This describes outward and visible postures as well as human beliefs. Attitudes shape what people see, hear, think, and do.

School Climate: The term “school climate” refers to the environment that influences the behavior of teachers and students. It refers to the feel, atmosphere, tone, ideology, or milieu of a school. Schools, like individuals, have personalities; a school climate can be thought of as the personality of a school. It also characterizes the organization at the school building and classroom levels.  One manifestation is the internet. Information and communication technology (ICT) are computer-based tools that employees use to meet the information and communication processing demands of an organization. It encompasses computer hardware, software, networks, and other digital devices such as video, audio, cameras, and other devices that convert information (text, sound, motion, and so on) into digital form (Bielefeldt, 1999). Information and communication technology can be used in the school environment for school administration and management, teaching and learning of ICT-related skills for enhancing the presentation of classroom work, teaching/learning repetitive tasks, teaching/learning intellectual, thinking, and problem-solving skills, stimulating creativity and imagination, conducting research by teachers and students, and communicating with teachers and students (Collis, 1999). The application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education Nigeria, like other African countries, is rapidly expanding. While there is a wealth of information on how ICTs are used in wealthy countries, little is known about how ICTs are introduced into schools in developing countries (Chiware, 2006). According to these authors, instructors and students in impoverished countries spend very little time per month using ICTs, and even less time with reliable Internet connectivity. It should be noted that the availability of ICTs vs. access in terms of teacher-to-student ratios varies significantly (Moonen, 2001). Despite this, new and developing technologies pose a threat to traditional teaching and learning methods, as well as the way education is administered. While information and communication technology is an important field of study in and of itself,  It has a significant impact on all areas of the curriculum. The ease of global connectivity allows for instant access to a vast array of data, posing assimilation and assessment challenges (Fowowe, 2006). Rapid communication, combined with increased access to ICTs at home, work, and in the classroom, may result in learning becoming a truly lifelong activity—one in which the rate of technological change necessitates a constant examination of the teaching process itself. ICTs have had an impact on education, influencing both teaching and research (Yusuf, 2005). A large body of research has established the benefits of ICT in improving educational quality (AL-Ansari, 2006). As a result, developed countries’ educational systems have incorporated information and communication technology (ICT). Kpangban contends (2010), advances in the Nigerian education system demonstrate some level of ICT use in Nigerian secondary schools. They attributed the introduction of computer instruction in secondary schools to a Nigerian government policy implemented in 1988. In its 2004 National Policy on Education, the Federal Government of Nigeria recognized the importance of ICTs in the modern world and integrated ICTs into Nigerian education (Kpangban, 2010). In order to achieve this goal, the paper specifies that the government would provide basic infrastructure and training at the elementary school level. In junior secondary school, computer education is a pre-vocational elective, and in senior secondary school, it is a vocational option. The availability, skill, and attitude of instructors toward the use of modern technologies Technology in teaching and learning are all critical components of successful ICT integration in the educational system. According to research, most secondary schools have insufficient or no ICT tools to cope with the ever-increasing population of students in the schools, and if they are available, they are essentially out-of-bounds to the students (Chiemeke, 2004). Fakeye (2010) discovered in an Ibadan study that the majority of the schools studied did not have computers and thus were not connected to the internet. Those who own computers, he observed, use them for administrative rather than instructional purposes. In another study, Okwudishu (2005) discovered that a lack of specific ICT components in schools hinders teachers’ use of ICTs. Secondary school teachers claimed that there was a lack of

They were unable to use the internet due to a lack of basic search skills and access points in the classrooms (Kpangban, 2010).


Despite the rapid expansion of ICT use in many fields today, including education, ICT adoption and use in secondary schools in Nigeria remains a serious problem. A lack of ICT facilities in schools, poor ICT policies, limited information infrastructures, and teachers’, students’, and school administrators’ negative perceptions of using ICT in education all contribute to the low rate of adoption and application of new technology, particularly in public schools (Adomi, 2003). Despite calls and longings for a shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning that includes the use of ICT resources, chalkboards and text books remain staples. almost all Nigerian public post-secondary institutions’ most consistently dominant classroom equipment (Okebukola, 1997). Educators’ ability to use ICT in instruction and learning is dependent on the availability of these resources and their ability to use them. According to observations, most Nigerian public schools, particularly those in rural areas, have ineffective ICT equipment. As a result, students are less likely to use them for studying. Another set of impediments to successful use of ICT facilities and resources at government-owned institutions is teachers’ lack of computer literacy, inconsistency in power supply, and insufficient financial assistance. As a result, in order to address the issue, the government must provide adequate ICT resources and train personnel.

Teachers on how to use the available tools in their instructional processes effectively. Ajayi is a musician from Nigeria (2008).


The primary goal of this research is to determine the extent to which computer usage is prevalent among Ogun State teachers and students. The study’s specific goals are as follows:

i. Determine how much ICT exposure students and instructors have.

ii. Assess the effectiveness of computer use in improving both teacher and student performance.

Consider the difficulties associated with implementing ICT in senior secondary schools.


i. How familiar are students and instructors with ICT?

ii. How effective is computer use in improving both teacher and student performance?

iii. What are the challenges of implementing ICT in senior secondary schools?



The importance of using ICT tools to improve learning among secondary school students will be highlighted in this research project, which will be presented to teachers, students, and other educational stakeholders. This study will be useful to school administrators in both public and private schools who want to expose their students to computers at the elementary and secondary levels. Finally, the study will serve as a guide and point of reference for other academics and students interested in conducting similar studies on computer usage in secondary schools.


This study will concentrate on secondary schools in Ogun LGA. This study will be conducted at five secondary schools, three of which are public and two of which are private.


Over the course of the studies, obtaining funding for general research activity will be difficult. Correspondents may also be unable or unwilling to complete or submit questionnaires sent to them. However, these constraints are expected to be overcome by making the best use of available resources and devoting more time to research than is necessary. As a result, despite these constraints, it is strongly believed that their impact on this research report will be minimal, allowing the study’s purpose and importance to be met.


Any machine, server, or workstation that runs an operating system, including embedded operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, is referred to as a computer.

ICT stands for “information and communications technology,” a phrase emphasizing the importance of the technology.

of unified communications and the convergence of telecommunications and computers.

A teacher is someone who teaches, usually in a school.


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