The study looked at the impact of sexual harassment and social intelligence on the social interactions of serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State, using three universities as a case study. The survey design and purposive sample technique were used to recruit 450 students from all departments and levels for the study. The data was collected from the respondents using a well-designed questionnaire that was shown to be valid and reliable. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to assess the data collected during the administration of the questionnaires.

The findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between sexual harassment and social interaction (r=0.772; p0.05); a significant relationship between social intelligence and social interaction (r=.896; p0.05); and a significant relationship between social intelligence and social interaction (r=.896; p0.05).

(r=0.772; p0.05) Sexual harassment, social intelligence, and social interaction

Sexual harassment and social intelligence have a considerable impact on the social interactions of serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos, according to the findings.

According to the findings, Nigerian universities should have policies against sexual harassment. Students are being made more aware of what constitutes sexual harassment. Discussion on sexual harassment in an open forum; Every secondary school should have a guidance and counseling department, which should be led by a licensed counsellor. In order to avoid student abuse, students should be suitably compensated through appealing counseling programs and packages.




Individuals and groups of individuals adjust their actions and reactions as a result of engaging with others in a dynamic series of social actions (Okpe, 2012). According to Bales (2007), the majority of social interaction consists of people chatting when they are together. The fulcrum of social contact is either talk or conservation. Humans rarely study social interaction as an object of study in and of itself since it is such an integral element of how they think. The social exchange between two or more individuals is referred to as social structure. Because these interactions represent the foundation of social organization, they are an important subject of basic social inquiry and analysis. The study of social interaction is possible.

Serially frustrated students, to put it simply, are individuals who have been frustrated on a regular basis. Frustration emerges when there is a perceived barrier to an individual’s will being carried out, and it is most likely to rise when a will is hindered or denied. The result of severe rage, disappointment, and dissatisfaction is serial frustration (Zhou, 2010). Students who are frequently frustrated have a poor academic record. This occurs because these students are compelled to act in ways that are contrary to their wishes.

In every human society where opposite sex interacts, some level of sexual attraction is expected. When this occurs, mutual interest and reciprocal response defines a civilized and socially acceptable sexual behavior. Sexual harassment is one of the social vices that have captured.  In Nigerian higher education institutions, this deviant behavior has become the standard. According to Taiwo and Omole (2014), sexual harassment is uninvited, undesired, and unwanted sexual intercourse from another individual. This includes any inappropriate sexual overture, subtle and unsubtle persistent behavior, assault, and sexual abuse that is expressed physically, verbally, or nonverbally, and is usually directed at a less privileged person by someone with a higher power. According to a study conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Human Rights, victims of sexual harassment experience anger, annoyance, and embarrassment. Furthermore, one out of every three sexual harassment victims is terrified, and one out of every five victims is ashamed as a result of the incident. Sexual harassment makes people depressed.


Assault, subordination, compulsion, discrimination, and victimization are all linked to sexual harassment. Sexual harassment has an emotional impact on its victims because it changes their psychological makeup. Sexual harassment is a widespread problem in tertiary institutions around the world, though to varying degrees. In Nigeria, the government and school authorities take a lighthearted approach to the problem. There is no concrete legislation in place to punish sexual harassment perpetrators. Sexual harassment victims choose to remain silent because they know their lawsuit would be dropped later. Victims of sexual harassment frequently live in isolation, suffering from aches, resentment, sadness, and frustration because they desire to keep the matter hidden. As a result, the quality of their social interactions is frequently compromised. Sexual harassment frequently devastates relationships. Social intelligence is a crucial ability that can assist pupils in dealing with the demanding nature of academics. Students that are socially intelligent are more likely to blend non-academic interests with academics while still excelling in both. Furthermore, being socially intelligent not only aids students in learning but also allows them to be more expressive and articulate in their interactions with others. To the best of the researcher’s knowledge, no studies examining the relationship between sexual harassment, social intelligence, and social interaction have been conducted. To that end, the research looks into the impact of sexual harassment and social intelligence on the social interactions of serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State.


The study’s main goal is to look into the effects of sexual harassment and social intelligence on serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State’s social interactions. The study’s specific goals are as follows:

The purpose of this study was to see how serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State felt about sexual harassment and how it affected their social interactions.

The purpose of this study was to see how serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State perceived the impact of social intelligence on their social interactions.

The purpose of this study was to look into the impact of sexual harassment and social intelligence on serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos.


The study aims to find out the truth about the following research questions:

To what extent does sexual harassment influence the social interactions of serially dissatisfied Lagos State undergraduates?

How well does social intelligence predict the social interactions of serially dissatisfied Lagos State undergraduates?

To what extent do sexual harassment and social intelligence predict serially frustrated undergraduates’ social interactions in Lagos State?


The following hypotheses are thus formulated based on the study’s objectives. They’re stated in their simplest form, which is null.

The social interaction of serially dissatisfied undergraduates in Lagos State is not considerably influenced by sexual harassment.

The social interaction of serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State is not significantly predicted by social intelligence.

The social interaction of serially frustrated undergraduates in Lagos State is unaffected by sexual harassment or social intelligence.


Students, school officials, counselors, and future researchers will benefit from this research. The study aids students in comprehending the concept and consequences of sexual harassment. It also teaches students how to deal with sexual harassment if they come across it. It also shows students how to use their social intelligence to improve their social interaction skills. The report reveals the trend of sexual harassment in colleges and how legislation might be passed to decrease the prevalence of sexual harassment in Nigerian institutions to the minimal minimum, according to school officials. Counselors will benefit from this research since it will enable them to better assist students who are experiencing academic frustration, sexual harassment, low social intelligence, and social interaction. The research


The study looks at how serially dissatisfied undergraduates in Lagos State evaluate the consequences of sexual harassment and social intelligence on their social interactions. The study looks at the University of Lagos, Lagos State University, and Caleb University, all of which are located in Lagos State. Each university selects 60 female undergraduates. As a result, the study’s sample size is 180 female students. Female undergraduates are given priority since they are more vulnerable to sexual harassment than their male counterparts.


Perceived: This denotes awareness or consciousness of something or someone.

Sexual Harassment: This refers to any unwanted and unwelcomed sexual verbal or physical behavior directed at a less-advantaged individual by someone in a position of authority (from a lecturer to a student).


Individuals’ capacity to get along with others and work cooperatively with others is referred to as social intelligence.


Frustration is an emotion or expression of irritation and anguish caused by an inability to modify or achieve anything.


Social interaction is the act of talking with others, either verbally or nonverbally, as well as reacting to events in one’s environment.


Undergraduate: A university student enrolled in a degree program.

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