Infrastructure is a global indicator of a country’s greatness and level of development. The stock of infrastructure assets has a positive impact on growth. Of all the development that has occurred in Nigeria since political independence, perhaps none has been more striking and fascinating than that in the area of Nigeria’s infrastructures process.

It defies observers’ imagination, in their opinion, that decades after Nigeria’s independence or political freedom from Britain, the government and its people continue to struggle with the twin problems of finding infrastructural development and imminent decay that sets in soon after they are commissioned for use.

Most countries around the world, particularly the less developed ones, have varying degrees of economic inequity, while urban areas benefit and prosper.

Indeed, the presence of political administration, infrastructural facilities, a high rate of poverty, ignorance, diseases, and a large number of people resulting from economic neglect rural urban migration is evident. There is no point in claiming that rural areas have adequate infrastructure.

Infrastructures are fundamental services that must be established in order for development to occur. The presence of social and economic infrastructures in Nigeria can facilitate and accelerate socioeconomic development at all levels. The country’s neglect of socioeconomic development has led to heart acting poverty, which has increased the poverty rate.

According to Busari Ayansola (2012), development will be very difficult if socioeconomic infrastructures are not in place, and infant can be compared to a very scarce commodity that can only be secured at a very high price.

price and cost.

Rural development necessitates adequate infrastructure provision. Because higher productivity and competitiveness necessitate a higher level of infrastructural provision, development is driven by infrastructural provision, with the goal of eradicating problems such as poverty, frustration, ignorance, diseases, crime, and rural urban migration, which dominates rural areas. Successive administrations have made some concerted effort toward rural infrastructure development to solve domestic socioeconomic problems, which has reflected in the main objectives of rural development in Nigeria.

It is clear that infrastructural development cannot be overlooked in Khana Local Government Area’s socioeconomic development. To demonstrate their standard of living and to improve their facilities.

According to Angaye (1995), development should be observed.

as improvement in the mental, physical, spiritual materials and more qualities of life, resulting from real income provision of food, shelter, education and reduction of poverty.

Based on the fact that infrastructure has become more important in national development, the research became interested in determining the effects of poor infrastructural facilities on the socioeconomic development of Khana Local Government Area.


Today, inadequate infrastructure is recognized as a problem. It is critical to understand that the majority of the poor live in rural areas, including Khana Local Government Area, which is characterized by a lack of or poor infrastructural facilities such as electricity and good roads, portable drinking water, a good communication system, health centers, leisure parks, and so on. In rural areas, the lack of facilities makes life miserable and unappealing. Because of the lack of facilities, there is massive rural-urban migration, mass death, and an increase in diseases of all kinds, resulting in low productivity and hindering socioeconomic development.

Due to a lack of transportation and communication, sources of income such as mat weaving, fishing, carving and tool making, taping, poultry, and small businesses

Small-scale businesses that, if pursued with zeal, could form the foundation of rural mini-industries have suffered. Craft trades and farming are left in the hands of the elderly and infirm, who lack the capacity, skills, and energy to convert them into resource revenue earners.

Poor health centers and leisure parks have also increased mortality rates, depression, poor health, and emotional imbalance, all of which shorten people’s lives.

Poor infrastructure has hampered development in other sectors of Nigeria’s economy, including politics, medicine, education, and agriculture.

There are insufficient infrastructure facilities in Khana Local Government Area, and no more significant effort has been made by the government, non-governmental organizations, and concerned citizens to provide much needed infrastructure in most rural areas of Nigeria.


The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of poor infrastructure on the socioeconomic development of Khana Local Government Area. The specific objectives of this study are to determine in order to achieve this goal.

The impact of infrastructure facilities on socioeconomic development.

The government’s effort to provide infrastructural facilities in Khana Local Government Area.

The effects of inadequate infrastructure on the socioeconomic development of Khana Local Government Area.


The significance of the research study cannot be overstated. As a result, the study is carried out in a way that the results will serve as a reference point for future researchers who have access to it.

It will also provide sociologists, rural planners, and non-governmental organizations with the opportunity to recognize the potentially enormous contributions of rural areas to the overall development of society.

The study will help us understand the importance of infrastructure in the socioeconomic lives of our people, particularly in Khana Local Government Area.

The study will also raise awareness of the consequences of poor facilities in Khana Local Government Area.


This study focused on the effect of poor infrastructural facilities on the socioeconomic development of Khana Local Government Area in Rivers State.

Its content, however, is limited to inadequate infrastructure in rural areas, particularly in Khana Local Government Area. The researcher became interested in this research topic after learning about the consequences of a lack of infrastructure in the Local Government Area.


There are questions raised by the researcher with the expectation of receiving answers that will lead to the solution of the research study (Uwazie, 2008). Based on the above viewpoint, this study raised the following research question to guide the study.

What infrastructure is required for the socio-economic development of Khana Local Government Area?

What are the consequences of Khana Local Government Area’s inadequate infrastructure?

What role do infrastructure facilities play in the socioeconomic development of Khana Local Government Area?


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