Education is a tool for the long-term development of any economy (Olomukoro, 2012). Over the last two decades, there have been calls for women to play a more active role in ensuring a country’s long-term development. Despite the fact that a study discovered that roughly two-thirds of women are illiterate, and the same is true for female dropouts. However, in order to contribute to long-term development, women (females) must have a high-quality education. Fortunately, females make up a larger proportion of Nigeria’s population; as a result, women must be literate in order to participate in the country’s development (UNESCO, 2002). This brings us to the realization that if half of a country’s population (females) is discriminated against or uneducated, the country’s long-term development will suffer. be harmed. As the adage goes, “if you train a lady, you train the nation.” Educating a country’s ladies is one way to invest in that country’s future. Women will actively participate in the country’s social, political, and economic development on a national and international level if certain restrictions are lifted (Okojie, 2011). Based on traditional Nigerian beliefs, females were previously stereotyped as always being in the kitchen, preventing them from working in other areas of the economy. Despite this limitation, women fought to participate in the country’s economic realm, working in agriculture at a higher rate than men (Ponte, 2006). Women’s discrimination has resulted in poverty, denying them access to education, training, and health care. The realm of Education is one of the most visible areas of discrimination against women, owing to their lack of access to education. Women have been shown to contribute to the nation’s socioeconomic development through excellent education and empowerment (Adeniran, 2009). Against this backdrop, efforts to increase female education have been made in Nigeria in recent years. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Nigeria’s south and north have launched campaigns to promote female education and persuade state governments in the north to support female education. One of the campaign’s positive outcomes is the establishment of girls’ schools throughout the country. Despite these critical indicators, female education continues to lag behind male education. Many Women have not been sufficiently empowered to participate in national development; they are still traumatized, and as a result, women account for nearly 70% of the 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty (Onwubiko, 2012). Poverty means that these women’s basic needs are unmet, their voices are silenced, opportunities are denied, and their rights are violated. One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) went a step further, emphasizing the importance of women’s education through empowerment of women. Nigeria’s National Policy on Women was established in 2000 with the goal of increasing female participation in the country’s social and political arenas in order to achieve national development (Olomukoro, 2012). Despite the fact that traditional Nigerian culture discourages female education, the existence of

Civilization (formal education) is assisting in filling the void, allowing women to enter the labor force in the country. This study focuses on female education, which is critical to Nigeria’s development. This study emphasizes the significance of female education in the long-term development of Nigeria.


Female education has been a hot topic on both the national and international stage for more than two decades (Oyitso, 2010). A number of factors impede this impact, including: Poverty and economic issues: Due to Nigeria’s high level of poverty, female adolescents are occasionally sent to hawk in order to support the family’s basic needs. Cultural and religious prejudices: Many Nigerian parents believe that sending their daughters to school is a waste of money, and

Only boys should be admitted. Furthermore, when it comes to female education, some Islamic parents misunderstand the concept of Islam. Early Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy: Many parents believe that education is unnecessary for their female offspring, so they marry them off when they are young.

Adolescent pregnancy also causes girls to drop out of school. These are some of the difficulties associated with female education in Nigeria.


The primary goal of the study is Female Education in Nigeria: The Key to Development. Other specific objectives include:

i. Examining the strong relationship between female education and Nigeria’s GDP.

ii. To identify the barriers to female education in Nigeria.

iii. Make recommendations for improving female education in Nigeria.

iv. Determine how effective

In Nigeria, the media has been instrumental in promoting female education.

v. Determine the percentage of educated Nigerian women.


The following research questions will guide this study:

i. What is the significant relationship between female education and Nigeria’s GDP?

What are the challenges to female education in Nigeria?

iii. What are your recommendations for improving female education in Nigeria?

iv. How effective is the media in Nigeria in promoting female education?

v. What percentage of Nigerian women are educated?


The purpose of this research is to educate, inform, and enlighten the general public, government officials, and policymakers about the importance of female education in achieving national development. Its goal is to raise funds.

Parents are becoming more aware of the importance of sending their female children to school. The study’s goal is to remind the Nigerian government of its responsibility to ensure female education in the country. Females should be required to attend school in Nigeria, and this should be made a legal requirement. This study will be extremely helpful to other researchers who want to learn more about this topic, and it may also be used by non-researchers to supplement their own work. This study contributes to the body of knowledge and could serve as a model for future research.


This study focuses on female education in Nigeria, which is critical to the country’s development. Hence,

A sample of secondary schools in Kaduna State will be taken.


FEMALE EDUCATION: This term refers to any type of education that aims to improve the knowledge and skills of women and girls. General education in schools and colleges, vocational and technical education, professional education, health education, and other forms of education are all covered. There are two types of education for women: literary education and non-literary education.

DEVELOPMENT: The process by which someone or something grows, changes, and improves.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): UNESCO is a specialized United Nations (UN) organization headquartered in Paris. Its stated goal is to strengthen global respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms.

rights, as well as the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the UN Charter.

The MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs) are a program of the United Nations. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were a set of eight global development goals established following the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000 and the adoption of the Millennium Declaration.



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