The level of performance in the educational sector has been inextricably linked to the availability of resources. Financing has been mentioned as a necessary tool for the efficient management of the educational sector. This is due to the fact that finance is the lifeblood of the majority of the economy’s sectors, including education. On this basis, UNESCO recommended that a country devote 26% of its annual budget to educational administration and management (Odia & Omofonmwan, 2007). This is because such a financing strategy will help to provide both the quality and quantity of fundamental resources needed for teaching and learning.

Secondary education is essential for both individual and national development. Secondary school serves as a bridge between primary and secondary school.

the elementary and secondary school levels. Secondary education is the education that children receive after finishing elementary school and before beginning postsecondary education between the ages of 12 and 18. (FRN, 2004). The overarching goal of secondary education is to prepare students for productive lives in society and for further education (FRN, 2004). The secondary school system is specifically designed to account for differences in abilities, opportunities, and future responsibilities, as well as to impart technical knowledge and vocational skills required for agricultural, industrial, commercial, and economic growth (FRN, 2004). Secondary schools must be able to provide high-quality instruction and learning.

Various governments have made efforts over time to increase the amount of money available for secondary education administration. This is also the case in Nigeria.

where, in recent years, the government has significantly increased the amount of money set aside for educational development (Voice of Nigeria, 2013). The increased funding is intended to improve the quality of education available to residents, particularly in secondary schools. In the interest of national growth and development, the government made this decision to improve the quality of education at this level. This is consistent with the government’s desire for education to serve as a vehicle for personal and national advancement (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). As a result, efforts have been made to increase funding for the educational sector, which includes secondary education.

According to Lesley (2013), numerous educational stakeholders have similarly emphasized the link between the quality of instruction and student achievement.

The quality of finance and educational output. Education is a type of social service that the government must provide to as many people in the community who are willing and qualified to receive it. On this assumption, the government is expected to make a significant contribution to the provision of this critical public service.


The goal of effective secondary school financing or funding is to provide citizens with high-quality education in order to promote national growth. The government, parents, and even students in Nigeria secondary schools hope that students will receive a quality education if the government and school administration or authority implement appropriate administrative processes/strategies (Lesley 2013). Observations, however, show that many secondary schools in Nigeria appear to have

Inadequate administrative management processes/strategies result in low-quality education, which has a direct or indirect impact on the educational achievement of many secondary school students across the country. These ineffective management practices are visible in areas such as a lack of budget, infrastructure, and instructional materials availability, to name a few (Udobia 2014). These factors have been linked to low academic achievement among secondary school students, absenteeism, a high drop-out rate, a high prevalence of test malpractice, poor reading habits, and recruitment into dangerous gangs such as cultism, to name a few.


The overarching goal of this research is to evaluate secondary school fund management and administration strategies. Other specific goals of this research include:

i. To ascertain the extent to which fund management influences effective administration.

ii. To investigate the various sources of funds used by secondary schools for effective administration.

iii. To investigate the effects of poor financial management on secondary school administration.

iv. To investigate secondary schools’ strategies for effective fund management and administration.


This study will address the following research questions:

i. How much influence does fund management have on effective administration?

ii. What are the various funding sources available to secondary schools for effective administration?

iii. What are the consequences?

of mismanaged funds on secondary school administration effectiveness?

iv. What strategies do secondary schools use for effective fund management and administration?


The study’s findings will have an immediate impact on school administrators, teachers, parents, students, the government, and future researchers. The study’s findings will educate school principals about the state of the educational system and provide them with viable solutions for reversing this trend and improving the country’s educational quality. The study’s findings will expose some administrative issues plaguing secondary school administration and will recommend some viable strategies for school principals to employ in order to eliminate them. The findings of this study will be extremely beneficial to teachers. This research will provide light on some of the teachers’ issues that contribute to substandard teaching and learning in various secondary schools across the country. Teachers will benefit if school leaders accept and implement some of the solutions proposed in this study to address these problems. They will be encouraged to maintain a positive attitude toward their jobs as their earnings are expected to rise. The findings of the study will benefit parents. When instructors are well taken care of, they are more likely to enjoy teaching their students. As a result, students will receive a high-quality education and will excel academically, much to the delight of their parents. Their parents will be overjoyed and proud of their children, but they will also be relieved that the money they have invested in their children’s education has been returned.

not squandered. The study’s findings will be extremely beneficial to students. It will provide students with high-quality instruction from motivated and moral teachers, allowing them to excel academically.

This report will serve as a wake-up call to the state administration, as well as guidance on how to address these issues. After these issues are resolved, the state’s educational system will be resurrected in all of its forms. The exodus of teachers from the country (brain drain) will be greatly reduced.


The primary goal of this research is to evaluate secondary school fund management and administration strategies. This study will investigate the extent to which fund management influences effective administration.

the various sources of funds accessed by secondary schools for effective administration, investigating the effects of fund mismanagement on secondary school administration, and investigating secondary school strategies for effective fund management and administration.

Principals and teachers from selected secondary schools in Gombe, Gombe State, will be enrolled in this study’s survey.


The primary goal of this research is to evaluate strategies for fund management and effective secondary school administration. This study will specifically determine the extent to which fund management affects effective administration, examine the various sources of funds accessed by secondary schools for effective administration, and investigate the effects of fund mismanagement on effective administration.

secondary schools, as well as investigating secondary schools’ strategies for effective fund management and administration.

Because only a few respondents were chosen to answer the research instrument, the sample size was limited, and the results cannot be generalized to other secondary schools outside of the state.


Strategies: A strategy is a broad plan for achieving one or more long-term or overall goals in the face of uncertainty.

Fund management is the oversight and management of an institution’s cash flow.

Administration: The process or activity of running a company, organization, or other entity.



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