Domestic violence in Agege local government, Lagos state, Nigeria, was the subject of this study. The study population is made up of residents of the Agege local government. The study’s major goal was to look into how domestic violence affects the people who live in this area. The data for the study was gathered through her interview schedule, which included a systematic random sample of 200 respondents.

According to the findings of the study, the majority of respondents felt that women must work in order to financially support their families. This result revealed that working mothers are aware of their supportive role in their families while also working full-time. Surprisingly, the survey found that women receive encouragement, support, and respect from their husbands, which is a positive finding.

These findings support Oguwole’s (2005) findings that women are appreciated at home because of their contributions and active engagement in family decision-making. Working mothers who participate more in family decision-making are also less likely to witness domestic abuse, according to UN (2002) data.

Furthermore, the study discovered that working women not only receive attention and support from their spouses, but also from their employers. For example, 81 percent of respondents agree that three months of maternity leave is always granted to and observed by nursing moms. They also recognize it in her breastfeeding, such as timely closure of safe motherhood counseling and access to the organization clinic for medical attention, all of which improve the family’s bond.




Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that involves one partner abusing another. It can occur in intimate relationships, marriages, friendships, and family affairs. It can take several forms of influence on one another, including physical assault. For example, physical abuse might include striking, slapping, beating, and sexual harassment, while psychological abuse can include denial of rights, abuse, and frustration (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1995).

The definition of “domestic violence” varies depending on the circumstance. In medical, legal, political, or social situations, it may be defined variously. Over time, and in different parts of the world, the definitions have changed. Domestic violence has always been connected with physical violence.

Domestic violence, for example, is defined as (Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, 2005) “one family member or household member inflicting bodily injury on another; likewise, a repeated habitual pattern of such behavior.

Domestic violence, as defined by international treaties and states today, encompasses a considerably larger range of behaviors, including economic abuse. Domestic violence is a serious problem “means any act of violence, including harm to any household member, even if it is directed at another family member. (American Medical Association Journal, 1992).


It’s also a pattern of behavior characterized by one individual abusing power and control over another who is or was in an intimate relationship.

Domestic violence dates back to the 1800s, when most legal systems considered wife beating to be a legitimate exercise of a husband’s authority over his wife. The Massachusetts Bay colonists’ 1641 Body of Liberties, on the other hand, provided that a married woman should be “free from correction or stripes by her husband.”

Domestic abuse legislation and popular opinion in the United Kingdom and the United States changed as a result of political activity in the eighteenth century. Tennessee was the first state in the United States to expressly prohibit wife beating in 1850. Several other states quickly followed suit. Domestic violence has mostly occurred in areas of gender inequality and child abuse in this area of the state, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal, has promised that the house will toughen the law against domestic violence and gender discrimination in Nigeria, using Agege local government as a case study. The Speaker believes that the bill will assist in closing all gender gaps that encourage discrimination and promote gender equality as defined by the Constitution. He made the announcement at Abuja’s third national women in parliament meeting. At the meeting, female MPs expressed their displeasure with the low female representation in the National Assembly, which they believe has placed Nigeria in a disadvantageous position.


Large family size is obviously no longer desirable in light of the rising rates of poverty, illiteracy, and poor health as a result of the effect of domestic violence on gender inequality, and sociocultural belief system is one of the major consequences, implying that social cultural belief is one of the major constraints. Domestic abuse in Nigeria is a problem for both men and women.

Furthermore, between half and two-thirds of Nigerian women are victims of domestic violence at home. Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Domestic violence affects both men and women, but women are disproportionately affected. (14 March 2012 – 11:4Sam) (Leonie Taylor Article)

This is a global trend, but Nigeria’s discriminating laws are particularly egregious.

Most importantly, its pervasive culture of silence and stigmatization of domestic violence victims obstructs public recognition of the problem. It is critical to combat social preconceptions and institutional systems in order to safeguard women from not only danger but also ridicule, dread, and solitude.

“On a daily basis, Nigerian women are beaten, raped, and even murdered by family members for alleged transgressions ranging from not having meals ready on time to visiting family members without their husband’s permission,” she said, adding that “husbands, partners, and fathers are responsible for the majority of the violence.” (Amnesty International’s Deputy Director, Stephane Mikala)

Africa program of International)

Although acid attacks on women, which cause extreme pain, are more common.


The primary goal of this research is to look into the socio-cultural effects of domestic violence. The study’s goal is to find out more about

1. Determine the socio-cultural elements that influence domestic violence in the research area.

2. Examine the role of women in career decision-making in the context of Nigerian culture.

3. Make advice on how to proceed in light of the obstacles posed by domestic violence.

4. Consider the social, psychological, and health consequences of combining caret assignment with domestic violence for women, families, and society.

5. Examine the significance of sociocultural concepts in the research field.


The following questions are posed to help guide our investigation.

1. Do socio-cultural influences have an impact on women’s professional choices?


2. Does domestic violence have an impact on and affect women’s participation in decision-making?


3. Is it possible for a woman to advance in her job while dealing with domestic violence?


4. How does domestic violence affect the family’s psychological well-being?


5. What is the psychological impact of domestic violence, and how does it impact society?


The most compelling relevance is the substantial data and strong argument that domestic abuse has socio-cultural implications. As a result, this research is justified. based on the fact that it will provide useful information about the socio­cultural effects of domestic violence in Lagos state, Agege local government This study will look at the various ways in which domestic violence affects individuals, particularly women, as well as how they cope with its prevalence.

However, this study will be useful for victims of domestic violence, government and non-governmental organizations, as well as Nigerian lawmakers, particularly in the areas of policy making and gender formation in order to put a program in place.


Due to time and funding constraints, this study will be limited to the Agege Local Government in Lagos. Various aspects of the environment will be considered, thus the dominant area will be thoroughly examined and taken into account during data analysis and interpretation.


Domestic violence has many forms, depending from one community to the next, and some of these types will be discussed here for a better understanding.

Physical: Inflicting or attempting to inflict physical injury, such as grabbing, pinching, and shoving, slapping, hitting, biting, arm-twisting, kicking, punching, hitting with blunt objects, stabbing, and shooting; withholding access to resources necessary to maintain health, such as medication, medical equipment, food or fluids, sleep, or hygienic assistance. Forcing alcohol or other drug use.

Sexual: Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact without consent example: marital rape, acquaintance rape, forced sex after physical beating, attacks on the sexual parts of the body, forced prostitution, fondling, sodomy, sex with others. Attempting to undermine the victim’ sexuality example: treating him/her in

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