In education, students are the most important stakeholders and resources. It is critical to teach children positive behavior both inside and outside of the classroom. School administration creates rules and regulations to guide the actions of members of the educational institution in order to create an orderly and peaceful school environment while also upholding law and order. Almost everything a school has to offer students is conditional on their behavior (McGregory, 2006). According to Vornberg, discipline is linked to both the school’s culture and environment, and that a certain amount of discipline is required for a suitable atmosphere to exist inside a school. In schools where discipline is a major issue, parents can transfer their children to “better” schools. For example, when children harass others. Because well-behaved students typically perform well, their transfer may have an impact on the overall performance of the school. Punishment, on the other hand, has the potential to amplify rather than reduce behavior (Rigby, 2000). School indiscipline is a global concern that transcends political, economic, geographical, ethnic, and even gender lines (Kajubi, 2007). In the United Arab Emirates, there is growing concern about school indiscipline, with teaching methods being blamed for the children’s misbehavior (Mukharjee, 2005). As incidents of indiscipline and violence in schools increased, parents became increasingly concerned and irritated. There was concern not only about the possibility of property damage and personal injury, but also about the low academic performance associated with the rising trend. of indiscipline. School discipline, along with academic performance, is one of the most common public complaints in countries around the world about schools and the educational system (Seifert, 2001). These concerns are mirrored in media reports of disruptive students, student riots, bullying, and violence in classrooms and playgrounds, which are common and frequently spectacular. There is a persistent and growing belief that behavior problems are common in schools, that teachers are struggling to keep order, and that school officials are unable to ensure students’ safety (Mutua, 2004). MANTEP (1995) defines school rules as “principles or instructions that monitor and govern conduct in a specific school institution.” School regulations are formal directives issued by a school to ensure proper student behavior. Mosha (2006) claimed  that school rules and regulations serve specific purposes, such as preparing students to be good citizens who will grow into better adults; instilling in students the understanding that offenders will face consequences; encouraging students to follow the country’s laws and adhere to accepted norms and rules of conduct; and encouraging cooperation and harmony in society. The school rules include some school requirements. School rules are directives or concepts that govern school behavior. Only a few of the norms are punctuality, neatness, and cleanliness, living in peace and order, obedience to instructors, parents, and the community, and proper maintenance of school materials, equipment, and buildings (Abel, 2003). In general, school rules and regulations work together to ensure that school rules are followed in the classroom.

in order for the educational institution to function properly. Teachers believe that when students are appropriately disciplined and regulated, they can achieve order, peace, and harmony in the classroom (MANTEP, 1995). According to Schimmel (1997), school regulations and rule making are linked to citizenship education. An important aspect of school rules education is an educated procedure for teaching children the standards of citizenship. “After all, school regulations are a type of legislation that applies to students,” says Schimmel (1997). According to Schimmel (2003), rather than encouraging active and democratic citizenship, school regulations disguised as citizenship education curriculum in many or most schools contradict the goals of citizenship education because students have no say in designing or amending them. Schimmel and colleagues (2003)


Schools play an important role in young people’s socialization, teaching them how to control their own behavior, respect others, and manage their time effectively, preparing them to be responsible citizens (Tait, 2003). Despite the fact that almost all secondary schools have clearly written and stated school rules and regulations, there have been instances of serious misconduct among secondary school students (Izahak, 2006). Because these rules are set by the government and school administration, little is known about students’ perceptions of school rules and regulations in promoting self-discipline; making offenders aware of the consequences of their actions and encouraging them to obey the laws of the country; conforming to social norms and rules of conduct; and encouraging community cooperation and harmony. As a result, it is at best

to learn about students’ perceptions of school rules and regulations in order to promote self-discipline; to make offenders aware that they will be punished and to encourage them.


This study’s primary goal is to learn about students’ perceptions of school rules and regulations in terms of fostering appropriate behavior. The study’s specific goals are as follows:

i. Determine whether or not students are involved in the creation of school rules and regulations.

ii. Investigate how the rules and regulations of the school are used to improve discipline.

iii. Determine secondary school students’ perceptions of school norms and rules as they relate to preparing them to be good citizens.

iv. Examine the attitudes of secondary school students toward rules and regulations.


i. How can students participate?

creation of school rules and regulations?

ii. How can the rules and regulations of the school be used to improve discipline?

iii. How do students perceive school norms and rules in terms of preparing them to be good citizens?

iv. How can the attitudes of secondary school students toward rules and regulations be investigated?


The study will be useful to curriculum writers because it will aid in aligning the curriculum to address student discipline concerns. Thus, secondary education curricula should be developed with the goal of providing learners with relevant information that emphasizes the observance of laws and regulations in order to produce law-abiding citizens. This research will help the education ministry examine the current framework.

to improve discipline through effective rules and regulations. This research will assist school administrators in developing effective and efficient rules and regulations for improving student and staff discipline. This research will also help to resolve issues of student indiscipline, with parents and the general public benefiting as the costs of student indiscipline are reduced.


This study focuses on secondary school students’ perceptions of how school rules and regulations encourage appropriate behavior. As a result, this study will be conducted at Covenant University Secondary School, and instructors and students from the school will be sampled.


Over the course of the studies, obtaining funding for general research activity will be difficult. Correspondents are permitted to

They may also be unable or unwilling to complete or submit the questionnaires sent to them. However, these constraints are expected to be overcome by making the best use of available resources and devoting more time to research than is necessary. As a result, despite these constraints, it is strongly believed that their impact on this research report will be minimal, allowing the study’s purpose and importance to be met.


In this study, perception is a concept, a belief, or an image that students have as a result of how they perceive or comprehend School Rules & Regulations.

School Rules: School rules are guidelines or instructions that govern student behavior in schools. When at school, all secondary students, for example, are

School uniforms are required. The headmaster or headmistress and his or her staff usually establish school rules. Some school policies may necessitate school board approval.

Discipline: the methods used by school officials to keep order and manage student behavior. It includes rules that govern goal orientation and behavior both inside and outside of the institution, as well as the socialization processes that occur there.


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