Movies have surpassed more than half of the other types of entertainment that compete for the average citizen’s time and attention in recent years, and they have remained a source of amusement, information, and education. The American film industry has dominated the global film industry since the early twentieth century. In early 1910, Griffith, a well-known film director, shot “In Old California,” the first film in Hollywood. Filmmakers flocked to Southern California before World War I, where the Nestor Company built the first Hollywood studio in 1911. Because racial prejudice prevented them from working in other industries, Jews who were immigrants eventually dominated the film industry. The film industry was producing 400 films per year by the mid-1940s. Onokome (2009) claims that the  Nigerian video film has evolved into an art form, giving rise to its own Nollywood. From an estimated 2.5 million dollars in 1994 to 3.4 million dollars in 1999, the motion picture industry grew. According to Larkin (2006), this expansion resulted in the production of 600 films per year, making Nigeria one of the world’s largest film producers. According to Okoye, Mnebue, a brilliant Nigerian entrepreneur, established the Nigerian film industry with the release of “Living in Bondage” in 1992. (2003). However, Nollywood is the world’s third most dynamic film industry, trailing only Hollywood and Bollywood. The colonial overlords introduced movies to Nigeria in 1930. Herbert Macaulay, according to Adieza (2010), financed these films, which were shown at the Glover Hall in Lagos. During that time, The film was primarily used to raise awareness of the British Empire. The first Indigenous film, “Culture in Transition,” an abbreviated version of Wole Soyinka’s “The Strong Breed,” was made in 1960, shortly after independence. “Kongi’s Harvest” also commemorated Independence Day. At the time, films were shown in large cinema halls, which drew large crowds, and the film hall eventually became a hangout for criminals. Because it was prohibitively expensive to project a picture using these projectors, when movies were introduced to the country in 1980, they were welcomed by all households. Producers shifted their focus to creating films that were both cheaper and faster. According to Sor (2011), the film market in 1996 had over 20,000 films. West Africans Both the West African Examination Council (WAEC) and the National Examination Council (NECO) have expressed concern about the low quality of education in Nigeria’s educational system, as well as the consequences of poor academic performance among senior secondary school students (2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010). Some blame children for the apparent decline in educational quality and moral standards, while the majority blames teachers. Teachers blame children and parental attitudes toward their children’s education (Ogbadu, 2010). Others, such as Jekayinfa (2007), have criticized the government for the poor quality of service and physical infrastructure in some parts of the system. However, in addition to the factors listed as causes of failure among secondary school students, the advent of globalization as a result of urbanization has been identified as a cause of failure.  and civilization, such as access to the internet, GSM, Television, and Cable Network programs, has relegated most students to a showbiz, often distracted by a series of cartoons and movie activities. They spend the majority of their time watching television instead of reading books, doing homework, or socializing with others. Teenage years are a time when children are just beginning to break away from their parents, at least in terms of their own identity. They may relate to their peers through the media’s more objective and less intimidating frame of reference (Ohadebeh, 2012). This is because of the fact that that most youngsters view the media in the same way. Unfortunately, because the majority of teenagers are still searching for their own identities, they are more vulnerable to media suggestions and peer pressure, which may overpower what they have already constructed of their own identities based on other people’s ideas about what they should think and feel. Given the current state of the media, they may unconsciously begin to adopt other people’s ideas rather than developing their own (Okechukwu, 2014). However, with the introduction and consolidation of multiple television stations and service providers in Nigeria in the twenty-first century, it is impossible to overstate the importance of television in our daily lives. According to statistics, satellite and cable televisions have a larger audience in cities than local television channels. to studies. This study, on the other hand, investigates the effects of late-night movie watching on secondary school students. Previous research has shown that with television stations at their fingertips, children spend an inordinate amount of time watching television (Arony, 2009). According to a conservative estimate, the average American adolescent spends 2.5 hours per day watching television. Prior research has shown that teens spend an average of 16-18 hours per week watching television, beginning at the age of 13 and ending at the age of 19, and they watch the most popular rated movies. The vast majority of teen programming is entertainment-related, such as movies, music videos, soap operas, and so on. According to Olorogun (2013), the impact of these programs is significant.

Due to other factors such as family, social groups, peer groups, and so on, interventions on teenagers may not be immediate or successful. Nonetheless, the influence may lead to incorrect ideals and bad social practices among young people. However, the more exposure children have to entertainment television, as measured by the amount of time they spend watching it, the more likely they are to develop a world view and sense of reality that is similar to what they see on television over time.


Depending on the type of film, the time of day, and the level of parental supervision available, movies can have both a negative and positive impact on a Nigerian child. However, it is obvious that a child imitates. As a result of what he sees, he must be led. One of the consequences of movies, according to Onokome (2009), is violence. Children who watch a lot of violent movies are more likely to act violently. People are said to readily accept fictitious representations in the media due to their vivid and demonstrative image conveyance. Many people consider home video to be a school of violence because it has the ability to hold an audience’s attention longer than any traditional institution. Movies have both long-term and short-term consequences, particularly in terms of how they influence a child’s behavior. Observing violent films may result in traits such as hostility. This could cause you to think and feel aggressively. According to Adesanya, watching violent programs (2008),  can influence children’s behavior by instilling fear, concern, and suspicion in them, as well as increasing the child’s proclivity for aggressive behavior. Pornographic videos are harmful to children because they increase their sexual desire and encourage them to experiment. As Adesanya (2004) points out, movies occupy children’s time, preventing them from fully focusing on schoolwork such as note revision, assignments, and even household tasks. Rather than actively participating in household tasks, they prefer to remain glued to the television. Watching movies is the most popular form of entertainment in most Nigerian households. Obesity is a significant risk because most movies last one hour, thirty minutes, or even two hours. The study’s challenge stems from the study’s methodology.

school-aged youngsters. Many schoolchildren, it is claimed, have a strong desire to watch movies rather than concentrate on their studies (Ken, 2007). This positive urge manifests itself as more time spent watching movies and less time spent on schoolwork, potentially leading to absenteeism and tardiness. Another issue that may arise is the behavior of these children who have been exposed to films over which they have little control. They learn new ways to speak, dress, and engage in unethical behavior. As a result, the goal of this study is to investigate the impact of home movies on the academic performance of secondary school students in the Logo local government region of Benue state.


This study’s primary goal is

to look at the impact of movies on students’ academic performance. The study’s specific objectives are as follows:

i. Identify the extent of student addiction to home movies and the impact on academic performance.

ii. Determine which film genres students are exposed to the most and how this affects their academic performance.

iii. To ascertain the impact of movies on students’ academic performance.


The following research questions were posed to guide the researcher throughout the investigation:

i. What is the extent of student addiction to home movies, and how does it affect academic performance?

ii. Which film genres are students exposed to the most, and how does this affect their academic performance?

iii. What are the consequences?

what effect do movies have on student academic performance?


This study is critical for teachers, parents, and students. This study will help teachers understand the impact of movies on their students, allowing them to educate and raise awareness among students about the potential consequences. The study is important for parents because it will inform them about the potential effects of these films on their children, allowing them to act as watchdogs for their children. The study will educate senior students so that they understand that, in addition to the social benefits of using this movie site, excessive use may endanger their health. It will be beneficial in assisting students in comprehending the various types of

There are movies available. It will be useful for students and other scholars working on similar projects. The study will provide academics with more information about the impact of movies on student academic performance.


The primary goal of this research project is to look into how movies affect students’ academic performance. Students from Benue State, specifically the Logo local government area, will take part in the research.


Influence: the ability to have an impact on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

Academic performance refers to a student’s, teacher’s, or institution’s achievement of short- and long-term educational goals.

movie is a film that is shown in a theater.

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