The Effect Of Processing On Afzelia Africana (Akpalata) And Brachystegia Spp Flour As Soup Thickner


The Effect Of Processing On Afzelia Africana (Akpalata) And Brachystegia Spp Flour As Soup Thickner




The effect of different processing styles on the functional parcels of Akpalata( Afzelia Africana) and Achi( Brachystegia spp) flours were delved . Parameters studied included the proximate composition, functional parcels and sensitive evaluation. Results of the proximate showed that( 1 humidity 13, fat13.83, Ash5.3, crude protein17.76 crude fibre2.8, carbohydrate47.78) while functional parcels results showed that( Emulsification Capacity2.7, Water immersion 428 oil painting immersion 14, Gelatinization temperature 67oc) and organoleptic parcels showed that scorching acid( Sample D) gave the stylish rates needed. The results of orgnoleptic parcels showed that colour6.58. texture6.86, taste6.83, general adequacy6.82. hotting or riding was set up to be a good processing system for Akpalata( Afzelia africana). Sample D and B had good gelatinizing property attributed to good haze Thickening. They also have good oil painting immersion capacity, which improves mouth feel which were generally respectable


Table Of Contents Title Page



Table of Contents





Points And Ideal Of The Work


Ideal Of The Study


Literature Review


Akpalata( Afzelia africana)


Processing and Application of Afzelia africana( Akpalata)


Achi( Brachystegia spp)


Processing and Application of Achi( Brachystegia spp)


Rheological parcels


Types of Fluid Flow


Newtonian Flow


Pseudoplastic and Dilatant Fluid Flow


Bingham Flow


Flow Characteristics of Fluid Foods


Functional parcels Evaluation






Water immersion



Experimental system and Accoutrements


Raw Material and Instruments Used


Sample Preparation


Processing of( Afezlia africana) flour


Processing of Achi( Brachystegia spp) flour


Proximate Analysis


Determination of humidity Content


Crude Fat Content Determination


Crude Fibre Determination


Carbohydrate Content


Functional parcels Determination


oil painting immersion


Water immersion


Gelation Temperature


Emulsification Capacity


Organoleptic/ sensitive Evaluation


Soup medication


sensitive Evaluation


Statistical Analysis


sensitive Evaluation


Statistical analysis



Results and conversations


Functional parcels


Water immersion


oil painting immersion


Emulsification Capacity


Gelatinization Temperature


sensitive Evaluation


Colour/ Appearance






General Acceptability














1. Flow Characteristics Of Fluid Foods


2. Proximate Composition of Akpalata( Afzelia Africana) Flour and Achi( Brachystegia spp) Flour


3. Functinal parcels


4. Effect of Processing on the Set Back Values


5. Summary of sensitive Evaluation Results


6. Emulsification Capacity


7. Anova Emulsification Capacity of Samples


8. Anova Gelatinization Temperature for Samples


9. Anova Set Back Value


10. Anova of General Acceptability


Chapter One



Nigeria is presently passing through a experimental stage in which there’s showing emphasis on original sourcing of raw accoutrements and so there’s a growing marketable interest in processing Nigerian foods.


The medium by which culinary products are thickened to varying degrees can be sub – divided into three separate processing similar as bounce thickening, protein coagulation and emulsification.


The part of the professed chef when preparing bounce achieve an overall product quality in terms of texture, thickness, appearance, flavour and yield.


The ways used are numerous and varied which numerous include acceptable disbandment of raw bounce flour in the haze.


The processes insure that each bounce grains is free to take part in the thickening gelatinization process, hence, using correct form balance system and thorough shifting or agitation at all stages of medication of cuisine to help bounce clumpiness and lumpiness.


Richard Maryland, Derek Welsby( 1979)


The seeds of Afzelia Africana( Akpalata) and( Brachystegia spp)( Achi) suffer colorful mechanical bias like cracking the seed before boiling in water followed by dehyulling and grinding into flour in large amounts before it can be saved for unborn consumption.


If this is achieved it helps to reduce the seasonal glut of the product and failure of the original thickening agents endured each time.


Functional parcels are told by the system of processing. Those processing styles are told by the functional, rhological and cooking rates of the haze( Anazonwu, 1976).


Information are needed to guide the food processor to choose the processing system that will give the most respectable product.


marketable product of tradition thickening agent will help the food mastermind in the design choice of applicable running outfit and food processing system to be espoused.


The constraint encountered in the use of numerous thickening agents in haze- timber is generally there composition of someanti-nutritional factors which nay convinced flatulence and other digestive complaint arising from their consumption.


Problem Of The Study

People have been dealing on these comestible indigenous woody shops( Akpalata and Achi) without knowing the food values, how to reuse, grow and save them.


Meanwhile, the general causes of all these careless


1. Are due to dealing much on imported thickening agent and as a result over – look the locally made bones .


2. Lack of stimulant and lack of chops on how to prepare them.


3. Non-availability of these traditional thickening agents all the time round.


4. People having little or no knowledge of some of haze thickeners.


thus, in order to break the below problems, it’ll be veritably important to identify, classify and to find out application of these shops or seeds.


Again, to inculcate the knowledge into people in order to exclude those factor like negative station, ignorance ornon-availability of these thickeners all the time round.


Ideal Of The Study

1. To compare the effect of processing on the thickening rates of( Brachystegia spp) and Afzelia Africana.


2. To determine the system of processing which will product the most respectable haze for the consumers?


3. To determine the proximate composition of Brachystegia spp( Achi) and Afzelia Africana( Akpalata).


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