In terms of technology, computer education in schools has become one of Nigeria’s most rapidly expanding and far-reaching advances (Okebukola and Ajewole, 1990). Computer technology is now used to transmit information and teach. According to Okebukola (1990), despite the fact that computers had been present for much longer, the concept of using and studying computers in schools, as well as its increasing acceptance, began in the late 1960s. A computer is defined as a device or system designed to perform computations, process data, and store information that can be easily accessed when needed (Aghadino, 1990; Adamu and Bello, 2002). A computer, according to Ahore (1990), is a device that executes precisely defined rules with accuracy, speed, and dependability. According to Adamu (1994), a computer is  a machine that humans use to solve problems. This most likely explains the role of computers in processing information in order to deal with specific human problems. According to the preceding, a computer is a device or machine designed to aid in the processing of information or data and to store such information for future use in dealing with day-to-day living problems. According to Okebukola (1990), computer education is the learning that leads to computer literacy. This implies that the goal of learning and teaching computer science is to help individuals develop their knowledge and skills in computer application or use. Computer science is a learning process in which a person is guided through the fundamentals of using a computer to solve problems. Data/information must be stored and processed accurately and efficiently. The process aims to provide the individual with the skills and knowledge required to use a computer effectively (Adamu and Bello, 2002). According to Gboboniyi (1989), Aghedino (1990), and Adamu and Bello (1990), anyone who is computer literate or has received computer education and instruction is expected to tell the computer what he wants it to do, which includes the ability to understand what the computer says (2002). They continue by stating that being literate in computer science entails knowing how to read, write, and speak the computer’s language. In the modern world, computers are gradually being used in all aspects of human endeavor. It has been stated that the use of computers will increase effectiveness and efficiency. In this rapidly changing and technologically evolving environment, efficiency is essential. Computer education is being promoted because it is almost certain that in the rapidly expanding information age, computer literacy will have just as much of an impact on career choices (Adamu and Bello, 2002). As a result, computer science’s utility value determines its relevance. Computer science education in Nigerian schools was established by the National Policy of Education (NPE, 1981, updated in 1988, 1991, 1998, and 2004). The inclusion of computer science in the school curriculum was meant to give every student the opportunity to become computer literate. Computer science education has had a significant impact on both students and society. However, computer use and study in Nigeria is still in its early stages when compared to other countries. to other parts of the world where computers are used in almost every aspect of human endeavor, such as offices, schools, businesses, research facilities, communication, and hospitals, to name a few. The complexities of today’s educational scenario have complicated knowledge and instruction transfer to students, as well as the nature of learning and teaching in general. This has made the teacher’s role in promoting learning more difficult. The new position entails more than just passing on knowledge to students; it also entails researching issues concerning learning and instruction in order for students to get the most out of the teaching and learning process. Computers are now used in situations where a large amount of data must be handled, complex processes must be managed, or real-time access to information is required. In education, telemedicine, telecommunications, and a variety of other fields, centralized information from disparate sources is required (Adewopo, 1995). The study of computers in school is thus intended to assist students in dealing with current technological developments, to provide them with knowledge and competencies or abilities of program and administrative administration, and to improve the learning process. Students must learn computer appreciation or application skills rather than just what a computer is and what it can do. Students must thus be taught in such a way that they can not only perceive and understand the computer, but also successfully manage, reinforce, and apply such information or training in a practical context. This new method has revolutionized computer science education.

a little more difficult and difficult. It has been observed that teaching and learning of 193 computer science subjects in schools has been challenging. People frequently complain about insufficient learning and teaching equipment, facilities, and computer instructional tools (Aghadino, 1990;Okebukola, 1990). It is thought that teaching science in general, and computer science in particular, faces a number of difficulties (Adamu, 2000). This was because of the slowness of computer learning and application. This assumes that there are problems with computer science education teaching and learning.


The first impediment to teaching and learning computer science in Nigeria is the lack of contact between the teacher and the student/s, which is typical of face-to-face classroom instruction.

Hetenea, Shea, and Pennington (2003). This disconnect is exacerbated in computer science technical disciplines such as computer programming, database architecture, and artificial intelligence (AI). Computer science disciplines require a high level of communication between students and the teacher. In the classroom, where students may be studying alone from a long distance (for example, outback Australia), interaction may be synchronous (real time) or asynchronous (anytime). Asynchronous approaches make use of collaborative technologies, which enable students to interact with their instructor and peers at any time. Asynchronous communication technology can be used for both teacher-student and student-student exchanges. The difficulty of teaching and learning computer science will be summarized.


• insufficient computer teachers with professional training • insufficient computers Inadequate assistance

infrastructure • insufficient educational materials or teaching aids • insufficient instructional delivery 104 2.08 • poor instructor attitudes toward the topic • general student apathy and disinterest in computer science Students’ motivation and encouragement are lacking, as are incentives and drive from instructors.


The following are the study’s objectives:

i. To comprehend the issue in computer science learning and teaching.

ii. To devise a strategy for resolving those issues.

iii. Establishing a standard for computer science education in Nigeria


i. What is the issue with computer science learning and teaching?

ii. What is the strategy for resolving those issues?

iii. What is the standard for computer science education in Nigeria?


The limitations of this study are the problems and prospects of computer science teaching and learning in Nigeria. A method of ensuring consistent computer science teaching and learning. The study entails developing a strategy for problem solving.


v To comprehend the issues surrounding computer science teaching and learning in Nigeria.

v To understand the methods or approaches to solving them

v To learn about the standards for teaching computer science in schools.


This research was conducted in Nigeria, so it is limited in comparison to other countries.


• Computer: A computer is defined as a device or machine that is specifically designed to perform calculations.

process data and store information for easy retrieval when needed

• NPE: national education policy

• CSETAQ is an abbreviation for Computer Science Education Teaching Assessment Questionnaire (CSETAQ)

• PEFRN: Federal Republic of Nigeria Education Policy


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