Occupational Safety and Health Hazards among Employees of Beta Glass Plc Agbara Industrial Estate, Ogun State are the focus of this research project.

A well-structured questionnaire was used as part of the survey design. Respondents were chosen using a simple random sampling method. A total of eighty (80) responders were chosen from the Beta Glass Plc personnel.


With the help of Chi-Square analysis, three hypotheses were developed and evaluated. As a consequence of the study, all null hypotheses were rejected, and the three alternate hypotheses were accepted.


Conclusions were reached based on the results of the tested hypotheses: there is a significant relationship between occupational hazard and the psychological well-being of factory workers; there is a significant relationship between occupational hazard and the psychological well-being of factory workers;

There is a considerable link between occupational hazards and low manufacturing worker productivity; there is a significant link between job satisfaction and effectiveness as well as efficiency.

Employers and employees should be encouraged in their efforts to reduce occupational hazards and safety at their workplaces, and employers and employees should be encouraged to implement new and improve existing programs for providing safe and healthy working conditions.




Occupational safety and health (sometimes known as occupational health and safety) is a field concerned with safeguarding the health, safety, and welfare of persons who work or are employed. Occupational safety and health initiatives aim to create a safe and healthy working environment. (Safety Documents from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Coworkers, family members, employers, customers, and others who may be affected by the employment environment may be protected by OSH.

For moral, legal, and financial reasons, workplace safety and health are crucial. ‘All firms have a responsibility to ensure that employees and anybody else who may be harmed by their activities are kept safe at all times.’ Employers’ safe work practices, 2013 Health and Safety Policy.

In this sense, the term “working culture” refers to a reflection of the organization’s core value systems. The managerial systems, personnel policy, participation principles, training programs, and quality management of the project all reflect this culture. Occupational Health Service and Practical Guidelines Joint ILO/WHO Committee on Occupational Health ilo.org, year 2013.

Although work brings numerous economic and other benefits, a variety of workplace dangers pose a threat to people’s health and safety. Chemicals, biological agents, physical factors, bad genetic states, allergies, a complex network of safety risks, and a wide range of psychological risk factors are just a few examples. A.Rogers, C.J.C.Murray, and Lopez, A.Rogers, and C.J.C.Murray (ending) Comparative.

In many sectors, physical risks are a common cause of injury. Many industries, such as construction and mining, may not be able to prevent them, but humans have created safety measures and procedures to manage the risks of physical hazard in the workplace over time. Children’s employment may present unique challenges.

Falls are a leading source of workplace accidents and deaths, particularly in (teaching, extraction, transportation, healthcare, and building cleaning and maintenance) (jail injuries prevention in the work place” NIOSH. Work and Health institute of occupational safety and health. July, 2012.)


According to Bazroy et al. (2003), catastrophic occupational injuries cause 10,000 deaths worldwide. Occupational injuries are one of the primary causes of adult mortality and a significant contributor to long-term disability.

Occupational risks are unique to Nigeria and pose a threat to human health and well-being. In addition, Adebiyi et al. (2005) calculated the cost of agro-allied industry accidents in south-western Nigeria at 87.89 million dollars per year, with specific occupations. While attempts are taken to mitigate hazards, the nature of the profession means that they will always exist in the workplace. Recognizing occupational hazards is the first step toward developing risk-reduction strategies for the workplace.

Workplace must maintain a safe and healthy working environment. By their very nature, certain vocations are exceedingly dangerous. Jobs with various occupational risks frequently pay their employees better in recognition of the risk, and they are often charged higher insurance rates since underwriters recognize that the risk is greater.


Employers in our country have a bad attitude toward employees since they are frequently considered as laborers in Nigeria, whom they should treat as slaves. Their profession requires them to deal with a variety of health issues. As they work all day, manufacturing workers or employees suffer a variety of health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertension, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, fatigue, obesity, varicose veins, dehydration, sunstrokes, and aging. They also suffer from sunburns, joint pains, and musculoskeletal diseases (MSD), as well as the release of waste chemicals or gases as a result of extended hours of labor and insufficient physical activity, among other issues.


The study’s objectives are to:

1. To learn about the numerous workplace hazards that factory workers face.

2. To investigate the impact of occupational hazards on industrial workers’ psychological well-being and behavior (job satisfaction, commitment and compliance).

3. Determine the impact of job happiness on factory worker productivity.

4. To determine different responses to occupational hazards in terms of job satisfaction, commitment, and compliance.

5. Make reasonable ideas for effective methods of reducing workplace dangers among factory workers.


1. What are the hazards that factory workers face on the job?

2. What effects do occupational dangers have on manufacturing workers’ psychological well-being?


3. How efficient and effective are manufacturing workers in the factory when confronted with a hazard on the job?


4. In terms of job satisfaction, dedication, and compliance, what are the varied responses or reactions to occupational hazards?


5. What factors influence job happiness, especially when working in a hazardous environment like a factory?


Factory or manufacturing labor demands both physical and mental power, as well as extreme caution to avoid putting oneself in a dangerous scenario. This research is important in order to identify the risks associated with manufacturing and factory jobs that are dependent on glass production, as well as to emphasize the job satisfaction. This research is necessary in light of the current dangerous situation in which factory workers’ wrists, legs, and hands cut through the heavy-duty engine used in glass manufacturing or when a big load falls on a worker while doing his job. I’ve heard of such a circumstance when something similar happened.


The purpose of this research is to determine the occupational risks and job satisfaction of olfactory employees. The research focuses on the features of glass production plants and industries that pose occupational health and safety issues.

The investigation will focus on factory workers. The research will focus on the numerous types of occupational health and hazards, as well as their consequences on workers’ lives and how they might be controlled to improve working efficiency and effectiveness, as well as job happiness. The population, time, and budgetary constraints, however, are drawbacks of this study.


The study’s numerous terms have been operationalized in a systematic manner:

1.6.1 Occupational Danger: A risk or hazard to workers that is inherent in a specific work environment.


Occupation. A hazard or risk that is inherent in certain occupations or workplaces, or any aspect of a job that can lead to disease or harm.


1.6.2 Occupational Safety: To promote a safe and healthy work environment for coworkers, family members, employers, customers, and others who may be impacted by the workplace environment. Workers and their representatives must engage with employers to improve workplace safety and health, for example, by participating in the development and implementation of preventive programs.


1.6.3 Factory Workers: These are workers who are hired to provide labor services to industries that ensure that the minimum wage is met.

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