The Effect Of Instructional Material In The Teaching And Learning Of Physics In Senior Secondary School (A Case Study Of Ilajelocal Government Area Of Ondo State)


The Effect Of Instructional Material In The Teaching And Learning Of Physics In Senior Secondary School (A Case Study Of Ilajelocal Government Area Of Ondo State)


Chapiter 1




The Study’s History


When instructional resources are used successfully and efficiently in a classroom teaching setting, teaching and learning activities are engaging. In order to make their lessons more engaging for their students and to pique their interest in learning and maintain their attention for efficient learning, teachers in Nigeria must employ visual aid materials as instructional tools. But the issue is that educational materials like audio and visuals are often not available in secondary schools in Ondo State and elsewhere in Nigeria, and even when they are, the teachers often do not effectively utilize them.


Teachers’ involvement in so many other relevant or irrelevant activities may be the cause of their attitude. the eagerness and desire of certain teachers to finish the curriculum or work plan rather than improving the quality and impact of their instruction. A lot of the time, some teaching objectives rely on the development and usage of instructional content. For some teachers, the creation of instructional material is solely for the purpose of passing their training college examinations and not for practical use in the classroom.


Another issue is the lack of audiovisual materials, which teachers alone cannot be held responsible for. The heads frequently fail to encourage the teacher to provide educational resources.


Additionally, most schools are underfunded, making it challenging for them to buy the necessary audiovisual equipment.


The absence of audio/visual materials in the teaching of physics typically results in students losing interest in learning activities, which has an impact on academic achievement, and students being unable to integrate lessons at their own rate and speed.


Summary Of The Problem




Finding out more about the use of visual aids in teaching physics at a few chosen secondary schools in the Ilaje Local Government Area, Ondo State, is the study’s secondary goal.


It has been noted that few secondary school physics professors use audio or visual aids to promote student learning of this important topic.


Questions For Research.


The following inquiries were made in order to carry out this study.


1. Are audio-visual aids available for use in physics instruction in schools?


2. Are the assistance made available through government provision or are they made by the relevant school authority?


Aim Of The Study


The Ilaje Local Government Area in Ondo State is where this study was carried out in a few selected secondary schools.


Objective Of The Study


The following are to be identified as the goal of this project endeavor.


1. Increasing student participation and making teaching and learning more exciting.


2. Analyzing how audio and visual aids affect students’ performance.


3. List a few issues that prevent the usage of audio-visual resources.


4. Making recommendations for how to use audio and visual content effectively and efficiently.


Necessity Of The Study


This study’s significance lies in its examination of the role that audiovisual aids play in secondary school physics instruction.


This research will help students’ reading fluency, pronunciation, and spelling.


It will make relevant recommendations for how to provide assistance in order to modify students’ reading habits for the better. Additionally, it will be helpful to recommend pertinent resources to use for each subject in question. It will also be helpful to propose any gaps in the school’s resources and how to fill them.

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