The Effect Of Hazardous Metropolis: Flooding And Urban Ecology In Nigeria


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


The complexity of anthropogenic conditioning of man without acceptable attention to geological structure of utmost metropolises of developed and developing nations has really contributed tore-occurrence of disaster and accordingly poses trouble to environmental sustainability in utmost of these nations( Oludare etal., 2018). This irrefutably has led or accumulated to undetermined challenges. Among the undetermined challenges being faced are vicious flood tide frequentness endured in the last four decades. The circumstance is stern in third world countries where there’s intensity in land use, erratic development, and unknown urbanization among others. According to Adeyinka etal.( 2008,p. 1) “ utmost of these metropolises are also characterized by unbridled development, unacceptable and shy casing, poor structure provision and development, poor planning process and administration, weak civic governance, poor land use structure performing to slum ’’. These plethora of problems are persecuting metropolises of third world countries and Nigeria inparticular.Consequently, there has been unknown circumstance of cataracts and its associated negativities in utmost of the civic centers of developing countries( Montoya Morales, 2002). For case, in Nigeria, reports have shown that ruinous flood tide disaster had passed in Ibadan( 1985, 1987, 1990, and 2011), Osogbo( 1992, 1996, 2002, and 2010), Yobe( 2000), Akure( 1996, 2000, 2002,2004 and 2006) and the littoral metropolises of Lagos, Ogun, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Uyo, Warri among others( Olaniran, 1983). This claimed numerous lives and parcels worth millions of Naira. Several anthropogenic factors have contributed to the prevalence of flood tide. Among these factors is the encroachment of development to flood tide prone areas. The irruption into similar areas have being progressive until now because of unknown urbanization and industrialization which has really redounded into large scale massive deforestation, loss of face foliage andfarmlands.According to Okechuckwu( 2008p. 272); “ the irruption of unplanned and unbridled development into civic structure installations, violate the major objects of physical planning and accordingly affect into abuse of land thereby creating unruly arrangement of civic geography and the circumstance flood tide that’s substantially apparent in metropolises of third world countries ”. Arising from these incongruous and erratic developments in metropolises of third world metropolises, the circumstance of flood tide, particularly in Lagos, has been known to be consummate to some areas or original government in thestate.According to Oyebande( 1990) water will always find its way if not well canalized. Its choice route frequently poses problems to man by tampering with his physical terrain, health and products of husbandry, urbanization and industrialization. This has created a lot of social and profitable cost on the terrain and the populace. Many among these social and profitable impacts on the terrain are outbreak of health conditions, structure failure, internal health goods, erecting collapse, destruction of agrarian cropland andproducts.Flood has been reported as a major and ruinous problem in some sectors of the frugality( Petak and Atkisson, 1982). Its goods are veritably severe to nearly all forms of land use. The inflexibility of its impact is also reflected on the rate of development of utmost nations that witness similar. therefore if acceptable attention in terms of preventative measures aren’t put in place towards controlling its sporadic circumstance and its associated impacts particularly during stormy season, its prevalence can turn a advanced nation back into a developing nation.


Statement Of The Problem


The Lagos climate is tropical, with downfall throughout the time, still utmost of the rush falls during the stormy season, generally between March or April and September or October( Israel, 2002). Average yearly downfall during the stormy season can exceed 200 mm, generally lesser than the infiltration capacity of the soils fleetly leading to the generation of runoff that overwhelms the drainage system( both natural and anthropogenic)( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015). Lagos has a low- lying geomorphology with pitches generally between 1 – 4, and elevations ranging from or below ocean position to roughly 2m above ocean position( Sojobi et al, 2016). The low pitch angle detainments the drainage of water from the land, which combined with the increase in runoff generation associated with civic expansion, increases the flood tide threat over time. Flooding has been an issue in Nigeria clearly since the 1950s( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015), although the foremost available literal record of flooding in Lagos dates back to July 1947( Nwigwe et al, 2014), with the event being caused by a period of heavy downfall. Despite the long history of flooding in Lagos, the growth of unplanned agreements in the megacity has compounded the flood tide issue with only 45 of the civic area being served by storm rainspouts( Nwigwe et al, 2014), of which lower than 30 are regularly maintained( Sojobi et al, 2016). The speed and extent of urbanisation in Lagos, combined with unplanned growth( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015) has led to an increase in flood tide occurrences, to the point where they’ve come a imperishable problem. Flooding in Lagos is now an periodic indeed with the exception of the failure time of 1973( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015). The heightened threat of flooding in Lagos during the wet season has been recognised as an issue since at least the 1970s when residers considered it one of the three most important environmental problems( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015). generally submerging in the area is caused by either shortduration high- intensity downfall or long- duration low intensity downfall, the frequence of both having increased compared to 30 times agone ( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015). Flooding in 2010, 2011 and 2012 have helped to raise the general mindfulness of the flood tide problem in Lagos, though they also demonstrate the scale of the problem that must be overcome. All three of the cataracts had the same introductory impacts relegation of residers, damage to property, dislocation to dispatches and loss of life. The 2010 flood tide affecting Ikorodu caused significant damage and the relocation of thousands of residers, of whom over 1700 had to be handed with accommodation by the Lagos State government for over 10 months( Sojobi et al, 2016). The ensuing time’s flooding led to the dear claims agreement in the history of the Nigerian insurance assiduity, estimated to range from betweenUS$ 200 million to overUS$ 300 million( Sojobi et al, 2016), though it should be noted that a significant number of low and middle- income parcels were also affected but uninsured. The flooding in 2012 was considered the worst flood tide event in over 40 times( Nkwunonwo et al, 2015) affecting7.7 million people including over 500 residers whose injuries were considered either a direct or circular result of the flood tide and over 2 million residers displaced by the flood tide waters.


residers of Lagos are known for their social life. In veritably recent times Lagos has been having issues of flooding despite the fact that it has several underground drainage network. Civic flash flood tide associated with torrential downfall is the major type of flood tide in Lagos. It has impacted negatively on the people by dismembering their social life, on ranch conditioning, free movement of people, goods and services. The goods of flooding in some corridor of Lagos reflect in the submerging of structures, spreads and roads, this has recrimination on ménage well being.


Objects Of The Study


The primary purpose of this study is to examine the effect of dangerous megalopolis taking note of flooding and civic ecology in Nigeria. Other specific objects are


1. To examine the perception of residers on the causes of flooding in Lagos state.


2. To examine the effect of flooding on the residers of Lagos state.


3. To probe the conduct taken by Lagos state residers to minimize flood tide threat and impact.


4. To probe the way the government has taken to control flood tide in Lagos state.


Exploration Questions


The following questions guide this study


1. What’s the perception of residers on the causes of flooding in Lagos state?


2. What’s the effect of flooding on the residers of Lagos state?


3. What are the conduct taken by Lagos state residers to minimize flood tide threat and impact?


4. What are the way the government has taken to control flood tide in Lagos state?


Significance Of The Study


This study will be of immense benefit to policy makers and the government to come to the understanding of the causes flood tide and its effect on the communities affected as well as the residers of the vulnerable communities. This study will also bring to the knowledge of the Lagos state residers the colorful majors to take to check the impact of flooding. This study will also add to being literature on this study sphere as well serve as a reference material for farther studies in this content or analogous area in the future.


Compass Of The Study




This study focuses on examining the perception of residers on the causes of flooding in Lagos state. The study will also examine the effect of flooding on the residers of Lagos state. This study will also look into the conduct taken by Lagos state residers to minimize flood tide threat and impact. Eventually, this study will probe the way the government has taken to control flood tide in Lagos state. residers of Ikorodu, Surulere, Lekki, Victoria Island and Ikeja in Lagos state shall serve as enrolled actors for this study.


Limitation Of The Study


The major limitation to this study are fund, time constraint and shy material

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