1.1  Background of the study

Parents and society at large hold the school accountable for every aspect of a student’s performance. As a result, effective classroom management is essential for students’ academic success. Effective classroom management allows the instructor complete control over the classroom while also maintaining the order and safety required for teaching and learning. Nonetheless, several educational reforms, such as Wali (2007)’s 1977 National Policy on Education, which was amended in 1981, 1998, and 2004, failed to discuss or address classroom management and the link between students’ academic achievement and classroom management. Despite the fact that how classrooms are managed determines the success or failure of any teaching and learning process, classroom management is one of the most neglected areas in our secondary schools. schools. Failure to successfully manage the classroom can have a serious impact on the entire school, especially in terms of academic achievement. When this occurs, there are also negative consequences, such as a decrease in the school’s student population as parents/guardians choose to enroll their children in schools that perform better academically. Discipline is an important aspect of Classroom Management. The teacher-student relationship promotes self-control and respect for authority, which leads to discipline. 2007 (Adu) (Adu). It entails developing and enforcing regulations based on mutually agreed-upon limits that must not be exceeded. Breeching by students is becoming more common these days. The line, being aggressive in the classroom, and engaging in excessive misbehavior are all examples of excessive misbehavior. As a result, the class is full of arrogant and misbehaving students, resulting in a noisy and chaotic environment that is unsuitable for good teaching and learning. This condition is consistent with Martin and Sass’s (2010) finding that instructors have identified classroom management as a problem throughout history. They went on to say that in schools where discipline and behavior issues are not addressed appropriately, students’ performance suffers. When Marzono (2007) stated that students’ feelings of safety at school are linked to their learning, he raised a similar concern. He claims that if students are not comfortable in the classroom, they will become nervous and unhappy. A safe and orderly environment protects students from physical and psychological harm while allowing them to study. Another source of concern The caliber of teachers in public secondary schools is a problem. Non-professional educators have been enlisted to assist the system. A professional teacher is one who has passed the Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) professional qualification test. A well-trained and competent teacher has a better chance of influencing children’s lives by instilling desire, lofty goals, and ambitions in their hearts, as well as serving as a role model and demonstrating the path to greatness. A competent and professional teacher is more likely to resolve and avoid conflict in the classroom, resulting in a better learning and teaching environment and higher academic achievement. Poor classroom management can have a negative impact on students’ academic performance. As a result of this,

In order to increase productivity, instructors must learn how to properly manage their classes. Many people are concerned about their children’s academic performance these days. Our graduates are unable to defend their diplomas. This could happen as a result of student indiscipline in the classroom, such as tardiness, making too much noise, and so on. As a result, instructors must attempt to supervise classroom activities such as student conduct, interaction, and learning.

1.2.Research problem statement

Poor or poor academic performance, a high failure rate in tests such as the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), the National Examination Council (NECO), and a large number of low-quality students graduating have all sparked widespread concern in society. What could it be?

Despite the fact that there are well-trained and certified instructors available to educate effectively, what is causing this dreadful tendency?

A closer look at the learning environment reveals that something needs to be done to improve students’ academic performance.

A conducive classroom is essential for learning because children will acquire anxiety and become comfortable in the classroom if they do not feel secure. Our public schools, on the other hand, are full of chaotic and unwelcoming classrooms, creating an environment that is unlikely to foster expanded teaching and learning. As a result, the goal of this study is to investigate the impact of classroom management strategies on students’ academic performance in Nigeria.

1.3 The study’s objectives

The following are the primary goals of this research:

l To investigate the impact of classroom discipline on students’ academic performance.

l Determine the impact of using a classroom reward system on students’ academic performance.

l To investigate ways to improve delegation of authority in the classroom and its impact on students’ academic performance.

1.4 Research concerns

1. Does classroom discipline influence students’ academic performance?

2. Do you believe that the classroom reward system has an impact on student academic performance?

3. Do you believe that delegation of authority can improve student academic performance?

1.5 Importance of the research

The importance of this study cannot be overstated because:

l This study will examine the classroom management practices effect and implication on students academic performance

l The findings

This research work will undoubtedly provide government organizations, secondary school boards, and academia with much needed information.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect and implications of classroom management practices on student academic performance in Nigeria, using a case study of selected secondary schools in NSUKKA LGA, ENUGU state. As a result, secondary schools in the NSUKKA LGA will be used as case studies.

1.7 Research limitations

A number of factors hampered this study, which are as follows:

just like any other research, from a lack of needed accurate materials on the topic under study to an inability to obtain data

The researcher faced financial constraints in obtaining relevant materials as well as printing and collating questionnaires.

Time constraint: Another constraint is the researcher’s inability to switch between writing the research and engaging in other academic work.

1.8 Term operational definitions

A classroom is a room where a class of pupils or students is taught.

Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Practices; the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories about it.

Effect: a change that occurs as a result of an action or another cause.

Implication: a conclusion that can be drawn from something even if it is not explicitly stated.

A student is someone who is enrolled in a university or other institution of higher learning.

Academic performance: The degree to which a student, teacher, or institution has met their short or long-term educational objectives.

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