Education, as is widely acknowledged throughout the world, is the key that unlocks the door to growth. Knowledge is the foundation for a country’s social cohesion and economic prosperity. Education enhances a person’s abilities. It is a strategy for increasing civic engagement; individuals who are denied the right to an education face a future with fewer opportunities. According to UNESCO (2010), meaningful education as a right is critical for achieving social justice because those who are marginalized in school face low future prospects, limiting their participation in social processes that affect them.

On that basis, successive Nigerian administrations have enacted policies aimed at ensuring that every child has access to education as a fundamental right. But it is precisely because of

The Federal Government of Nigeria established the Ministerial Committee on Madrasah Education on February 16, 2010. The Committee estimated that there were approximately 9 million Almajirai in the country. Following the submission of the committee’s report, the government formed an Almajiri Education Program implementation committee, tasked with ensuring that the more than 9 million Almajirai are incorporated into the UBE Program as soon as possible. As a result, Almajiri model schools were established in various parts of the country as part of former President Jonathan’s educational system (Dukku, 2010).

Furthermore, Almajiri was regarded as one of the major challenges confronting social scientists in Nigeria, as well as some of the ruling class in the country’s northern region.

in recent years. This is because an excess of out-of-school children jeopardizes not only social cohesion but also active citizenship. It promotes social marginalization and anti-social behavior in children and adults, making it difficult to achieve Education for All (EFA), the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and other international agreements and protocols. Its operations in the north have had an impact on government objectives (Dukku, 2010).

The Almajiri system is a type of religious education in which a small child, usually under the age of 15, is sent to another area of the village, town, or nation to study Islam (Sule – Kano, 2013). He is expected to fend for himself through street begging because he lacks food, school fees, or boarding supplies. This practice has been around for over a thousand years. The transmission of moral and religious ideals, as well as discipline and increased literacy in society, has been inextricably linked to people’s way of life. According to Dukku (2010), the system produced the majority of northern Nigeria’s notable Islamic scholars in the pre-colonial and twentieth centuries. This centuries-old practice harmed people’s literacy and cognitive development while also contributing to the region’s low socioeconomic growth. To the point where many people in the northern area have recently expressed their dissatisfaction with the Almajiri system concept through print and electronic media. The problems caused by illiteracy, poverty, and child labor have grown at an alarming rate. Despite the system’s significant cultural and religious impact in the northern region, research has revealed

that the socioeconomic and political foundations of the Almajiri system have failed.

Although Binta (2006) claims that Almajiris rarely engage in looting, murder, and property destruction during social unrest, they have been seen participating in protest marches and rallies planned for political and religious causes. In 1980, for example, the maitatsine insurgency received significant support from Almajirai in Kano, Gombe, Yola, and Maiduguri (Ya’u, 2013).

As a result of the foregoing, the region’s economic growth has been harmed as a result of Almajiri syndrome’s widespread prevalence in northern Nigeria. As a result, it removes the need for progress. Instead of nurturing children’s potential, the method exposes them to neglect, abuse, and hidden destitution. The problem now extends beyond comprehension of what is happening to these people.

children, as well as the development of appropriate policies capable of resolving the problem. It is beginning to have an impact on Islamic teachings, with many questioning whether Almajirci is an integral part of Islam or simply a result of socioeconomic changes in societal norms in the old school system. On the one hand, the Almajiri will continue to expand into urban areas in the hope of fulfilling his traditional role as an alms-giving conduit. On the other hand, western-oriented metropolitan residents will continue to believe that ALmajiri has no place in modern areas.

Many people believe that with enough effort on the part of the government and the populace, these children can be saved from their current socioeconomic and cultural deterioration.

in the pursuit of Quranic knowledge (UBEC, 2010). The purpose of this research is to determine why and whether the Almajiri educational system is effective at producing knowledge and skills, and thus capable of meeting the educational needs of the teeming young people it enrolls during the current economic change.


Almajiris in rags, holding a bowl, seeking food and charity on the streets of our major cities has become a source of concern for governments and the general public in recent years. According to Wike (2013), Nigeria has an estimated 10.5 million out-of-school children, with Almajiris accounting for nearly 9 million of this total. These children are mostly found in northern Nigeria. Educating children

Children being trained to be “Manicurists,” “Shoe-shiners,” or “Water-vendors” may pose a serious threat to national security, social cohesion, and active citizenship. With the recent series of sectarian crises plaguing the northern area, there is concern that if left unchecked, this critically neglected segment of our young people will be drawn into these crises.

Despite the government’s constitutional obligations and a substantial financial commitment from the international community, Almajiri syndrome is becoming more common (El-miskin, 2007).

Various experts have conducted numerous studies to determine the root causes of Almjirci and the urgency of addressing it. Sule-Kano (2013), El-Miskin (2007), Binta (2006), and Wike (2013), to name a few, yet the void remains unfilled.

Thus, this study will look at the

The Almajiri school system’s economic contributions in the study region.


The primary goal of this research is to investigate the impact of the almajiri education system on economic development. Other specific goals of this research include:

i. To ascertain the extent of almajiri practice in Nigeria.

ii. To ascertain whether the almajiri practice has had an impact on Nigeria’s economic development.

iii. To examine the impact of the almajiri system of education in Nigeria.

iv. To proffer ways of enhancing the almajiri system of education in Nigeria.


The following research questions will be answered in this study;

i. What is the extent of almajiri practice in Nigeria?

ii. Has the almajiri practice impacted on Nigeria’s economic development?

iii. What are

What are the consequences of Nigeria’s almajiri educational system?

iv. How can the almajiri system of education in Nigeria be improved?


This research will be extremely beneficial and valuable not only to academics, but also to public administration and the community at large, particularly in the future implementation of more realistic policies.

Furthermore, it will serve as a knowledge repository and a source of information for policymakers, the ministry of education, and stakeholders in the northern area, allowing them to take a more realistic approach to the almajiri’s educational system and the region’s development.

In terms of empirical significance, the data collected during this research will serve as a counterpoint to non-empirical evidence or assertions about

What Almajiri stands for. Furthermore, this research will add to the body of knowledge about the Almajiri system and its direct impact on the lives of Yobeans in particular, and Nigerians in general.

Finally, it will serve as a catalyst, providing firsthand information to an aspiring researcher thinking about conducting a similar study.


The primary focus of this research is the impact of the almajiri education system on economic development. Specifically, the objectives of this study are to determine the extent of almajiri practice in Nigeria, to determine whether almajiri practice has impacted Nigeria’s economic development, to examine the impact of the almajiri system of education in Nigeria, and to propose ways to improve the almajiri system of education in Nigeria.

Respondents to this study’s survey will be stakeholders and former beneficiaries of Yobe State’s almajiri education system.


The primary focus of this research is on the impact of the almajiri education system on economic development. Specifically, the objectives of this study are limited to determining the extent of almajiri practice in Nigeria, determining whether almajiri practice has impacted Nigeria’s economic development, examining the impact of the almajiri system of education in Nigeria, and proposing ways to improve the almajiri system of education in Nigeria.

Respondents to the survey in this study will be stakeholders and former beneficiaries of Yobe State’s almajiri education system, so the sample size was limited because only

Because only a few respondents were chosen to complete the research instrument, the findings cannot be generalized to other secondary schools outside the area.

The researcher also encountered some financial and logistical issues, but was able to resolve them because the study was completed successfully.


A significant effect or influence.

Almajiri: The Almajiri system sends parents’ children, mostly boys aged 4 to 12, to distant locations to receive Qur’anic education. Many poor and rural families who cannot afford formal education have made this choice.

Economic development is the process of improving a nation’s, region’s, local community’s, or individual’s economic well-being and quality of life in accordance with specific goals and objectives.

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