Since the beginning of time, communication has been an everyday process in all industries and between all individuals. It is an essential tool for interacting with people from various backgrounds. According to Gullet (1975), communication entails people coexisting on the planet. They go on to say that communication allows people to exchange information and pool their resources, allowing them to develop and expand their knowledge, technology, and culture. Communication is a process that connects the various components of a system. Communication is the fundamental social process that pervades all aspects of social life, so its importance to human life cannot be overstated. Without communication, no society can exist, no social structure can emerge, and no social structure can persist (Muyiera, 2002). His research on Michael (1992) demonstrates that without communication, no coordinated activity can be undertaken. Only by communicating with one another can participants in a social communication form and persist. Effective communication is critical to the long-term viability of any organization (Hicks, 1989). As a result, effective communication is essential for a school to achieve its objectives. A lack of good communication between school authorities, teachers, and students can lead to discord and a negative working environment. Ineffectiveness in organizations, according to Luthans (1989), stems in part from difficulties in exchanging information among members at various levels. Because communication has such a large impact on an organization’s success, some managers believe that poor communication costs the organization more time and money than any other problem. The principal of a secondary school is in charge of the school’s day-to-day operations as well as academic performance. He or she is solely responsible for motivating employees and raising academic performance and overall standards at the school. Academic performance is likely to improve if they complete their assignments correctly (Muyiera, 2002). According to Doobs (1961), the communicator (Principal) must be placed in relation to his communication network location. He can initiate a communication, act as a middleman between a communicator and an audience, or act as an audience first and then retransmit the communication he or she has heard (Kayode, 2000). A principle is in charge of keeping track of communication. He or she keeps track of who is communicating with whom and what. is taking place at the school. The Principal monitors the school’s and community’s official and informal communication networks to see if there is any message distortion of any kind. In addition, he or she seeks information, opinions, and ideas from others. He must promote complete and accurate communication throughout the school (Mayi, 2003). The form and manner of communication used at a specific school will influence how individuals interact, as well as the general environment of the school, which will influence the overall level of instruction received by teachers (Muyiera, 2002). Communication influences people’s behavior in an organization. As a result, the Principal should be able to realign and adjust the curriculum.

The attitude of teachers, students, and the entire school community toward achieving specified goals in a school through appropriate communication patterns. Communication is central to the management process in which a Principal is involved (Luthans, 1989). Effective communication, as one of the components of management, is critical to the success of any organization, school, or institution. As a result, any communication barrier may impede a school’s ability to meet its objectives. As a result, the purpose of this study was to investigate principal communication techniques and teacher productivity in public secondary schools.


The educational system in Nigeria has a history of management issues, many of which are related to communication. Human capital

In Nigerian management schools, two important factors are management and effective communication in a specific cultural environment (Ola, 2001). Managing the human resources at the school is a difficult task. For a staff member to be able to deliver learning instructions and achieve the desired outcome, an effective communication procedure is required (Muyiera, 2002). Human resources personnel must have the communication skills, knowledge, and instructional techniques that are used in the system. As a result, the investigation will focus on communication and human resource management in Nigerian schools, as well as cultural conformity. As a result, this school will investigate principal communication techniques and teacher productivity in public secondary schools.


The overall or primary goal of the study

The objective is to investigate principal communication strategies and teacher productivity in public secondary schools. The specific objectives are as follows:

i. Look into the impact of communication on teacher productivity.

ii To identify the functions of effective communication in the educational sector.

iii To ascertain the modes of communication preferred by secondary school teachers in Nigeria.

iv To identify the current barriers to effective communication between principals and the rest of the school community.


i. How does communication affect teacher productivity?

ii. What roles does effective communication play in the educational sector?

iii. What modes of communication do Nigerian secondary school teachers prefer?

iv. What are the current conditions that limit effective communication?

What is the level of communication between principals and the rest of the school community?


The findings of this study will be useful to principals because they provide suggestions for improving effective communication in schools. The effects of communication on academic success will also be brought to the principals’ attention. The material produced as a result will also be useful to students and lecturers at colleges and universities. The Nigerian Union of Teachers will use this data to determine the areas that need to be addressed while providing in-service training to principals. By facilitating effective communication, the information learned will aid in the development of positive relationships between principals, teachers, and students. This research was carried out in the Zango Kataf Local Government Area.

Kaduna State.


This research was carried out in Kaduna State’s Zango Kataf Local Government Area.


The following terms were used during the research:

Communication strategies are the methods or techniques used to transfer information from the source to the recipient. The mode of communication could be spoken, non-spoken, or written.

Communication is the process of two or more persons exchanging information and meaning.

Principal: A male or female school management or executive in charge of the school’s operations.



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