The Impact Of Staffs Development In Effective Management Of Government Parastatals Of Nepa District


Chapter One


Background Of The Study


Tuoyo( 1982) refocused out the electricity occupies a strategic position in the social and artificial development or any country and in indeed any company n artificial age,. he further affirmed that without electricity, profitable and artificial conditioning might be paralyzed. The National electricity pot ofNigeriaand the Niger Dams Authority development and allocation inNigeria. NEPA there frontward , constitutes for the purpose of developing the vastNigeriafor the purpose of development the vastNigeria primary electricity coffers as consumers.


The demand for electricity force is rated advanced than the force handed by NEPA. This has led to, the irregular force of electricity handed by NEPA inNigeriaespecially atEnugudistrict. The significance of electricity is similar more appreciated, when one realizes that all- manufacturing processes on whatever scale requires electric current. In fact, it can it be stated that in utmost cases, other sectors of the frugality calculate on the available of the electricity for its actuality t and surval. NEPA was thus, established to operate with a focus on social, profitable and political ideal which are anticipated to be met contemporaneously. A critical examination of those objects shows that there are conflicts in their contemporaneous fulfillment. For illustration, resource rallying announcement profit generation objects are pure profitable pretensions, which concentrate focus on equity principle a purely social thing. The combination and performance of these pretensions with spurious adjustment and eventually stifling clerical comfort especially on pricing investment and administration decision produce serious operation, functional and organizational problem. These problems have reflected in the poor fiscal returns to investment in NEPA and also quality of institutional performance in terms of electricity force distribution network system, irregular cadence reading and billing illegal connection, consecutive product cost irregular outfit, servicing and conservation.


operation must laboriously plan now for change and the effect of change( Thomas, 1985). New technology, trends in design, new consumer services, fashions in product, changes in labour request, competition among other must have to be planned for to be suitable to survive technological change of this information and age( livy, 1988). Peter sheal and weatherman( 1982) averred that moment, we’re replacing the directors as order giver, with the director as d rally, acclimatize, and a trainer. The order giver, director have all the answer and tell every one what to do. While the manger, or acclimatize know how to draw the answer out of those who know them stylish or the people doing the job. This is what Naissbitt and cornucopia( 1990). Described as the necessary principles for co-operation. Co-production and cross-pollination of ideas and exchange of conformation and moxie. They Further affirmed that the attendant impact of the below necessary principle include to stimulate workers to embark on change to discover the capabilities essential in their lives as man and apply those implicit to come more althonomous, to encourage workers towards action in form of open expression grounded on critical view of ideas and interest. Sheal( 1992) noted that there are four reasons why staff training has come more important in the growth and development of the present society. These four reasons include


Completion and request pressure for enhancement in the quality of products and services. Rapid change in technology and the job people do.


Changes in the work force composition and prospects.


Immediate long – term chops, dearths. With accelerating changes in technology and system numerous traditional artificial and pastoral jobs have changed, radically or come obsolete. Golds with and Buck( 1985) opened that new jobs have been created particular in the service and information grounded diligence. United state labour Department( 1987) cited that an average American entering the work force moment will change career at least three time during his working life a analogous situation applies to European workers who are now facing the increased Labour mobility and skill demands generated by single request. The farther made it clear that in order to manage with these changes, people need movable chops that will keep them exploitable when their current job change or evaporate. When association novitiate workers, they may have the skill and experience to do the job but as work terrain and job changes, they need to up data theirskills.However, do n’t have openings for training, retraining and development the( they and) their skill can come obsolete, If workers. Dore( 1976) openings for training and streamlining their diligence will come obsolete. Callaway( 1984) stressed that technological development have led to a high chance of chops and knowledge grounded jobs a lesser demand for professed workers. He also editorialized that there’s problem for countries likeNigeria, unlikeFrancethat has 80 percent professed workers, Haly 78 percent andGermany67 percent. These numbers according to peter sheal( 1992) explains why developing countries similar asNigerhave veritably high severance, this lack of professed workers has limited business expansion and the use of new technology and product ways. In the once people anticipated their education and training to last for time. Now it’s only a introductory foundation for a persons working life the recrimination is that need constant education and training moment to enable him develop as to suitable to acquire commission necessary as a mean reconsidering, the movements for conforming to the changing technology in Nigeria, the adding proportion of directorial, administrative and professional workers in the work force has led to a lesser demand or professional development lesser demand or professional development openings. This in turn has encouraged a demand from all situations of staffs for increased training and development. nothing want to be obsolete in his career. Beeker and Tobia( 1990) affirmed that increase in recognition that only quality products and services. numerous association are introducing quality operation and quality assurance programmes which requires the co-operation involvement and retraining of the work force it they’re to be successful staft training and development are honored as the primary means for achieving the demanded better quality products and service needed to contend in the world requests.


The idea that directors and administrators should be responsible for training and developing their staff is still fairly new but fleetly gaining influences. Sheal( 1992) presented some reasons for training of staff for perfecting performances as follows that leadership means impacting the geste of other staff appreciatively that’s by helping them to ameliorate their knowledge and chops. Problems. In short, poor communication among staff, lack of training or immature stations. By icing that you staff are trained and helped to develop their skill you can be on the way of success. numerous associations are encouraging their staff to come visionary and less regulatory. Decision- timber is being pushed down the line, with further emphasis being placed together in brigades and assuming lesser responsibility. Staff training and development is one as pect of this visionary approach to operation and one way of generating further action and inflexibility in your people. No braining is valuefree.However, feel disappointed and frustrated when they return to their job, If the introductory values and gospel of training aren’t those of the work place and conflict with other workers.


Involving conditioning affiliated training and development include


Agitating future, work with your workers.


Ii Introducing a new staff to the department


Iii Getting one staff to show another how to do commodity.


Iv Conducting staff meeting


V Delegating


Vi guiding one staff and furnishing companion line


Vi Conducting a performance review meeting Bennett,( 1989) and nonhunter( 1990), Bucklay and string 1990 averred that the topmost problem in developing countries is wrong station to work both directors and administrator who feel they’re the Boss( nascence and omega) while others are waiters to them. Sheal and Austin( 1989) assumed up that staff training and development is face to face leadership that pulls together people with interests, encourage them to step up to responsibility and continued achievement and treats as full gauged mates and contributors. still, it are ground of fraud, moral Laxity, set up in Electricity pot of Nigeria( ECN) and the Niger Dams Authority( NEPA). Also, there has been retrenchment and pitfalls to retrenchment. Despite sweats made in staff training and development in NEPA Enugu has gone. This is because of the nature of the job and demand on the staff at any time. It’s to find out the applicable of other people views and particular experience on staff training that motivated the exploration to take to this study.


Statement Of The Problem




The problems of this study include


How acceptable or shy the coffers mortal andnon-human available encourage staff training in NEPA, Enugu.


Difficulties in understanding the extent NEPA’s ideal are achieved.


How the mileage suitable training will meet the requirements of the staff of NEPA, Enugu.


How political and leadership style staff training programmes in NEPA.


Purpose Of The Study


The problem of this study includes the following


Catching on the acceptability of resource of resource of NEPA.


Determining the extent the object are achieved.


Catching on how the training scheme meet the staff needs and the relation boat with the job on return.


Determining how political or leadership style affect staff training programmers in the NEPA.


Exploration Questions


To guide this study four inquiries were formulates follows


To what are the extents of resource acceptability for NEPA staff training for bettered out put?


What are the extents to which the objects of staff development in NEPA Enugu are be achieved?


How does the available training meet the requirements of the staff with applicability to their Job?


How does political and leadership style affect staff training programmes in NEPA?


Compass Of The Study


The compass of this study is limited to public electric power authority. The main focus of the study borders on coffers, objective training needs it applicability to job on return and leadership style impact of their training programme.




1 the result of this study would help exposes the position of resource available for the perpetration of staff training scheme.


Also, it would help the NEPA estimate the history and if possible make amend where necessary.


The result would help the operation of NEPA to see the extent their main objects are being achieved.


This finding would also produce the base that would give a focus that if staff training opinions are grounded on policy and produce, NEPA are likely to be made better and further provident.


It’s hoped that the result of the study would produce base that would grease the understanding of need for change and plan a head for the effect.


It’s also anticipated that the result would help suggest systems approach to operation. This involves planning, organizing staffing controlling andco-ordinating for lesser result of workers productivity


The History Of Nepa


Electric power development inNigeriastarted towards the ending time of the last century when the first generating factory was installed in the megacity ofLagosin 1898.


From this data onwards and until 1950, the pattern of electricity development was in the form of individual electricity undertaking set- at colorful municipalities, some of them by the civil government under the governance of the public works department, some by the Native Authorities and one or two large external authorities.


Electricity Corporation ofNigeriain1950, in order to integrate power development and make it effective, the government passed the electricity pot ofNigeriaordinance No 15 of 1950. constitution brought under one control the electricity undertaking section of the public work department and all those undertaking which were beneath Native Authority or external power and control.


The electricity pot of Nigeria, generally appertained to as ”E.C.N ” also come the statutory body respond for generation, transmission, distribution and deals of electricity to all consumers in Nigeria.




The Niger Dam Authority was established by an act of congress in 1962.


The authority was responsible for the construction and conservation of heads and other work on the riverNigerand away generating electricity by means of water perfecting tar and promoting fisheries and irrigation. Construction of kanji levee which began in March 1964 was completed on schedule in December, 1968.




In September, 1969 the civil military government decided to combine the electricity pot ofNigeriaand the heads


Authority into a single body. A time latterly, a( Canadian establishment of advisers “ Shawmut limited, was submitted in November, 1971.


By Decree No 24 of29th June 1972( which came effective from Ist April 1972) the electricity pot of Nigeria(E.C.N) theNigerdams authority(N.D.A) were intermingled to come the public electric power authorityN.E.P.A).


The factual junction didn’t take place until6th January 1973when a general director was appointed. The decree stipulates that the authority is to develop and maintain and effectiveco-ordinated and provident system of electricity force for all corridor of the confederation.


The affairs of the authority are run by a nine member board whose members and president were appointed by the civil government. The authority is also responsible to the civil government through the federalministry of mines and power. The board is to lay down the policy of the authority and the principal superintendent( general manage) sees to it that all opinions of the board are efficiently executed.




To some people, NEPA appears not so effective being wholly staffed and run byNigeria. Our end in this pamplet is to present NEPA as it really is, to limelight out sweats and also pinpoints out lapses.


The decree which establish NEPA in1972 stipulates that it should develop and maintain and effective,co-ordinated and provident system of electricity force for all corridor of Nigeria. In other countries the electricity


authority is informed about systems at the planning stage but in about systems at the planning stage but in Nigeria NEPA only get to know when design are about to be commissioned at perform cautions.


NEPA thus has no choice but to accommodate the performing increase in power demand in that area.




NEPA was created as a junction of the former electricity pot of Nigeria( ECN) which was substantially responsible for distribution and deals are the formerNigerdams authority( NDA) created to make and run generating station and transmission lines. The associations were primarily for the ensuing reason


it would affect in the vasting of the product and it distribution of electricity power force throughout the country in one association which will assume responsibility for the fiscal obligation and


The integrate of the ECN and NDA should affect in the more effective application of the mortal fiscal and other resource available to the electricity force assiduity throughout the country.




The public electricity power authority has decentralized its distribution division. To this end the country has been divided into five operating directorate these areLagosdirectorate withLagosas head office.


The distribution function of NEPA is carred out in every state by the directors of distribution who has delegated powers. Eg the quarter director has delegated power to carred out their normal duties of effective operation.


Force deficit


deficit of trained force is clearly one of the problem which NEPA has to contend. As it’s generally known, it takes time for a professional complete mastermind. The authority is planning to expand the training center inLagosby moving at to a new point a long badagry cargo.


The authority and the public as for the authority response to public review of its performances public review by itself is accessible because of the veritably nature of electrical energy product and deals. habituated every nanosecond of the 24 hours in a day, electricity affects nearly every hand of our diurnal lives. By public review of NEPA is substantially unconstructive and surely frustrating to serving staff.


No. of staff trained developed in the past3/ 4/ 5 yrs.


2002- 478 Ogui/ Abakpa B/ U


2003- 509


2004- 307


2005- 342


Other statistical information( attached)


Manpower state origin distribution statistic.


Manpower force statistics


Summary of force statistics




correctional action


Transfer( in & out)




Transport position


It’s hoped that the result of the study would help in retaining professed and experience directors proper mortal gyration to insure top-down and down- over communication to avaricious dubitation distrust conflict and frustration. It’s also hoped that finding of this study would produce the demanded mindfulness for active planning for change and the effect of change. This would help NEPA to enage cost effective short and long- term gambles using right smarts and right hands. The result would help NEPA to assess their overall performance, for revision adaptation and stabilization. Eventually, this study would serve as work or reference to unborn experimenters.

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