of great importance to students and staff, as well as to all those involved in the affairs and procedures of IMT-Campus III.

This is because the recommendations of this study support sustainable solid waste management strategies. In addition, the study will help show industrialists practical ways to minimize waste recycling.

Finally, the results of this research will be an asset to environmental researchers and planners for effective planning and management of solid waste.

1.7 Scope of investigation

Results and different types of waste are a global concern, but the study decided to limit the study to this. (i) Solid waste generation methods and problems in Campus III IMT Enugu.

(ii) A review of (ENSEPA) awareness surveys and activities to solve the waste problem of Campus III.

(iii) possible actions to improve local management techniques;

1.8 Research Limitations

This research is constrained by limited time and financial resources. Other limitations included lack of immediate responses to research questionnaires, but all of these were quickly overcome with persistence.


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