The world is undergoing an information and communication technology revolution, which is affecting many aspects of human life. Everything from education to industry, economy, and politics, not to mention entertainment, is covered (Ayeni, 2000).

The use of ICTs has become so important in many countries today that it is now one of the most important indicators of national and economic development. As a result, Nigeria’s quest for economic growth cannot be realized unless information and communication technology plays a significant role in teaching and learning at all levels and aspects of her educational system. (Adamu, 2001).

Ajayi (2003) defines information and communication technology (ICT) as any product that electronically stores or retrieves information in digital form, such as personal computers, digital television, e-mail, robots, and desktop computers.


Information and communication technology, according to Ali (2004), is the physical structure of a network of computer base systems (hardware, software, and media) used for organizing, processing, communicating, accessing, presenting, storing, retrieving, and simplifying information when and in the form it is required.

ICT, according to Ogiegbuan and Iyamu (2005), is the use of existing digital technology to help individuals, businesses, and organizations use information.

ICTs (information and communication technologies) have become an indispensable part of modern life. In reality, culture and society have evolved in response to the information age’s demands. Because of the pervasiveness of ICTs, rapid technological, social, political, and economic transformation has occurred. As a result, a “information society” network is built around ICTs, with the educational sector not left out.

Amakin (2006) and Jagboro (2006) (2005)

One of the goals of higher education is to acquire, develop, and instill the proper value orientation for the survival of the individual and society (NPE, 2004).

Students in higher education must grapple with the content and procedures of their academic field, as well as learn how to work within the institutional culture and the subculture of their specific faculty. This can be accomplished by incorporating ICTs into education and research (NFE, 2004).

Information and communication technology (ICT) can be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning in any postsecondary institution, it is widely acknowledged. Because of the pervasiveness and rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), human society has shifted from information technology to knowledge.

era (Galbreath, 200). (Galbreath, 200).

According to Onasanya (2004), ICTs are becoming a natural part of man’s daily life, so their use in education by personnel (academic and non-academic) and students is becoming a necessity. Without a doubt, the current and future global academic community will make extensive use of ICTs. This has made it critical for lecturers to not only use but also become comfortable with ICTs. This is done to ensure that they participate actively in the life of a modern institution and complete their daily tasks.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are computer-based tools used by individuals to work with an organization’s information and communication processing demands, according to the Milken Exchange on Education Technology, (1999). It consists of computer hardware and software, a network, and a server.

era (Galbreath, 200). (Galbreath, 200).

According to Onasanya (2004), ICTs are becoming a natural part of man’s daily life, and thus their use in education by personnel (academic and non-academic) and students is becoming a necessity. Without a doubt, the current and future academic global community will make extensive use of ICTs. This has made it critical for lecturers to not only use, but also become comfortable with ICTs. This is to ensure that they actively participate in the life of a modern institution and complete their daily tasks.

According to the Milken Exchange on Education Technology, (1999), information and communication technologies (ICTs) are computer-based tools used by individuals to work with an organization’s information and communication processing demands. It consists of computer hardware and software, as well as a network and a server.

and Communication Technology) has infiltrated every aspect of human progress, with education reaping the greatest benefit. Given the foregoing, the researchers decided to look into the significance of this phenomenon in humanities education.


In today’s world, ICTs have become a phenomenon in the educational system. However, it is generally true that for some people, ICTs may not be readily available, used or underutilized, or appreciated. The goal of this study is to investigate the availability, accessibility, and utilization of ICTs in humanities education.


The primary goal of this research is to assess the level of awareness and utilization of ICTs in humanities lectures and students.

Education is necessary for effective teaching and learning. As a result of the findings of this work, appropriate recommendations would be made to facilitate students’ understanding and improvement of their interest in learning through the implementation of ICTs facilities, which will promote lecture productivity and enhance their professional capabilities.


1. ICTs have a place in humanities education.

2. ICTs are widely used in humanities education.

3. The accessibility of ICTs in humanities education is certain.

4. Humanities education lecturers have a high level of ICT literacy.

5. Students’ ICT literacy is high in humanities education.

6. The ICT literacy level of students in humanities education is sufficient for using ICT techniques in teaching and learning.


7. As a student, do you believe that the use of ICTs in humanities education is beneficial?

8. If so, what do you think these benefits are?


This research would be useful to the following groups of people:

Students are

· Lectures

Professionals in education

This is due to the fact that it would identify policy options and strategies for making ICTs more relevant and beneficial in humanities education.

The study will also educate the government on the importance of allocating more funds to the educational sector, particularly in the provision of ICT equipment in higher education.

It will also raise awareness among lecturers and students about the importance of fully embracing ICTs through ongoing training in their use.

Technologies of Information and Communication (ICTs).


The research will concentrate on humanities education at Uyo University in terms of accessibility, availability, and use of ICTs.

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