This research is uniformed and meant to uncover and reveal Family Planning Methods in Enugu State’s Rural Communities, with a focus on Aji. The researcher evaluated the acceptance of several techniques of family planning in Aji in Igbo Eze North L.G.A. The extent to which the people of the Aji community are aware of the existence of family planning methods was investigated. In Aji, researchers looked at the impact of family planning on the family’s well-being. The study also looked into the connection between family planning and family well-being. The study’s data was gathered from two main sources: primary and secondary sources of data collection. Questionnaires and oral interviews were utilized to gather primary data from the respondents. Journals and other secondary sources of information. A thorough assessment of the direct and indirect literature on books, journals, and previous publications was conducted. The oral interview and questionnaire were utilized as research tools in this study. The questionnaire is designed in such a way that it includes both closed and open-ended questions. The data analysis was handled with simple tables and percentages. The researcher concluded that Traditional Methods, Contraceptive Measures, Conventional Methods, and Withdrawal Methods are the methods of family planning employed by the people of the Aji community. The residents of the Aji community were also found to be aware of existing family planning options. According to the findings, family planning has a favorable impact on the well-being of the inhabitants of Aji. In the Aji community, it was also revealed that there is a strong link between family planning and family well-being. According to the findings, couples should plan their families by following the guidelines set forth by the planned parenthood federation, whose services are also provided free of charge in family planning clinics around the country. To reduce the number of adolescent pregnancies and child dumping, sex education should be supported in our communities and in our societies in general.




For a long time, the term “family planning” has been on many people’s lips in this country, but little is known about it. The family is a social organization that brings people together to form cooperative groups that oversee the birth and development of new children. Traditionally, the major reason for getting involved in family life is to procreate, to bear and raise or socialize children into society.

Family is thought to exist in every society, although in various forms. As a smallest unit, a family might begin with a courtship that leads to marriage.


Family is a social institution that is in charge of procreation and the upbringing of new generations of humans in society.

In Nigeria, the problem is that population expansion is far outpacing the country’s ability to deliver the necessary services. Population increase must be taken into account when planning socioeconomic development if the quality of life is to be improved. Amenties must be continually increased in order to make them available to a big number of persons interested in a particular prospect. The problem is considerably more serious; the ultimate goal is to achieve persistent improvement in an individual’s well-being, which manifests itself in all elements of human rights, including access to enough nutritious food of the correct kind of nutrition, proper health education, and adequate shelter.

The right to work, whether for oneself or for one’s family.

Family planning is deemed vital since it allows couples and individuals to reach their full potential and contribute significantly to the country’s socio-economic growth.

Family planning was adopted as a result of a constant increase in the rate at which people procreated as a result of not being prepared for birth due to unplanned pregnancy.

This will benefit a variety of married pair girls under the age of 18 and ladies over the age of 35. Men who want to space or limit their pregnancies in order to maximize their potential and contribute significantly to the nation. According to proponents of both population control and abortion, the planet will be overcrowded in a few hundred years.


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