The Effect Of Recruitment, Selection Placement On Organizational Effectiveness


The Effect Of Recruitment, Selection Placement On Organizational Effectiveness




The effect of reclamation, selection and placement of an hand in the right position in association can not be over emphasized. One of the test of an effective labor force department is its capability to fill job position instantly and adequately. This means that the department must know the source of different type of aspirants for the job position that it has to fill. Reclamation and selection alone aren’t the only vital rudiments generally used in the process of employment. After reclamation and selection have taken place, the job holders may either be transferred on training or not depending on the training demanded and of course the feasibility of training before being placed under reclamation, the internal source which is one of the most useful, through frequently neglected. The information for the study was collected using primary and secondary styles of data collection. For the primary data collection, questionnaires, particular compliances and oral interviews were used while being literature applicable to the content was consulted for the secondary data. The experimenter used ki-square statistical model to dissect the data. The major findings were The particular selection and development junction of operation aren’t separate conditioning, but are corridor of a nonstop process directly fastening on the accession and conservation of mortal coffers in business concern. The selection and development of workers shouldn’t be insulated from other organizational process because all total system of organizational geste . The experimenter made the ensuing recommendations Organization should have a set standard which can be used to measure performance and to enable them depict they’re of the policy. The reclamation vaticination should be used on the cost and benefit analysis to achieve an intelligent labor force decision.






Title runner ii


blessing runner iii


fidelity iv


Acknowledgement v


Abstract vi


Table of content vii






Back ground of study 1


Statement of the problem 4


ideal of study 4


exploration questions 5


exploration thesis 6


Significance of the study 7


compass and limitation of study 8


description of functional terms 9




An overview 12


History and conception of reclamation 12


Reclamation Approaches 17


Development of reclamation in an association 25


The goods of reclamation on organizational


character 35


Meaning and purpose of reclamation 37


The impact of reclamation in an association 40


The part of reclamation on organizational


thing attainment 44


Problems of reclamation in an association 47






An overview 58


Sources of data 58


Primary sources of data 59


Secondary data 59


Population of study 60


Sample size and slice ways 61


Instrument used in opting sample size 64


Validity and trustability of instrument used 65


system of data donation and analysis 66




An overview 70


Data donation 70


data analysis 73


testing of thesis 75


Discussion of findings 82






Summary of findings 84


Conclusion 85


Recommendation 86


Suggestion for farther studies 87






Sample questionnaire


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


The effectiveness of an association is a function of advanced intellectual decision and quality force planning. It demand and knowledge to retain, elect and place an hand in the right position for an association to achieve the organizational objects. The proper operation of reclamation, selection and placement of programs in an association has been the major concern of utmost labor force directors.


The effect of reclamation, selection and placement of an hand in the right position in association can not be over emphasized. One of the test of an effective labor force department is its capability to fill job position instantly and adequately.


This means that the department must know the source of different type of aspirants for the job position that it has to fill.


Reclamation and selection alone aren’t the only vital rudiments generally used in the process of employment. After reclamation and selection have taken place, the job holders may either be transferred on training or not depending on the training demanded and of course the feasibility of training before being placed under reclamation, the internal source which is one of the most useful, through frequently neglected. Source of force reclamation policy is grounded on exercising present labor force through transfers, creation, recalls from lay off or withdrawal.


This as by matter of fact, reduced the cost spending in developing source of operations advertising in review, radio and TV etc. This source is known to be veritably dependable since it deals with workers whose capability is formerly known which eventually suits to association effectiveness.


In the discrepancy, having from outside may use to reduce the inbreeding frequently asserted with internal source. The external source deals with people who are current employed of the company. The people that fall under this order are under employed, jobless person, recently qualifies aspirants and displeased workers selection follows incontinently after reclamation.


As cited byC.C. Nwachukwu 1988, that placing an hand in a Job that isn’t good and make him of his natural satisfaction and makes him misdoubt his capability hence a trouble to himself the entire association. thus, labor force directors lesser care should taken by herring to force or mortal coffers conditions of colorful development and barring bras, favouritism and increase association effectiveness in wagonette of affair.


Statement Of Problems


· Poor system of reclamation and selection staff affecting organizational performance in African safely insurance company.


· indecorous policy perpetration hampering the functional performance of African Safely insurance company.


· indecorous placement of the workers at the right position in the organizational performance in African safely insurance company.


· The workers of the association aren’t duly placed at the right position at the right time.


Ideal Of The Study




The purpose of the study included the ensuing-


To know the effect of poor system of reclamation, selection and placement on organizational effectiveness.


ii. To expose the reason behind perpetration in African safety insurance company.


iii. To examine the system of reclamation and selection of staff and break it affects association performance in African safety insurance company.


iv. To find out why there’s indecorous placement of the workers at the right position in the association.


Exploration Question


are there goods of reclamation selection and placement on organizational effectiveness in African safety insurance company.


ii. Are there programs that problems in the functional performance of African safety insurance company.


iii. Are there goods of non placement of position and at the right time on the performance of the association.


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