The collective recollection of human group experiences can be defined as history. It not only helps people understand who they are and where they came from, but it also gives them a platform from which to make informed decisions about current issues and future developments. Many historians believe that by carefully mapping previous trends, individuals can make educated guesses about future general tendencies (Bining and Bining1952). History is one of the core subjects in the secondary school curriculum in Nigeria. It is taught as a separate subject in secondary schools and universities.

History has played an important role in the secondary school curriculum since the British introduced Western education to Nigeria. The term “History” can mean a variety of things. to various historians. History, according to Fabricius (1983), is to people what memory is to individuals. People who have no recollection of their past are victims of collective amnesia, stumbling into the future with no precedent to guide them. Because their future is unknown, those who have little understanding of the past are more likely to suffer from historic myopia. Similarly, according to Boadu (2016), history is the investigation, analysis, and interpretation of past events in order to identify generalizations that are useful in understanding the present and, to a limited extent, projecting the future. According to Robert Daniels, if we do not have a basic understanding of history, we suffer from communal amnesia, fumbling in the dark for our identity (Fabricius, 1983). According According to Arthur Marwick (1971), a community can only know itself by knowing its past. He claims that a civilization that lacks memory and self-awareness is doomed. As a result, history satisfies our desire to understand ourselves and our forefathers. “History education is critical because it instills in the individual the development of social consciousness,” write Ajai, Ajibade, and Aniemeka (1999). In this regard, historical knowledge allows people, particularly young people, to understand and appreciate the history, culture, beliefs, and customs of others. The goal of history education in schools, according to Adeyeni (1999), is to help young people develop an integrated spiritual world through assimilation of ethno-cultural, national, and universal values developed through historical development.

and by giving them practice defining themselves in relation to these values. According to Osinsawo (1990), history is a living topic that deals with the drama of humanity or the stage of the world that is still expanding, and this drama should be presented to students in a vivid manner in the classroom; for this, a history teacher must be dynamic and full of life.

Teaching and learning approaches that are currently in use According to Wineburg (2001), history is “historical thought” and “historical investigation” (Barton & Levstik, 2004). “Arton and Levstik, 2004, p.188” define historical inquiry as “the activity of asking questions, gathering and evaluating relevant evidence, and drawing conclusions based on that evidence.” The process of acquiring historical knowledge through critical analysis.

Historical thinking is the application of historical materials (Evans,1994). Corroboration (comparison of historical records), sourcing (analysis of the document’s source), and contextualization (placement of the documents in the context of the historical problem) are all procedures involved (Evans, 1994). Both methods emphasize the learner’s role in the construction of historical knowledge. As a result, these techniques align with constructivist learning and teaching perspectives. These techniques, however, are better suited to university students than to primary and secondary school students (Boadu, 2016).

According to studies conducted around the world, the transmission model is used in the teaching and learning of history in schools. Despite the emphasis on learner-centered pedagogy advocated by current education reforms, the transmission model of teaching has predominated throughout history. in schools. According to Cobbold and Oppong (2010), research studies conducted and published in North America and Europe dominate current knowledge of history teaching and learning in schools. In Nigeria, schools are undergoing significant changes in terms of modernization and techniques that can only be understood in the context of the subject. According to Ajayi (2015), the process of teaching and learning history has become more diverse and engaging, with the prospect of increased personal contribution. At the same time, it is critical to recognize that history education has a long history. According to Ajayi (2015), history teaching and learning in Nigerian schools has a long history, and history is an undeniable achievement.

The subject, as well as the methodology used to teach it, has received worldwide recognition.


While most history teachers believe that studying the subject teaches many qualities and virtues, there does not appear to be a firm consensus on the precise purposes of history education (Fox,1983). This helps to explain why some professors have difficulty convincing students of the importance of history education.

History is often difficult for students to appreciate. Some people regard the course as a pointless and tedious exercise in memorizing dates and locations. Others are uninterested in history and fail to see its relevance to modern life. This is most likely one of the reasons why only a small percentage of university students choose to study abroad.

to study history.

(Boadu, 2016) observed that the way history is taught in schools is another factor contributing to students’ apparent difficulty learning and appreciating history. History is sometimes taught to students as a collection of facts and dates. In this strategy, students must memorize a large amount of information and recall a series of historical facts. This historical perspective is diametrically opposed to how historians interpret their work. Unfortunately, students who see history as facts and dates fail to recognize history as a subject governed by certain proof norms. In general, such students do not recognize the significance of history in their daily lives. This situation presents significant challenges for history teachers (Boadu, 2016). With already limited resources

Teachers are also expected to instill a passion for the topic in their students when it comes time to finish the course. In their pursuit of the former, many history professors overlook the latter.


The study’s primary goal is to assess teachers’ perceptions of the difficulties of teaching history in secondary schools. Other study objectives include:

i. To investigate the importance of history as a subject in secondary schools.

ii. To investigate the advantages of teaching history in secondary schools.

iii. To learn about the difficulties that teachers face when teaching history in secondary schools.


i. Is history a subject that should be taught in secondary schools?

ii. What are the advantages of teaching history in secondary schools?

iii. What are the difficulties that teachers face when teaching history in secondary schools?


The study’s findings will be useful to history teachers because they will reveal the perceived challenges they face when teaching history. It will also benefit secondary school students because the findings will show how relevant history is as a subject.

This study will also serve as a repository for future research and reference.


This study will concentrate on secondary school teachers’ perceptions of the difficulties associated with teaching history. It will also address the significance, benefits, and challenges of teaching history in secondary schools. The history teachers of Federal Government Girls’ will be used in this study.

College, Ikot Obio Itong in Akwa Ibom State as students.


This study is limited to secondary school teachers’ perceptions of the difficulties of teaching history. It will also be restricted to the importance, benefits, and difficulties of teaching history in secondary schools. There will be no discussion of anything other than history in this study.

This study will also be limited to the Federal Government Girls’ College in Ikot Obio Itong. Its findings are not applicable in any other part of the world.


A teacher is someone who teaches, usually in a school.

Perception is the way something is perceived, understood, or interpreted.

Challenges: something new and difficult that necessitates a lot of effort and determination.


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