Because the current world is information-driven, management is becoming increasingly concerned with employee communication. As a result, communication is a critical instrument for good management in a business.

Because most managers find it difficult to understand why an organization’s efficiency isn’t as guaranteed, good communication has become critical.

Communication, on the other hand, integrates, coordinates, and synchronizes organizational activities. The total activities of an organization must be harmonized, which can be accomplished through communication.

Communication is described as the process of communicating knowledge meaningfully from one person to another, according to Koontz H. Weihrich (2008) 12th edition of management at a global and entrepreneurial perspective page 22.

All human interactions are based on communication: via languages, humanity has recorded its history and passed down its culture from generation to generation. Humans have used their ability to communicate to create civilizations, organizations, and other social groups that are necessary for survival and social well-being.

Communication accounts for roughly 60% of a manager’s responsibilities. It can take the form of a direction, a request, or an instruction. Not only does the combination comprise vocal and written forms of communication, but also gestures, positive clothing, and other visual cues.

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