The purpose of this project is to investigate the use of contraception drugs among female students in the faculty of science at Osun State Polytechnic in Iree. The study employed statistical methods such as measure of central tendency, stratified sampling techniques, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and correlation co-efficiency. The analysis results show that there is a link between the student and their attitude toward contraception.



Statements, thinkers, and demographers all over the world have been concerned about the rapid growth of the population rate over the last four decades. A current growth rate. The world population as of May 21, 2010; the United States Census Bureau estimates the global human population to be 6822,200,000.

Annual births have remained constant at around 134 million per year since a peak of 163 million in the late 1990s. However, deaths are only around 57 million per year and are expected to rise to 90 million by 2050 as births outnumber deaths. The world’s population is expected to reach 90 million between 2040 and 2050 as births outnumber deaths.

The rapid increase in human population over the last century

Overpopulation has been a source of concern throughout the twentieth century, with scientific consensus indicating that current population growth and associated increases in resource consumption are linked to threats to the ecosystem. Since rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have resulted in global warming and pollution.

Because of the rapid rate of growth, strategies were developed to address the issue. As a result, the “Contraceptive” drug became an emergency. Birth control, fertility regulation, Planned Parenthood, and responsive parenthood are other terms that are commonly used. A significant amount of money has been spent on family planning and family planning programs in order to popularize its importance and adoption in tertiary institutions. As a result, it is expected that adolescent girls are well-versed in contraceptive drugs.

Particularly for female students.

Although the adoption of their information varies, some have an interesting and positive attitude due to their passive orientation, whereas others see the utility and go ahead and put it into practice. Sexual activity is especially high among unmarried youth, as well as those who use contraception for personal reasons rather than social concerns, such as avoiding illegitimate births.

Contraceptive drugs should be viewed not only in terms of population reduction, but also in terms of the misfortune associated with indiscriminate sexual intercourse. A growing adolescent population not only initiates sexual intercourse at an early age, but also has multiple sexual partners. As a result, there is a high incidence of illegally induced

abortion. Most abortion restrictions force women to rely on illegal abortion, and because most young people are poor, they frequently use unqualified abortionists, which leads to severe health consequences such as sterility and death.

It is therefore time for society to recognize that the health and even lives of its young ladies should not be jeopardized in order to prevent their sexual activity. Young ladies marry later in most developing countries, and more begin sex before marriage. This puts them at risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV/AIDS. In these countries, 20% to 60% of young women’s pregnancies and births are unintended, with the majority occurring sooner than planned. These

Pregnancies endanger young women’s health through childbearing or unsafe abortion. Early parenthood is increasingly associated with lost education as well as life-long earnings loss. Evidence in Nigeria indicates that induced abortion is on the rise and is regarded as a major cause of material mortality, which is quite high in Nigeria.

The question now is whether the introduction of contraception use has helped to reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among women, particularly female students in tertiary institutions. The answer to the preceding question is no.


The Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, was founded on October 12, 1992. Before becoming an autonomous institution, it was one of the Polytechnic Ibadan’s satellite campuses. Before being developed to its current status, the faculty of science was one of the structures inherited from the Polytechnic Ibadan.

At the outset, the faculty consisted of the following departments:

– Technology for Science Laboratories

– IT (Information Technology)

– Mathematical and statistical concepts

Food Science and Technology and Applied Science were later established, but the computer science department was recently reshuffled to another newly created faculty, the faculty of information and communication technology.

It is worth noting, however, that the faculty of science is one of the oldest in the institution, and its importance to the polytechnic cannot be overstated. The system is undeniably massive. It is intellectually, socially, and politically strong. The faculty of science is the oldest of the institution’s six existing faculties; the faculty plays an important role in the institution and the nation as a whole due to its contribution to academic and technological advancements. The faculty is divided into five departments: applied science, food science and technology, mathematics and statistics, microbiology, and science laboratory technology.


1. To see if there is a linear relationship between the various departments of the faculty of science and the use of contraception.

2. To determine the best method to use among the measures of central tendency and stratified techniques.

3. To determine whether there is a significant difference in student attitudes toward contraceptive use.


Knowing that the people I’m dealing with are highly educated, I expected little trouble when I started this project. The main issue encountered was resistance from a few people to fill out the questionnaire, but with a little encouragement and enlightenment, some saw the topic as very interesting, while others showed embarrassment. A small number of respondents cited religion as a reason for not responding to some questions. Because of their personal nature, some female respondents, particularly some, ignore some of the questions.

Another major issue that was encountered was non-response and missing questionnaires. Following them up for about 4 days in their department to retrieve the questionnaire but explaining how it was lost due to their carelessness Missed during the rush hours of class and lecture. Despite the fact that I expected a 5% loss. However, many of these constraints were overcome by the researcher’s patience and humility, ensuring that we can be certain of a reliable and scientific enterprise.


The goal of embanking on this project is to benefit the student, society, government, and so on. This motivated me to work on a sample survey to demonstrate that survey work is effective in enumerating the number of female students who use contraceptive drugs, particularly those in the faculty of science.


The questionnaire method was used to elicit information. A set of core comparable questions that had already been developed and tested in the form of a questionnaire was used.

One hundred questionnaires were printed and distributed in various departments of the polytechnic’s faculty of science. Departments of mathematics and statistics, food science technology, microbiology, applied chemistry, and science laboratory technology were among them. The researcher distributed the questionnaire mostly by himself, with the assistance of two of his friends.

The questionnaire contained 31 questions divided into two sections: personal data and student knowledge or attitude toward contraception. There were about 13 closed-ended questions and 15 open-ended questions. This was unavoidable due to the nature of the situation. in the study of their attitudes toward contractive drugs. To ensure that respondents were free to answer the question, the respondents’ names were not required.


Contraception as a method or means of reducing family size is a topic that almost everyone is familiar with. To ensure that every adult man and woman uses it is to exaggerate the concept. Contraception knowledge, however, does not always result in contraception use. As a result, it is critical to create effective programs that provide accurate reproductive health information and useful services to young people who have been largely excluded from the family planning revolution.

Young ladies should therefore be guided and encouraged to postpone sex or provided with an effective method of contraception. Many people believe that providing family planning services to youth will encourage promiscuity. There is currently no evidence to support this claim. The prevalence of

Premarital sexuality is due to changing moral attitudes and the slack blocking of traditional premarital casualty requirements. Evidence from the 2009 Nigeria Demographical Health Survey (NDHS) has not only confirmed the high incidence of premarital sexuality in urban centres, but has also revealed that the incidence of premarital sexual behavior in urban centres is increasing. These young people typically engage in sexual relationships without considering the potentially dangerous consequences, which include unwanted pregnancies, abortions, AID (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), and other sexually transmitted diseases.

As a result of these,

At the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 2009, the international community formally recognized for the first time that adolescent reproductive and sexual health involves a distinct set of needs from adult needs. The ICPD also emphasized that previously, health services had largely ignored the needs of young people; thus, the program of action emphasized that young people of both sexes are typically under-informed about how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, as previously mentioned.

As a result, this highlights the importance of providing young people with comprehensive information and access to services in the country. However, it is on this basis that this research was designed to thoroughly investigate students’ positive and negative attitudes toward the use of contraceptives drugs.


Stratified Sampling: Stratified sampling, also known as random sampling, is a method of obtaining a random sample by dividing the population elements or units into non-overlapping group culled strata and then selecting a simple random sample from each stratum.

Multiple Correlations: – The degree of relationship between three or more variables. The variables under consideration are represented by X1 X2 X3. Then we can let X11, X12, X13……….. X21, X22, and X23 represent or denote the values assumed by the variable X1, and X21, X22, and X23 denote the values assumed by the variables X2, and so on. A sum such as X21 + X22 + X23 +, +, +, + X2N could be written using this notation as X2.

AWOVA (Analysis of Variance): Another important distribution is the F-distribution, named after R.A Fisher, who invented and popularized it.

F is a test statistic that is defined as the ratio of unbiased estimates of two population variances, i.e. F = S / S. For such inferences, the F-distribution is used. Statistical techniques provide a procedure for testing the equality of three or more means, which is an important application of F-distribution or Analysis of variance.

Central Tendency Index: – A data set has several important characteristics. We are rarely interested in two data characteristics if the data set consists of numbers. The first is a number that is thought to be the most representative of the set, such as the mean, median, or mode.

Measure of Dispersion: – These measurements are used to determine the “center” of the distribution. They reveal the distribution, but not how the items are spread out or scattered on each side of the center. This latter feature of a distribution is commonly known as dispersion, e.g. variance, standard deviation.


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