The Level Of Microbial Contamination Of Yoghurts


Chapter One


Yoghurt is a artistic journal product produced by lactic turmoil of milk( Hui, 1992). Yoghurt is produced by the controlled turmoil of milk by two species of bacteria; Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Strptococcus thermophilus. These two species of bacteriae have now been established as the yoghurt starters. Any kind of milk may be used to make yoghurt, but ultramodern product is dominated by cow milk. It’s the turmoil of the milk sugar( Lactose) into lactic acid that gives yoghurt its gel- suchlike texture and characteristics tang( Davis, 1974). Milk is frequently regarded as being nature’s most complete food. It earns this character by furnishing numerous of the nutrients which are essential for the growth of the mortal body. It’s an excellent source of protein, vitamins, minerals particularly calcium and also someanti-bacterial substances similar as lysozyme, ladoferin( transferin) and lactoperoxidases. In addition to the major element, milk contains a large quantum of lactose sugar, phosphate, peptone and nitrogenbase enzyme( Clurance etal., 1963). Yoghurt has virtually the same food value as the introductory milk product( Ruud and Bert, 2004). instigated milk products similar as yoghurt contain bacteria from the lactobacilli group. These bacteria do naturally in the digestive tract and have a sanctification and mending effect. thus, the preface of fermented products like yoghurt into the diet can help help certain pathogenic bacteria, which may beget illness. numerous people suffer from a condition known as “ LACTOSE dogmatism ”. This means that they’re unfit to digest the milk sugar( lactose). similar people can still, tolerate milk if it’s instigated to produce foods similar as yoghurt. During turmoil, lactic acid producing bacteria breakdown lactose and in doing so exclude the cause of vexation( Ruud and Bert, 2004). In countries where food borne illness are delved and proved, the relative significance of pathogens like Staphylococcu aureus and Escherichia coli in yoghurt borne infection is well known( Obende, 1999). Diary foods are constantly defiled with staphylococci and cases of staphylococcal impurity of milk and milk products like yoghurt have been recorded( Umoh etal., 1985). further than 50 of the strains ofS. aureus are suitable to produce enterotoxin associated with food poisoning. The most important source of impurity byS. aureus is the mortal.( Payre and Wood, 1974). The coli forms bacteria are also reported to be pollutants of yoghurt. The study of Obende,( 1999) shows that 60 of yoghurt samples anatomized in Enugu Urban are defiled with coli forms. The source of impurity of coli forms bacteria is through water used or through the workers or instrument used in processing( Gillies and Bodds, 1973). Interestingly, utmost of the yoghurts are produced in little lower than the cabin diligence at grange position under different brand names and are set up in booths, or further generally peddled along the thoroughfares, motor premises and in the request. In view of this, the ideal of this study was to probe the position of microbial impurity of yoghurts vended in Enugu Urban.


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