“The Social Context of Bus Rapid Transit Use among Women in Lagos State,” according to the study. Sustainable public transportation has come to be seen as more than a technological difficulty or a question over time, but as an unavoidable necessity. This was based on the belief that sustainable development could not be fulfilled without appropriate consideration of the social advantages of public transportation. Even after the introduction of Bus Rapid Transits in Lagos, there are still certain drawbacks with this mode of transportation, such as waiting in the sun for a long time due to the large number of people who wish to utilize it.

To carry out its investigation, the study used a descriptive survey with 400 questionnaires. The research revealed that women see the availability of Bus Rapid Transit to be beneficial to their daily routine, leading them to prefer it over other forms of public transportation. It also revealed that there is a substantial disparity in the number of women who use Bus Rapid Transit at different times of the day.

The survey found that women saw Bus Rapid Transit as a beneficial and valued asset in their social, economic, and familial lives. The study also found that there is an insufficient or low supply of BRT in Lagos, as well as an influx of private vehicles.




Sustainable public transportation has come to be seen as more than a technological difficulty or a question over time, but as an unavoidable necessity. This was based on the belief that sustainable development could not be fulfilled without appropriate consideration of the social advantages of public transportation (Litman, 2008; Fujii; 2009; Sohail, 2005 and Enyedi, 2002). A sustainable transportation system is one that safely meets the basic access and development needs of individuals, businesses, and societies; is affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, provides a choice of modes of transportation, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development and limits emissions and waste within the system; is affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, and promotes equality within and between successive generations; is affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development and limits emissions and waste within the system. To put it another way, sustainable transportation cannot be claimed to be realized unless it is accompanied by an effective and efficient program that improves people’s livelihoods. As a follow-up to this discussion, improved transportation infrastructure services are necessary components for achieving sustainable development. Over the years, experts have emphasized the importance of the transportation sector in attaining sustainable development and as a component of sustainability. Owen (1964), a renowned transportation expert, for example, noted that “immobility breeds poverty.” This implies that, in the course of their daily activities, transportation has an impact on practically every human being, particularly women.

As a result, it’s difficult to imagine a circumstance in which transportation does not play a significant part in the lives of individuals or society as a whole. According to Geerlings, Van, and Ongkittikul (2005), “the issue of transportation is partly a derived effect of the fulfillment of all kinds of needs, ranging from economic needs to social needs, which is our main focus,” “the issue of transportation is partly a derived effect of the fulfillment of all kinds of needs, ranging from economic needs to social needs, which is our main focus.” This proved that transportation is a “derived need” and that “there is no escape from transportation.”

According to the Centre for Sustainable Transportation, (2002) a sustainable transportation system is a basic foundation that supports the flow of goods and services in the present generation while also being capable of caring for future generations.

The Lagos State Government has introduced the Bus Rapid Transit System to encourage people to use public transportation. In fast-growing cities in the global south, such as Lagos, a functional public transportation system may offer a potentially cost-effective form of climate change mitigation while simultaneously contributing to socio-economic livelihoods and physical and mental well-being. Before 2008, Lagos was Africa’s sole megacity without any organized public transportation. Because of the magnitude of the problem, a transportation system that can meet the many goals of efficiency, affordability, and sustainability needs to be implemented.

The Lagos Urban Transport Project (LUTP), often known as the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, was initiated by the Lagos State Government in 2008.

The Lagos Bus Rapid Transit BRT service was the project’s centerpiece. It is a bus-based mass transit system that provides a quick, comfortable, and cost-effective service. BRT effectively mimics the performance and amenity qualities of a modern rail-based transit system, but at a fraction of the cost, by providing dedicated right-of-way lanes and providing excellent customer service.

The BRT system has carried over 400 million passengers in its first five years of operation. LUTP stands for Lagos Urban Transport Project. Following the project’s enormous success in the first phase, firm plans are in place to expand the concept to eight other routes around the state in the next years. Cities all over the world are complex geographical formations supported by transportation systems, with a high level of accumulation and concentration of social and economic activities. In Nigeria, buses outnumber rail-based technology when it comes to providing public transportation. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is generally operated by commercial companies, with fares paying vehicle capital and operational costs. As cities seek to address social issues such as traffic congestion, road safety, and environmental concerns, alternative transportation options have expanded in recent years to include the Bus Rapid Transit System, which combines the most popular features of rail with the flexibility and cost advantages of roadway transit.


In Nigeria, there have been a variety of activities centered on public transportation over the years, which has become a source of concern for both users and non-users. This has gone beyond local or national debate, as international communities continue to issue warnings regarding Nigerian public transportation. The Times International of London, for example, reported in 1985 on Nigeria’s worrying prevalence of criminal activity. While the Travel Warning issued by the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs also warns of the insecurity of public transportation in the country, especially for foreigners. Travelers were urged, for example, to avoid traveling at night, as well as about bad public transportation, infrastructure, and driving conditions. Even after the introduction of the Bus Rapid Transits in Lagos, there are still certain challenges with this mode of transportation, such as waiting in the sun for a long time due to the large number of people who wish to use it. Physical assault, sexual harassment, pickpocketing, and the amount of individuals who would be late for work because of Bus Rapid Transit BRT have dominated a lot of arguments in recent years, causing many people to reconsider which mode of transportation is the best. It has become a regular routine for people, particularly women, who make up the majority of public transportation riders, to feel helpless in the face of numerous adversities.


The overall goal of this study is to look into the social context of women using Bus Rapid Transit BRT buses in Lagos State. Other specific goals include:

i. To learn about women’s perspectives on the presence of BRT and its utility in their daily lives.


ii. To see if there is a difference in the number of women who use Bus Rapid Transit at different times of the day.


iii. To determine the benefits of Bus Rapid Transit to women in Lagos State.


iii. To determine the utilization of Bus Rapid Transit in Lagos State and how it affects women’s household obligations.


v. Recommend appropriate methods, if any, for increasing the use of Bus Rapid Transit in Lagos.


To help steer the research, the following questions have been posed.

i. Do women consider the existence of Bus Rapid Transit to be beneficial to their everyday routine?

ii. Are there any differences in the number of women who use Bus Rapid Transit at different times of the day?

iii. What is the goal of the Lagos State Bus Rapid Transit system for women?

iv. Does women’s family obligations in Lagos state suffer as a result of their use of BRT?


The main goal of this study is to look into the social context of women using Bus Rapid Transit BRT in Lagos. Several authors have critically examined the impact, social-economic impact, merits and demerits of the Bus Rapid Transit BRT in Lagos, but few have looked at it from the perspective of women, such as the safety or stress women face when using public transportation in the country, and the effect of the transportation system on meeting women’s needs in their daily lives.

Women’s and men’s travel patterns have been monitored by transportation planners and policymakers around the world in recent years. To put it another way, research has concentrated on women’s travel patterns (Porter, 2008; Sicat, 2007; Asiyanbola, 2007; Odufuwa, 2007); and

This includes reproductive work to sustain the labor force and productive work to generate revenue, such as participation in informal enterprises (Moser, 1981; Roldan, 1985 and Afshar, 1985), as well as community administration (Moser, 1981; Roldan, 1985 and Afshar, 1985).

As a result, this study can be used in future studies and may even spark new research, as it is supposed to pique interest and broaden understanding on the research issue. This will allow you to contribute to knowledge while also allowing you to extend what you currently know.


The focus of this study will be on women in the Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State, in order to better understand the social context of BRT utilization among women in the area. As a result, men will be excluded from consideration.


Public transportation is a form of shared passenger transportation that is open to the general public, as opposed to modes like taxis, carpooling, or hired buses, which are not shared by strangers without prior arrangement.

Sustainable transportation allows people’s basic access and development requirements to be addressed safely, while also promoting equity within and across generations.


Policymakers are individuals who are involved in the creation of instructions/guidelines for people to follow.

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