Secondary school students arriving late to class has become a recurring issue over the years. This is most likely why, according to Chujor (2014), school officials, teachers, parents, and others have expressed genuine concern. Chujor stated that a number of measures, including whipping and sanctioning, had been taken to reduce the occurrence. In conclusion, frequent tardiness to school by students may be one of the factors contributing to Nigeria’s declining educational standards. If tardiness to school is allowed to continue, it may have a negative impact on meeting the Universal Basic Education goals (UBE). According to the Federal Government of Nigeria, the UBE program aims to achieve the following objectives: instilling in the general public a strong awareness of the importance of education and  a strong commitment to aggressive promotion, providing free universal basic education to all Nigerian school-age children, We can significantly reduce the number of students who drop out by improving the quality and efficiency of the formal education system. Discipline is unquestionably required for any school to fulfill its primary responsibility of educating children. According to Agbenyega (2012), this is critical because it creates an environment conducive to teaching and learning. Punctuality and consistency in school are examples of discipline. Learners can only fully benefit from the academic program if they attend school at the appropriate times. According to Ankoma (2015), students who arrive on time to school are more likely to participate in all aspects of their education. programs and activities, as well as fully benefit from morning hour classes like English Language and Mathematics. According to the authors, latecomers are also flogged and subjected to various punishments (such as toilet cleaning, sweeping, and gardening) that cause them pain and prevent them from attending morning sessions. According to Van-Breda (2006), recurring tardiness to school can have a negative impact on students’ academic performance and, if not addressed, can lead to major problems later in life. According to Chujor (2014), tardiness to school can be excused in some cases if the reasons are valid and beyond the student’s control. According to Manguvo (2011), there is a high rate of indiscipline among Nigerian students at all levels of education. The most common student behavior issues are stealing, not doing homework, and being late. Lateness to school began a long time ago and has spread uncontrollably throughout the world in recent years (Chareka, 2012). Lateness has engulfed Nigerian youth, and the problem of students arriving late to school has now become a national one. Arriving late simply means arriving later than anticipated. Children frequently miss or arrive late to school due to their usual habits, such as waking up late due to laziness: rushing of undone assignments, unprepared bath, breakfast or meals, clothes, their pack lunch, and waiting for companions or friends to arrive at school when the bus is late; and sometimes due to some problems in school. Their parents have an impact on them and their desire to attend school, as evidenced by their misunderstandings (George, 2008). They would be embarrassed to come to school if they saw their classmates possessing something they lacked. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines tardiness as arriving after the scheduled or typical hour (Whitney, 2011). Lateness is the inverse of earlyness because it occurs after the proper, fixed, normal, or expected time. The question now is, what factors cause students to be late to school? Authorities have inquired as to why students arrive late for class. They have not, however, been able to conduct in-depth research into this issue in order to provide remedies and recommendations to aid in the treatment of

the condition. This study will focus on the factors that contribute to a student’s tardiness, with the goal of identifying a solution to the problem.


Lateness among students is increasing and spreading. There is a way of life in our cultures that cannot be regulated everywhere. The study’s goal is to examine all of the factors that contribute to it. The importance of this in the learning process cannot be overstated. According to research, children who are habitually late to school rarely perform well academically. This is due to the fact that they are very likely to miss certain stages of the teaching/learning process prior to their arrival (Manguvo, 2011). As a result, their learning will suffer. Regardless of the efforts despite the efforts of teachers and school officials to resolve the issue, the problem persists. In order to determine what was causing the children’s tardiness, the teachers blamed it on the parents, while the parents are holding the teacher hostage. Some blame the children themselves, as well as peer group influence. As the factors that contribute to tardiness are identified and recommendations are made, it is expected that solutions to this problem will be presented as a result of this research (Chujor, 2014). The children will be better led and given more options for dealing with their difficulties, while also living up to their reputation as nice kids. Furthermore, the nation will benefit from this research because the children will develop a sense of responsibility.

Timeliness at school will help you become an excellent citizen in the future.


The purpose of this research is to look at the factors that cause students to be late to school and to address the issue by offering possible suggestions, recommendations, and solutions to students being late to school.


i.Does the distance between students’ homes and school play a role in their tardiness?

ii. Does being late for school result from being late for breakfast?

iii. Does a parent’s failure to prepare food on time cause school tardiness?

iv. Does the high demand for essential school supplies in the morning cause students to be late for school?

v. Does

Does a teacher’s tardiness to school affect a student’s tardiness?

vi. Does a lack of appropriate tardiness repercussions contribute to school tardiness?

vii. Do you arrive late to school because you are waiting for friends to get ready?

viii. Does hawking before getting ready for school cause students to be late?

ix. Do students who play on their way to school arrive late?

x. Is being late to school associated with poor academic performance?


Students and parents will be exposed to the numerous factors that cause students to be late to school, as well as the appropriate measures that must be taken to eliminate this negative habit, once this research is completed.

This study will

Assist parents in encouraging their children to arrive at school on time, which will improve the individual’s academic performance. It will also help them to be more disciplined in school and in life.


This study is being carried out in a few primary schools in the Epe local government area of Lagos State.


FACTORS: These are the variables that influence a student’s behavior and development, such as physical conditions in the classroom.

LATENESS: This term refers to students who are consistently late for class.

PEER INFLUENCE: This refers to a child’s bad company, which influences how the child acts, behaves, and thinks.

PARENTAL IGNORANCE: This refers to certain parents’ negative attitudes toward information and the internet. They recognize the importance of educating their children. This is because they are unaware of the rapidly changing world of science and technology in which they live.



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