The Determinance Of Induced Abortion Among Undergraduates Students In Nigeria


Chapiter 1




1.1 The Study’s Background




By removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus, an abortion ends a pregnancy. A spontaneous abortion is often referred to as a miscarriage. An intentional abortion is referred to as a “induced abortion” or, less frequently, a “induced miscarriage”. Abortion is frequently used to refer only to induced abortions. In the industrialized world, induced abortion is one of the safest medical treatments when permitted by local legislation. For abortions, contemporary techniques involve medication or surgery (Fagbemi, 2001).


Induced abortions have long been performed using force, sharp objects, herbal remedies, and other age-old procedures. distinct countries have distinct abortion legislation and cultural or religious perspectives on the procedure. In certain places, induced abortions are only permitted under specific circumstances, such as rape, fetal anomalies, poverty, health risks to women, or incest. Abortion-related moral, ethical, and legal concerns are hotly contested in many areas. Abortion opponents frequently contend that a fetus or embryo has a human right to life and liken the procedure to murder. A woman has the right to make decisions about her own body, according to those who support the legalization of abortion (George, 2004).


Worldwide, there are over 205 million pregnancies every year. A fifth result in an induced abortion, and more than a third are unintentional. Most unwanted pregnancies lead to abortions. There are a few ways to deliberately end a pregnancy. The method chosen is frequently determined by the fetus’s or embryo’s gestational age, which increases in size as the pregnancy goes on. Additionally, specific operations could be chosen based on their legality, regional accessibility, doctor or patient desire.


Induced abortions are frequently performed for therapeutic or purely personal reasons. When an abortion is carried out to save the life of the pregnant woman, protect the woman’s physical or mental health, end a pregnancy when there are indications that the child will have a significantly increased risk of premature morbidity or mortality or be otherwise disabled, or reduce the number of fetuses to reduce the health risks associated with multiple pregnancies, it is referred to medically as a therapeutic abortion. When an abortion is carried out at the woman’s request for non-medical reasons, it is referred to as an elective or voluntary abortion (Adepoju, 1999).


Abortion has gained significant attention recently in Nigeria and around the world; as a result, it has emerged as a worldwide problem (Alimson, 2001). While abortion poses a serious threat to a woman’s health, when carried out by medical professionals (i.e., abortion specialists), abortions are safe for the woman and relatively straightforward. This is the main source of concern in the majority of discussions on abortion and related issues.


But in regards to induced abortion or pregnancy termination, other reasons (economic, social, educational, and family size) have also started to take center stage. Since many students in today’s culture are already sexually active, both male and female students should practice sexual responsibility, but female students always bear the brunt of the burden because they would be more adversely affected by any errors (Alimson, 2001). For example, a female student may choose to get an abortion for the following reasons if she neglects to take the appropriate pregnancy precautions and becomes pregnant.


Having finished her education,


To avoid becoming a mother too soon and the responsibilities that come with it,


Being “loose” has been done to avoid social stigma.


Aversion to having a child outside of marriage.




The results of a study that was done on the demographic of people who have abortions will unquestionably show that it is teenagers and young adults. Older adults, particularly those who are past childbearing age, will make up the minority. Other than medical reasons, a number of factors have been recognized as causing abortion. The majority of nations frown upon the phenomenon. For instance, the 1982 amendment to the 1967 abortion law in Nigeria states the following:


If the risk to the pregnant woman’s life from continuing the pregnancy is higher than the risk from ending it, the pregnancy should be terminated.


It should be terminated if it’s necessary to do so in order to avoid serious, ongoing harm to the pregnant woman’s bodily or mental health.


Pregnancy should be terminated if it hasn’t gone past the 24-week mark and if carrying it out would put the current children in the pregnant woman’s family at greater risk of physical or mental harm than if the pregnancy were ended.


Pregnancy should be terminated if there is a significant chance that the child will be born with severe physical or mental abnormalities that would leave them handicapped (George, 2004).


Therefore, the aforementioned Act authorizes pregnancy abortion under certain circumstances. Most women with the following circumstances are subject to medical professionals performing legal abortions on them.


Many young girls who become pregnant seek abortions as the sole method to halt unwanted pregnancies because they are aware of the social stigma associated with having unplanned pregnancies. However, this poses significant health concerns and can occasionally result in the death of young females. For instance, unsafe abortion can lead to a number of consequences, including bleeding, uterine perforation, secondary infertility, and even death. As seen by the staggering number of fatalities, illnesses, injuries, and emergency room visits, unsafe abortion is also clearly detrimental to one’s health (Expanding Access to Safe Abortion, 1993). In addition to the hazards associated with unsafe abortion, having children as an adolescent or teenager has significant health concerns. Teenagers are more likely to experience labor that lasts longer than expected, immature pelvic bones, and other challenging birth conditions.


Undergraduate students who wish to abort a baby go to quack doctors because it is less expensive, or they take concoctions that either kill them or ruin their wombs out of fear of being kicked out of school or having to drop out due to an unplanned pregnancy. Another issue in this situation is money.


According to George (2004), approximately 72.5% of abortions involve female students, 17.5% involve single women, and 4.3% include housewives. The issue now stems from this pace. So, by examining the motivations behind students’ involvement in abortion, this study aims to investigate the factors that influence induced abortion among undergraduate students in Nigeria.


1.3 Study’s Objectives


The goals of this study are as follows:


to investigate the factors that influence induced abortion among Nigerian undergraduate students.


to investigate the drawbacks or adverse effects of induced abortion among undergraduate students.


to determine the most effective approaches to stop or lessen the harm caused by induced abortion among undergraduate students.




What factors influence induced abortion among Nigerian undergraduate students?


What are the negative effects or drawbacks of undergraduate students inducing abortions?


What are the best strategies for preventing or lessening the harm that induced abortion causes among undergraduate students?


1.5 Relationship To Other Studies


The relevance of this study is as follows:


All types of women, female students, and society at general will benefit from this study’s findings. This is so that society, academic authorities, and policy makers may explore for ways to address and lessen the threat by studying the causes of abortion.


The findings of this study will assist people in understanding the negative impact or disadvantage connected with abortion and how it affects society as a whole.


This study will add to the corpus of knowledge regarding the impact of personality characteristics on students’ academic achievement, forming the empirical base for further study in the field.


1.6 Analysis And Limitations


The causes and effects of induced abortion among undergraduate students in Nigeria will be covered in this study.


Limitations of the study: 1.7


Financial restraint: A researcher’s ability to collect data (through the internet, a questionnaire, and interviews) and locate relevant materials, literature, or information is often hindered by a lack of funding.


Time restraint: The researcher will do this investigation together with other academic activities at the same time. Consequently, less time will be spent on the research job.

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