The Construction And Fabrication Of A Metal Booksheet



In our society moment reading and jotting has taken its roll as a way of measuring mortal knowledge. Knowledge could only be gain consecutively by the use of books for exploration but unfortunately because of hard time, books have because veritably precious.

This has called for preservation of books formerly bought, whether in the public library academy or in the house hold so that it can use for unborn reference. These could only be done by grazing books totally in a bookshelf where by it can be free from rat, insects and other thing that could destroy books.

Our own donation towards this development is the design and manufacture of a bookshelf that will be economically cheap and at the same time meet up its demands.

Bookshelf could be made with essence or wood and they could be attached against the wall or they could be made standing on the bottom. Our bookshelf shall be of the essence type standing on the bottom.


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