Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it has a chance to survive outside of the uterus. Miscarriage is the term for an abortion that happens spontaneously. When an abortion is intentionally created, it is referred to as a “induced abortion” or, less commonly, a “induced miscarriage.” The term “abortion” is frequently used to refer solely to induced abortions. Induced abortion is one of the safest medical treatments in the developed world when it is permitted by local law. For abortions, modern methods include the use of medication or surgery (Fagbemi, 2001).  Induced abortions have been performed using herbal remedies, sharp tools, force, or other traditional ways since ancient times. Around the world, abortion legislation and cultural or religious perspectives on abortion varies. In certain areas, induced abortion is only permitted in specified circumstances, such as rape, fetal abnormalities, poverty, health risks to the mother, or incest. The moral, ethical, and legal concerns surrounding abortion are hotly debated in many locations. Opponents of abortion frequently argue that an embryo or fetus is a human being with a right to life, and compare abortion to murder. Those who support abortion legalization frequently argue that a woman has the right to make decisions regarding her own body (George, 2004). Induced abortions are often classified as either therapeutic or elective procedures. When an abortion is performed to save the pregnant woman’s life, prevent harm to the woman’s physical or mental health, terminate a pregnancy where there are indications that the child will have a significantly increased risk of premature morbidity or mortality or be otherwise disabled, or to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lessen the health risks associated with multiple pregnancy, it is referred to as a therapeutic abortion. When an abortion is conducted at the request of the woman for non-medical reasons, it is referred to as an elective or voluntary abortion (Adepoju, 1999).

Abortion has recently gained a lot of attention in Nigeria and around the world, and it has thus become a worldwide issue (Alimson, 2001). The main worry in most conversations about abortion and related issues stems from the fact that abortion poses a serious threat to a woman’s health, but yet when conducted by medical specialists (i.e. abortion specialists), abortions are both safe and relatively uncomplicated for the woman.

In relation to induced abortion or pregnancy termination, however, other considerations (economic, social, educational, and family size) have also become relevant.

Since many students in today’s society are already sexually active, both male and female students are expected to be sexually responsible, but females always bear the brunt of the duty because they are the ones who will be most harmed by any mistakes (Alimson, 2001). For example, a female student who forgets to take appropriate pregnancy precautions and thereby becomes pregnant may choose to have an abortion for the reasons listed below.

To finish her education,

To prevent becoming a mother too soon, and the responsibilities that come with it,

It has been “loose” in order to avoid being negatively defined by society.

The fear of having a child outside of marriage.


The results of a study on the demographic of persons who engage in abortion will undoubtedly show that it is teens and youths. Older adults will make up the majority (especially those who have passed the age of child bearing). Other than medical causes, a number of factors have been recognized as causing abortion. In most countries, the phenomenon is frowned upon. In Nigeria, for example, the 1967 Abortion Act, as revised in 1982, states:

If continuing the pregnancy poses a larger risk to the pregnant woman’s life than terminating the pregnancy, the pregnancy should be terminated.

If the termination is required to prevent grave lasting impurity to the pregnant woman’s bodily or mental health,

If the pregnancy has not progressed beyond the 24th week and there is a larger danger of impairment to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman’s existing children than if the pregnancy were terminated, the pregnancy should be terminated.

If there is a significant danger that the kid will be born with severe physical or mental abnormalities that will leave him or her handicapped, the pregnancy should be terminated (George, 2004).

As a result, the aforementioned Act allows for the termination of a pregnancy under specific circumstances. The majority of women with the following circumstances are required to have an abortion performed lawfully by medical professionals. Many young girls who become pregnant consider abortion as the sole means to halt unwanted pregnancies because of the social shame associated with having an unwanted pregnancy. However, there are major health hazards associated with this, which can result in the death of young females. Unsafe abortion, for example, can lead to haemorrhage, uterine perforation, subsequent infertility, and even death. It is also clear that unsafe abortion has a severe health impact, as evidenced by the number of fatalities, illnesses, injuries, and emergency room visits (Expanding Access to safe Abortion, 1993). Aside from the dangers of unsafe abortion, childbearing as an adolescent or teenager poses substantial health hazards. Teenagers, for example, have a higher risk of pelvic bone immaturity, extended labor, and other complications during childbirth.

Because they are afraid of being expelled from school or having to drop out because of an unexpected pregnancy, undergraduate students resort to abortion. To abort the baby, they go to quack doctors because it is cheaper or they take concoctions, which either kill them or ruin their womb. In this scenario, money is also an issue.

According to George (2004), approximately 72.5 percent of those who engage in abortion are female students, 17.5 percent are unmarried women, and 4.3 percent are housewives. This rate has turned into a concern. As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate into the factors that influence induced abortion among Nigerian undergraduate students, specifically the reasons why students engage in abortion.


The following are the study’s objectives:

The purpose of this study was to look at the factors that influence induced abortion among Nigerian undergraduate students.

The purpose of this study was to look into the negative outcomes or drawbacks of induced abortion among undergraduate students.

To determine the most effective methods for preventing or reducing the harmful effects of induced abortion on undergraduate students.


What factors influence induced abortion among Nigerian undergraduate students?

What are the negative repercussions or drawbacks of undergraduate students inducing abortion?

What are the most effective approaches to avoid or mitigate the negative consequences of induced abortion in undergraduate students?


The following are some of the study’s implications:

The findings of this study will benefit all types of women, female students, and society as a whole. This is because a better knowledge of the causes of abortion will help society, university administrators, and policymakers find ways to address and mitigate the problem.


The findings of this study will aid individuals in recognizing the negative impact or disadvantage associated with abortion and how it affects society as a whole.


This study will add to the body of knowledge in the domain of the impact of personality traits on academic achievement in students, thereby forming the empirical literature for future research in the field.


This research will look into the causes and repercussions of induced abortion among Nigerian undergraduate students.


Financial constraints – A lack of funds impedes the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data gathering procedure (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint: The researcher will be working on this subject while also doing other academic tasks. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

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