
The problems and prospects of the anti-student housing problem in IMT are the subject of this paper. The purpose of choosing this topic is to draw attention to the issues of IMT dormitory students. These problems have damaged the school’s reputation and encouraged parents and guardians to keep their children in school longer. These problems also affect the academic performance of students and cause schools to produce mediocre graduates. Governments need to make sure this problem is resolved for a better future.

This write up divided into three chapter the first chapter introduced the general background of the students matter, problems importance and definition of the terms.

Chapter two discussed on the literature review which includes the school of through and different methods of studying the problems.

Finally, chapter three is the conclusion where data presentation and analysis . Recommendations and references were made




1.0 Background of the study

1.1 Purpose of the study

1.2 Statement of problem

1.3 Objective of the study

1.4 Significance of the study Research questions

1.5 Research questions


Literature Review


3.0 Research methodology

3.1 Research design

3.2 Areas of the study

3.3 Population of the study

3.4 Sample size

3.5 Administration of the instrument

3.6 Method of data Analysis


4.0 Presentation analysis and interpretation of data

4.1 Summary of results


5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Discussion of result findings

5.2 Recommendations

5.3 Conclusion

5.4 Limitation of the study





The establishment of the institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu, there existed a college of technology up till 1967, also in existence at then were the institute of administration and the cooperative college. Unfortunately, none of this institution was able to meet up to the standard of an average higher institution of learning of course; most of their courses were limited to civil servants. Additionally, no certificate beyond the Ordinary Diploma (OND) can be awarded.

In an attempt to rectify this and improve and perhaps bring the courses offered by the aforementioned institutions to an acceptable standard, the Listed Ukpani Ashika government in April 1972 merged the former Technical College into the Administration College. did.

However, the merger of the two sister schools failed to meet both state and national needs. The Eastern Central State Administration, which took control in October 1972, was responsible for the structure of government, the proper structure of highly qualified technicians and autonomous bodies producing technical personnel, Established an interim council to make professional management decisions. needs of the nation.

As a result, on May 31, 1973, Decree No. 1973 was promulgated entitled The Association of Management Techniques Decree. This compilation was published on July 1, 1973 and gave birth to what is now known as the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Enugu. 1.1 Research background

By definition, a hostel is a building that provides cheap meals and accommodation to students, but unfortunately in Nigerian universities…that never seems to be the case. This was the reason for researching this topic. This study is related to higher education institutions, but has a special relationship with the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Enugu.

The lack of hostel accommodation has been found to be detrimental to the renewal of quality and standard education in Nigeria, universities and colleges. Our mission is to find bugs and problems. Additionally, there are other issues that prompted me to do research on this topic.

Student involvement in armed robbery
student involvement in prostitution
High student disobedience rate due to not living in an academic environment.
Purpose of research

One of the problems associated with this issue is that students in higher education institutions are deprived of their sociological and psychological needs due to poor dormitory accommodation. Being able to confine a student to one of her rooms creates an emotional distress for the student as it guarantees so much privacy.

In addition, students’ academic pursuits are impeded, and currently students pay less attention to their studies. For example, in I.M.T, this institution has two campuses, and some of the students remaining in campus two have to risk their lives to move to other campuses. Not only that, students spend a lot of money on transportation and education, and the understanding that students are supposed to get from the school itself is partly used as an office to stay at the institute. Some rooms are vacant, which is wasted due to poor management and negatively affects students’ academic pursuits.


This study, with particular reference to the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Enugu, addresses the problem posed by poor residential accommodation as it affects the quality of education in higher education institutions. These are:

Students are deprived of their privacy and cannot concentrate on their studies. Students pay less attention to their studies and spend more time earning money.

Cultism seeks to deprive us of the academic activities that are supposed to take place in schools, like most students who remain in school.

Purpose of research

Overall, the accommodation offers reasonable comfort and relaxation regardless of type or shape. To ensure this, they may not be able to provide adequate housing and certain basic recreational facilities such as running water, library centers, etc. Unfortunately, not all, if not all higher education institutions in Nigeria , lacking some of these basic facilities and infrastructure.

The school, being more progressive and nationally known, had room to create more departments, paving the way for student intake and the recruitment of more staff.

the importance of studying

This project is particularly important for tertiary service leaders and authorities, as it will help identify the causes and consequences of accommodation problems, as well as suggest how best to address them. In particular, the way in which researchers get to the root of causes and effects and eradicate them before they can make recommendations is to warn governments too early, to intervene precisely, and to adequately solve the problem of student poor academic performance. I will change it into a policy.

Research question:

Does the IMT have enough space for students?

Does inadequate hostel accommodation affect students’ study habits?

Does the lack of dormitory accommodation contribute to unnecessary exposure of IMT students to sugar daddies and landlords?

Student prefers that she be housed on two campuses? Due to housing issues, do IMT students spend most of their money on other secure housing?


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